5,324 search results for “alle” in the Staff website
Alumnus Adrian Young gives lecture on cultural heritage to AHK students
On Monday 9 May, IIASL alumnus Adrian Young gave a very satisfying cross-disciplinary session between law and the arts, on the preservation of heritage in space.
Transition of the Scientific Director Position from Hubertus Irth to Miranda van Eck
On August 22nd, 2024, the LACDR reflected on the transition of the Scientific Director Position from Hubertus Irth to Miranda van Eck. Hubertus Irth’s second term as Scientific Director ended on September 1. From this date, Miranda van Eck took over the role of Scientific Director of LACDR.
How do you keep ex-offenders on the straight and narrow?
Since reintegration officer Bart Reedijk started work in Dordrecht three years ago, ex-convicts in that municipality have reoffended a lot less often. There is much interest in Reedijk's method throughout the Netherlands, but experts have reservations.
Call for digital media arts: What voices speak in your campus?
Archaeology students invited for Bystander Intervention & Consent trainings
Podcast: A changing view on psychedelics
We talk with Michiel van Elk, about his research into mapping what effects psychedelics have on the human brain and what this means for the possible clinical application of these drugs. The cognitive psychologist shares his findings with a sober view, bringing critics and fanatics closer together for…
Take a (lunch)byte out of spring!
Purple Friday 2023: join us and wear purple
Join the first Social Safety Dialogue Session
Human resources, Security
- Bastiaan Rijpkema Wetenschappelijk directeur Metajuridica
Anna-Alexandra Marhold in Dutch newspaper NRC: ‘The export ban on chips against China cannot be justified’
Chip war export restrictions for ASML are most likely in conflict with the Word Trade Organisation’s regulations, claims Anna-Alexandra Marhold. China will certainly contest them.
Check your timetable and room availability in MyTimetable
Education, ICT, Organisation
Podcast: Starting a career in Psychology
We talk with Sophia Dittmar about starting a career in Psychology. Dittmar is currently studying the master's specialisation in Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University. We talk about what she learned from her internship, why she switched masters and how to get the most out of an internship.…
- KNIR Online Open Day
Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about resilience and public engagement on Dutch radio
In a one-hour interview on Dutch radio programme Sleutelstad, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about her research into the role friendships in adolescents' well-being, the resilience paradox and the role of social, hormonal and genetic factors in stress-levels and resilience.
PhD Introductory Course on Drug Research
At the end of February, we had the PhD Introductory Course on Drug Research for starting PhD candidates from LACDR. This 3-days event took place at Castle Oud Poelgeest, a great location to be completely out of the work environment. We welcomed 30 PhD candidates, with whom we had an inspiring and…
- Invitation: Walk-in sessions on financial developments within the faculty
Need help with your text for the prospectus? Drop by at SEEDS!
Applications open for LUF project grants 2024: submit your proposal by 29 January
Education, Research
Leiden University fifth in SustainaBul sustainability ranking
Leiden University has secured fifth place in SustainaBul, the sustainability ranking for universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands.
New course evaluation system for Archaeology
LACDR PhD Introductory Course on Drug research
Due to the great influx of PhD candidates, we had the pleasure to organize a 2nd PhD Introductory Course on Drug research this year. From November 4- 6, we welcomed 30 participants for this 3-days event, which took place at Castle Oud Poelgeest.
LACDR Spring symposium 2024
It was great to welcome so many colleagues at the LACDR Spring Symposium! After an inspiring lecture by Dr. Avinash Patel from Dewpoint Therapeutics, nine PhD speakers from LACDR, LIC, CHDR and LUMC-KFT gave presentations on a wide range of pharma-related topics. These speakers competed for first place.…
Consequences of fire and power cut at Leiden Bio Science Park
Open Doors Day: a moment to meet each other
During the Week Against Loneliness, we ask staff to (symbolically) open their doors, especially those such as lecturers and student advisers who work with students.
Opening and closing times during the holiday season
Koenraad Schalm new Programme Director of the Physics master
Koenraad Schalm will be the new programme director of the Physics master starting 1 November. He has been appointed for a period of four years. Schalm succeeds Ana Achúcarro who has held the position since 2021.
Can non-vaccinated persons soon be barred?
Private businesses will probably soon refuse access to non-vaccinated persons in the near future. But this is more difficult when it comes to public amenities. Aart Hendriks, Professor of Health Law at Leiden Law School, contributed to an article in Dutch newspaper NRC saying that he anticipates that…
IIASL alumni receive awards from the International Institute of Space Law
The International Astronautical Congress (IAC) that took place last week in Paris was extremely successful for IIASL.
Gerrard Boot and Yvonne Erkens organise annual EALCJ conference
The conference of the European Association of Labour Court Judges (EALCJ) took place in Leiden from 8 to 10 June 2023. The EALCJ is an association of judges from all EU countries, which provides its members with a forum to exchange knowledge on (European) labour law and its application in the different…
Professor Marja Spierenburg in the House of Representatives of The Netherlands
On 15 June 2022 Professor Anthropology of Sustainability and Livelihood Marja Spierenburg was one of the invited speakers at the round table in the House of Representatives of The Netherlands.
Join the Jong Universiteit Leiden board (or become a regular member)
Organisation, Social
Phishing emails and data breaches: learn about data security in this webinar
Noise due to replacement of windows UB facade
Spinning marathon and Turkish pizzas: USC raises money for earthquake victims
On Wednesday 15 February, the University Sports Centre raised money for the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The total currently stands at €2,490.
Tanja Masson-Zwaan on crowds on the moon: can anyone simply go there?
It has been a coming and going of satellites and spaceships near the moon. It has not been this busy in years. There are currently more than ten moon missions in progress and another five are being scheduled for next year.
Story from the field: Field School in Aruba
Four bachelor’s students in archaeology have embarked on a month-long field school in Aruba. They will work with Harold Kelly, a local archaeologist at the National archaeological museum of Aruba, and with the research team of Island(er)s at the Helm.
Your personnel and financial questions quickly answered by the new Product and Services Catalogue
Finance, Organisation
Report a malfunction quick and easy using the renewed Planon
- Join the Leiden Canal Pride parade
Register now for the LTC Lunchbyte on Empiricism in Legal Education
Relief of Leiden: extras wanted for the Grand Parade on 3 October
Conservation of Qasr Bshir featured as a cover story in Current World Archaeology
‘Qasr Bshir is magnificent even in decline. It sits majestically in the landscape, master of all it surveys. On approaching the site, however, it is clear that the structure is damaged’, states the latest issue of the journal Current World Archaeology.
Alanna O'Malley in The Irish Times about the risk of expelling the Russian ambassador in Ireland
Alanna O'Malley, Associate Professor at Leiden University Institute for History, talks about the possible expelling of the Russian ambassador Yuriy Filatov and the risks that come with the decision.
Archaeology holds internal promotion round to Associate Professor
Human resources
Gianclaudio Malgieri appointed to the Programme Committee of PLSC
Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law and Board member at eLaw, has been appointed to the Programme Committee of PLSC, the Privacy Law Scholarship Conference, one of the world's most attended academic privacy conferences. Gianclaudio is the only representative from a Dutch university and…
Make a donation to the Terra Auction
Wassenaarseweg closed from 25 September to 7 October 2024
Come to the Meetup AI in Education @ FSW
Education, ICT
Tanja Masson-Zwaan on 'Spraakmakers' about mining the moon
Commercial parties offering space travel, space waste, claiming the moon, potentially exploiting resources ... It’s going to get busy in space in the coming years. But there are no clear agreements about this. Tanja Masson-Zwaan, Assistant Professor of Space Law, talked about the topic in Spraakmakers…