893 search results for “anne romein-verschoorlezing” in the Public website
Lightning Pose: improved animal pose estimation
Science begets technology but technology also begets science. Anne Urai from the Leiden Institute of Psychology is part of an international team team that rolls out a new, user-friendly, plug-and-play AI tool they hope will become an engine of discovery by quantifying the growing volume of recorded…
‘Science communication is important for every scientist’
Just start somewhere: whether it's videos, board games, theatre performances, or festivals. That was one of the key insights Sophie Wintermans gained during the Science Communication Summer School. In her view, the Summer School is a great step for any scientist interested in science communication.
Plastic's Legacy: From Single-Use to Sustainable Solutions
Lecture, Studium Generale
Social Resilience and Security
Social resilience and security has never been more important. Over the last 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has created a considerable disturbance to our personal and social lives. As a result, the general population reports more stress, loneliness and decreased quality of life. At the same time, there…
Figurations animalières à travers les textes et l’image en Europe
Fish climbing trees, storks taking care of their parents… Premodern textual and visual culture presents us with a fabulous bestiary that reveals ingenious and rich reflections on the animal kingdom.
Martin van Hecke Lab - Mechanical Metamaterials
We investigate the physics and design of mechanical metamaterial, intricately sculpted materials with properties set by their architecture.
Magnificence in the Seventeenth Century: Performing Splendour in Catholic and Protestant Contexts
This new volume, published 19 November 2020, - within the series 'Intersections' -, explores the concept of magnificence as a social construction in seventeenth-century Europe. Although this period is often described as the ‘Age of Magnificence’, thus far no attempts have been made to investigate how…
Global Interactions
Fostering multi-polar perspectives that engage more connected, nuanced and pluralistic understandings of the world. Global Interactions encourages and supports research that provides significant new insights on these global processes across time and space.
The City of Blue and White
Chinese Porcelain and the Early Modern World
Student projects
Are you looking for a research project?
The HOPES study is one of the largest investigations of this kind to date! By studying existing brain scans and data collected form over 4,000 14-25 year olds, the project team hopes to identify specific changes in the brain that make young people vulnerable to suicidal thoughts and behaviours.
Antiviral Pharmacology
The focus of the Antiviral Pharmacology group led by Anne-Grete Märtson is optimizing antiviral therapy for different viral infections by conducting clinical trials and using innovative computational and dynamic laboratory methodologies.
Nienke Beets
"From Epistemicide to ‘Epistemic Disobedience'" by Anne-Maria Makhulu
The team
Meet the people of the Resilience Center
A micro-trial study to investigate the effectiveness of public speaking treatments in children
Which intervention technique is more effective in reducing public speaking anxiety in children aged 9 – 12 years, exposure or restructuring cognitions?
The Institute of Private Law is located in the Kamerlingh Onnes Building.
Bilingual lectures on Sign Languages and Deaf Studies
Open access, online talks on African Sign Language Studies, in International sign and English
Methods of contract interpretation
On 20 June, Anne Hendrikx defended the thesis 'Methods of contract interpretation: a model for the interpretation of a contract'. The doctoral research was supervised by Henk Snijders.
The development of an assessment procedure for beginning teachers of English as a foreign language
This dissertation reports on the requirements for the design and development of teacher assessments, and examines the possibility of developing an assessment procedure that complies with the formulated requirements.
Cross-craft interaction in the cross-cultural context of the Late Bronze Age East Mediterranean
In tracing intra-site, local and regional craft networks in Late Bronze Age Tiryns (Greece) the project aimed to understand technological changes, (dis)continuities and social practices from the Late Palatial until the Post Palatial periods in Mycenaean Greece.
Technologies and social agency of painted plaster in the East Mediterranean Bronze Age
This project explored the role of material culture, in casu painted plaster and its technologies, in expressing dynamic social identities and in forging complex interwoven human relationships in the context of the Middle to Late Bronze Age of the Aegean and East Mediterranean.
Leidse editie van de Staatsrechtconferentie groot succes
Sinds 1973 vindt in december jaarlijks een congres plaats voor staatsrechtjuristen: de zogeheten Staatsconferentie. De conferentie vindt bij toerbeurt plaats op een locatie die is gekozen door één van de Nederlandse rechtenfaculteiten.
Former LAPP Students
The following students have been part of LAPP:
Department of Notarial Law.
What we can learn from the Mycenaeans
The Mycenaean civilization of ancient Greek times offers enormous potential for useful information: from innovative construction methods to ways of handling crisis situations as a society. Archaeologist Ann Brysbaert and her team analyse Mycenaean construction processes in the ERC Consolidator project…
Social anxiety in adolescents
Serious forms of anxiety concerning other people’s opinions can hinder teenagers at school in social interactions or carrying out tasks. Psychologist Anne Miers is looking for ways to reduce this so-called ‘social anxiety’.
Pepper to Sea Cucumbers: Chinese Gustatory Revolution in Global History, 900-1840
On 10 November Guanmian Xu successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Prof. dr. J.D. Speckmann prize
Annually the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology awards the Speckmann prize for the best Fieldwork NL report, as well as the most accomplished master’s thesis.
Leiden was European City of Science in 2022: for a year Leiden was the capital of European science. Leiden University was a proud partner of Leiden2022.
SALTSWAT -- a project which combines the Spaces for Active Learning & Teaching and the Support wtih Active Teaching -- began in Mid-2019 and is running in pilot until the summer of 2020. The purpose of the project is to find answers to the question of how to systematically accelerate 'active teaching…
For students
We teach several courses in the domain of Mind, Brain, and Education.
Learning the Right Lessons for the Next Pandemic
This report highlights the huge potential of public inquiries to ensure that lessons are learned from COVID-19 to help the UK prepare for a future pandemic.
Educational Sciences lab
Cognitive processes of learning with a focus on reading comprehension and the development of mathematical skills.
Resilience Center Leiden
The Resilience Center Leiden investigates how stress impacts the mental health of young people. For that, the team studies a multitude of factors, such as childhood experiences, the social environment, psychological factors, and neurobiological factors. With this multidimensional approach, we aim to…
- Prof Dr John Vandermeer
Team 4 electives 5th semester & connection of education to labour market
This team will focus on the elective credits in the fifth semester.
Georges Perec et ses lieux de mémoire
Perec’s Lieux project consists of texts describing the author's places of memory, photographs, personal documents and ephemera collected in the street.
Archaeozoology is the study of faunal remains that are recovered at archaeological sites.
The implementation of value-based healthcare: a scoping review
This study helped to identify and summarize how value-based healthcare (VBHC) is conceptualized in the literature and implemented in hospitals. Furthermore, an overview was created of the effects of both the implementation of VBHC and the implementation strategies used.
Communities in contact
Essays in archaeology, ethnohistory and ethnography of the Amerindian circum-Caribbean
Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology
The Quantitative Clinical Pharmacology group is led by Prof. Dr. Catherijne Knibbe. Her research group aims to define how to adjust a drug dose in special patient populations such as (prematurely born) neonates or children, obese individuals or critically ill patients. Through combining the statistical…
Bias or reality?
Negative perceptions of ambiguous social cues, social performance and physical arousal in socially anxious youth
LED3 Lecture: The scientific origins of drugs that slow neurodegeneration & the structure-proteotoxicity relationship that emerges from clinical
Research projects for students of the University of Leiden and other Dutch Universities are often available at the MacBio group. The research lines are also described in the Research section. For details of specific projects contact the supervisor (Ubbink, Dame, Boyle, Jeuken or Wentink).
Hall of Fame 2021
In 2021 many of our students and staff won fantastic prizes and were awarded important research grants. This is our traditional review of these successes as the end of one year marks the beginning of another.
Research Paradigms and Instruments
Our team is involved in the translation and adaptation of several questionnaires, for research purposes. Information about each questionnaire is listed below.
Alumni in the spotlight
Leiden alumni find work in all kinds of interesting places. We gather the stories of our alumni and publish then regularly in our alumni newsletter and in Leidraad magazine. You can find all their stories on this page. They give a good impression of what life is like for Leiden alumni after they have…
Core Staff
Meet the core staff behind Global Transformations and Governance Challenges, which consists of a Professor, a postdoctoral researcher, three PhD candidates, and a Programme Officer.
- Meet our staff