4,208 search results for “de world van takes en cultural” in the Public website
Museums of themselves: disaster, heritage, and disaster heritage in Tohoku
The 2011 disasters precipitated widespread concern among heritage scholars about the fate of Tohoku’s cultural properties, tangible and intangible. Damage to not only buildings and landscapes but also ‘formless’ heritage, some worried, could weaken social infrastructure and thus slow or undermine re…
Jasmijn Rana Explores Cultural Norms in Running on 'Everyday Runners' Podcast
Episodes 40 and 42 of the podcast Everyday Runners by Andy Fuller and Reading Sideways Press, feature a conversation with Jasmijn Rana, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Development.
Vacancy: PhD Candidate ‘Multilingual Books as Cultural Brokers in the Sixteenth Century’
As part of an interdisciplinary PhD programme, the Institute for Cultural Inquiry external link (ICON) is hiring a PhD Candidate for the research project ‘Empowering Individuals, Opening Cities: Multilingual Books as Cultural Brokers in the Sixteenth Century’. This opportunity is funded by the administrative…
Geerten Boogaard not concerned about conflict of interests at BBB
The fact that a significant number of seats in the Dutch provincial councils are now occupied by members of the Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement (BoerBurgerBeweging, BBB) who have an agricultural background need not lead to conflicts of interest when voting on, for example, nitrogen emissions. This is…
Terra study association wins Van Bergen Prize
Bringing Dutch and international students together. One way to do that is by playing Archery Attack, archaeology student Timothy Stikkelorum suggested. On 13 November, he and his team, a committee from the Terra study association, won the Van Bergen Prize with their idea.
Peter van Bodegom on sustainable horticulture
Dutch greenhouse horticulture is a world leader when it comes to innovative capacity and sustainability, but ‘the challenges are great in terms of energy, water, environment and biodiversity,’ says Peter van Bodegom, coordinator of AgriFood at the Centre for Sustainability of the Leiden, Delft, Erasmus…
The Anti-Politics of UNESCO World Heritage
We deeply cherish our natural and cultural World Heritage, so it seems; when historical monuments and sites are destroyed by war or natural disaster, we are mourning collectively. But what if this World Heritage status is not just a preservation label, but a smokescreen for social and political conflicts…
Farewell Professor Jan van den Berg (ISGA)
A farewell seminar was held on 22 November 2018 in honour of the departure of Prof. dr. Jan van den Berg, Professor in Cyber Security and Scientific Director of the Cyber Security Academy foundation (CSA).
in action: Horizon grant for policy-oriented research on grassroots culture and democracy
Dr. Sara Brandellero and Dr. Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues from Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society will lead a collaborative research project funded by Horizon Europe Work Programme on Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society. #DemocracyinAction studies arts and culture-based grassroots…
Inaugural Lecture Professor Herman van Vlijmen
Prof.Dr. Herman van Vlijmen was appointed as Professor of Computational Drug Discovery at the Division of Medicinal Chemistry in Leiden on April 15th, 2008. He will give his Inaugural Lecture on May 18th, 2009.
Archaeologist Roos van Oosten in Quest Historie
Roos van Oosten's research on medieval cesspits stood on the basis of an article on this subject in Quest Historie, a Dutch magazine about history.
Op Maat - Levertransplantatie en behandeling van leverfalen gepersonaliseerd
Inaugural lecture
New faces in the ‘Hall of Fame’ of the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
In honour of Prof. Dr. Gerard Persoon’s and Prof. dr. Ton Dietz’ work and on the occasion of their retirement from Leiden University, Ton Dietz’ and Gerard Persoon’s portraits have been added to the ‘Hall of Fame’ of the Insitute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology.
How do you recognise the atmosphere of extraterrestrial lava worlds?
In the past 30 years, over 5,000 planets have been discovered outside our solar system. One common exoplanet is the lava world, a hot super-Earth with oceans of liquid lava. Mantas Zilinskas developed models to simulate possible atmospheres of these. Those simulations provide guidance for astronomers…
Leiden Political Science scores highly in THE World University Rankings
Leiden University continues to do well in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. For the subject area Politics and International Relations, the 2018 edition ranks Leiden 67th in the world. This is not that far behind the ‘usual suspects’ (Cambridge, Stanford, MIT and the like). Among…
- Oratie Bart Custers: Het recht van de toekomst
Call for Papers 'Playing Politics: Media Platforms Making Worlds'
We are living through an age in which social media platforms have given way to entirely new forms of politics and politicking. It is no exaggeration to say: there is a before and after social media.
Friso Stevens in de Volkskrant about the Chinese investment drive
Friso Stevens, External PhD candidate at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University, wrote in de Volkskrant on the Chinese investment drive.
Marjo de Graauw wins Turnitin Global Innovation Award -
Marjo de Graauw, adviser Educational Innovation and Academic Teacher at Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences has won the Turnitin GLobal Innovator Award for Europe.
Ophef over uitnodiging Martin Bosman (PVV) bij de slavernijherdenking
De uitnodiging staat ter discussie vanwege Bosmans controversiële uitspraken over het slavernijverleden. Bosman is echter in de hoedanigheid van voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer uitgenodigd en niet als PVV’er. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar Staatsrecht, spreekt over dit onderwerp in het Parool.
Video production of Richard Barrett's composition 'world-line'
The Elision Ensemble made a video production of Richard Barrett's half-hour composition 'world-line'.
Democracy in Europe. A Conceptual History
As one of the most influential ideas in modern European history, democracy has fundamentally reshaped not only the landscape of governance, but also social and political thought throughout the world.
Aesopian Fables 1500-2010: Word, Image, Education
This project aims to study the Aesopian fable from 1500 to the present day in its complex relationship between text, illustration and education, adopting a broad, transnational perspective.
Heritage Education — Memories of the Past in the Present Caribbean Social Studies Curriculum
As part of Nexus 1492 Subproject 4: A Future for Diverse Caribbean Heritages, which seeks to shed light on how local communities interpret and engage with heritage in the present day, this doctoral study aims to gain insight into how indigenous heritage is represented in the school curriculum for social…
Crowd funding for Cultural centre at Aguas Buenas archaeological site, Nicaragua
Campaign initiated at Generosity to cover the cost of construction.
In memoriam: Alexander Hendrik (Sander) de Groot (3 april 1943 - 1 april 2024)
Op maandag 1 april 2024 stierf onze leermeester, vriend en gewaardeerd collega Dr. Alexander Hendrik de Groot (Sander).
Rolf Bremmer
Faculty of Humanities
Diederik Smit
Faculty of Humanities
Maarten Jansen
Faculteit Archeologie
Wouter van Beek
Bareez Majid
Faculty of Humanities
M. Revello Lami-
Faculteit Archeologie
Liesbeth Minnaard
Faculty of Humanities
Gerlov van Engelenhoven
Faculty of Humanities
Empty seats at the 2025 World Economic Forum
The annual World Economic Forum (WEF) is underway, and it is a key instance for world leaders to adress global and regional challenges. The organisation expects to convene over 3,000 leaders from more than 130 countries. However, there is rising concern about the number of key leaders that will not…
De Januskop van de inkomensongelijkheid in Nederland
Inaugural lecture
Femke van de Griendt: ‘Dutch is so much more than just spelling the letters d and t’
Femke is a third-year student of Dutch Language and Culture. She was a board member for a year, did an internship in times of COVID-19, and above all has a passion for her mother tongue.
Neanderthals knew what they were doing when it came to making the oldest known glue
Adhesives are an incredibly important part of every day life. They help hold together everything from shoes and mobile phones to satellites in space. But we didn’t invent adhesives: Neanderthals did, to make handles for stone tools over 191,000 years ago. Leiden researchers now found that Neanderthals…
In Memoriam - Joan van der Waals
On 21 June, our beloved colleague Joan van der Waals passed away after a long and rewarding life.
Cards of A Party Regime: Controlled Election and Mobilized Representation in Chinese Local Congresses
China is a one-party regime, yet elections are held for the local congresses. PhD candidate Wang Zhongyuan investigated how the Communist Party uses this democratic instrument to strengthen the authoritarian regime. PhD defence 31 January.
Thijs van Kolfschoten President Quaternary Research union
This summer, the International Union For Quaternary Research (INQUA) 2019 Congress took place in Dublin (Ireland), with 2305 delegates from 75 countries the largest INQUA Congress so far. During the Congress, the International Council elected for the coming 4 years a new Executive Committee and Emeritus…
Nathanja van den Heuvel on television
On Friday the 8th of January 2016, our PdD student Nathanja van den Heuvel made a public appearance on national television.
World Teachers Festival: a celebration of globally-minded educators
On 21 March 2024, the ‘learners’ at Wolfert Bilingual in Rotterdam were not teenagers, but some 180 teachers and teacher educators from around the Netherlands and beyond. Those delegates were bound by a common interest in exploring and engaging with teaching and learning in linguistically and culturally…
Leiden University to participate in Cultural Talent to the Top monitor
This year, Leiden University will participate for the first time in the Cultural Talent to the Top monitor. This will provide insight into the University’s diversity policy with regard to staff from a non-western background. The ultimate aim is to promote ethnic and cultural diversity in certain rol…
ACPA alumnus Clarence Charles on functions of calypso music as a cultural expression
Charles wrote an article 'Assimilating Afro Caribbean Carnivalesque Culture' for the publication 'Understanding América. The essential contribution of Afro-American music to the sociocultural meaning of the continent'
2010 Dean appointed as member of JPI Cultural Heritage academic committee
On November 12, dean prof. Willem J.H. Willems was elected as one of the twelve members of the European Union’s academic committee Joint Programming Initiative Cultural Heritage and Global Change.
Media Technology researchers presenting at Brave New World conference
The "BRAVE NEW WORLD" conference is about how future technology will impact human life. On November 8-9 it is held in Leiden. Two of the invited speakers are researchers and lecturers of the Media Technology program.
Malaria researchers from all parts of the world in Leiden
Researchers from all parts of the world will be in Leiden from 2 to 4 May for a major malaria conference. The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) is organising a two-day workshop on how vaccines can be tested safely in humans.
Humanities Leiden ranked 25th in THE world ranking
According to the yearly Times World University Ranking, Leiden’s Humanities Faculty ranks 25th in the world, making it the highest ranked Dutch university in the subject area ‘Arts and Humanities’.
Visualizing cityscapes of Classical antiquity
This study aims to make a practical contribution to a new understanding and use of 3D reconstructions, namely as ‘laboratories’ to test hypotheses and visualize, evaluate and discuss alternative interpretations.