208 search results for “alle” in the Organisational structure
Defending the interests of PhDs and postdocs at Leiden University
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the second highest consultation body within the University, after the University Council. The Faculty Council (FC) has the right of consent and the right to prior consultation on various matters relating to the Faculty. The Council thus functions as the representative of students…
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners of the Institute of Political Science has been legally appointed to organise and coordinate examinations. Its main powers are described in the programme’s Course & Examination Regulations (CER), as well as its own Rules and Regulations.
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners is responsible for guaranteeing the quality of the bachelor's and master's programmes of the Faculty of Archaeology. The Board of Examiners is independent and its tasks are amongst others appointing examiners, approval of study programmes, dealing with complaints about…
Academic Integrity Committee
The Academic Integrity Committee investigates suspected violations of academic integrity by employees of Leiden University. The Committee is composed of professors from all faculties. The Academic Integrity Committee consists of two chambers: a chamber where complaints can be filed for suspected violation…
Psychology Board of Examiners
In accordance with Article 7.12 of the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), the Board of Examiners of the Psychology degree programme is the body that establishes whether a student meets the conditions necessary for obtaining a degree. It is responsible for the quality of assessments and monitors…
Board of Deans / Doctorate Board
Responsibility The Board of Deans is a consultative structure for all faculty deans. The Board also acts as Doctorate Board. This is specified in the Leiden University PhD Regulations. What does the Board of Deans/Doctorate Board do? Acting as the Doctorate Board: conferring doctorates and honorary…
Board of Examiners
The executive board of the Board of Examiners consists of the following members: Jan Jansen (chair) Jasmijn Rana Mark Westmoreland Sissy Hofmeester (secretary) Freek Colombijn (external member)
HRM Learning & Development
The development of your (personal) leadership skills begins with HRM Learning & Development Leading interdisciplinary research and education: that’s what Leiden University stands for. All professionals within the University make a to this, each in their own particular way. At HRM Learning…
Ombuds officer
The University Ombuds Officer deals with complaints from students who believe they have not been treated fairly by a university staff member or administrative body. Students can submit a complaint up to 12 months after the incident occurred, even if they have since completed their studies. The Ombuds…
Human Resources
Our team of versatile HR professionals give creative recommendations and solutions that contribute to the organisational goals, job statisfaction and a healthy work climate for all staff at Humanities. The core values of HR: Approachable, independent, honest, making connections and development-orien…
Student counsellors
Leiden University’s student counsellors assist students in matters concerning regulations and legal provisions.
Codes of conduct
Below you can find an overview of relevant codes of conduct and sources which are used in the ethics assessments.
Faculty Bureau
The services supporting research and education at the Faculty of Archaeology are grouped together in the Faculty Bureau. Management support and secretaries Supports the Faculty Board and the Faculty's Departments, with a focus on secretarial work, policy and procedures. Communications and Marketing…
Personnel Shared Service Centre
Responsibility of the department The Personnel Shared Service Centre (PSSC) is responsible for the processes relating to the University's personnel and salary administration, and for handling questions from managers and employees. What does the department do? Processing all personnel mutations…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the representative body at the Faculty. The Council provides advice to the Faculty Board, whether requested or at the Council’s own initiative, on all matters at Faculty level related to education and teaching, research and organisation. The Faculty Council is composed of representatives…
ISP: International Master's Student Platform
International master's students who want to have a say in our programme are welcome to the International Student Platform (ISP).
Documentary Information and Archiving
Responsibility DIA is responsible for the University’s documentary information and its archiving policy. What does DIA do? Advises on archiving and the provision of information With regard to the dynamic archive: Post delivery within Administration and Central Services Registration Workflow Archiving…
The staff of the secretariat of the Institute of Political Science provide a range of services to support the members of the Institute.
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee promotes ethical research by providing advice on ethical issues and reviewing all new research conducted by staff in which ethical issues might occur. Are you starting a new research project? By using the checklist, you can determine whether your research needs to be presented to…
Who owns my intellectual property?
Any intellectual property that you may generate within employment of Leiden University of LUMC is owned by Leiden University or LUMC. Since 2010, Leiden University has issued official regulations on working for third parties which state the rules on several topics involved, like the sharing of net proceeds…
Strategic Communication and Marketing directorate
The Strategic Communication and Marketing (SC&M) directorate develops and executes marketing and communication policies for Leiden University. SC&M advises the Executive Board and assists faculties with their marketing and communication. What does the directorate do? It contributes to the realisation…
Language facilities
Non-Dutch-speaking students and staff can also be elected members of participation bodies. To support these members in their role, the University offers a range of language facilities. It is important that all members of participation bodies have access to the information they need and are given enough…
Functional Application Management Department
The Functional Application Management Department is responsible for managing all educational support systems used by the university, for example uSis, e-Prospectus, Brightspace, oIEM and Studielink. This entails ensuring that system users (i.e. students, administrators, study advisors, teachers etc)…
Education and Student Affairs
Education and Student Affairs is responsible for the support of all Education processes at the Faculty of Archaeology. We work according to a service agreement. Our main tasks are: Curriculum coordination and administration Student advice Support of several educational committees Advice on educational…
- Board of Examiners
Polling stations
A polling station exists for every election of the University Council, Faculty Council and Employee Council. The polling station arranges the practical and formal matters regarding the elections, such as inspecting the list of voters, gathering candidate application forms and determining the election…
Marketing Communication
Marketingdiensten voor Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid.
Employee Council Student and Educational Affairs (SEA)
The Student & Educational Affairs (SEA) Employee Council represents all SEA employees and consults regularly with management. Its focus is the proper functioning of the organisation. The Employee Council contributes to the smooth running of the department, promotes the well-being and interests…
Agreements for meetings
There are several ways in which the participation body can support board/council members who do not speak Dutch or do not speak it well. In addition to the translation tool and a language buddy, agreements can be made with the chair or secretary to help non-Dutch-speaking members before, after and during…
Programme Committees
Every study programme or group of study programmes have their own Programme Committee (PC). Half of the members of the PC are students, the other half are teaching staff. Together they safeguard the quality of teaching, they raise bottlenecks and they advise on the development and conduct of course…
ICT Shared Service Centre
Every member of staff and student needs reliable ICT facilities. As the central ICT service provider, the ICT Shared Service Centre (ISSC) provides high-quality ICT facilities to all staff and students. The 130 members of the ISSC provide support for the University’s teaching, research and business…
Operational Management and Advisory
Operational Management and Advisory supports the directorates within Administration and Central Services. It also supports directors of expertise centres in terms of internal operational management, in the areas of human resources (HR), finance, ICT and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Wat does…
WOO requests
Met ingang van 2022 publiceert de Universiteit Leiden alle Wob-verzoeken en Wob-besluiten geanonimiseerd op deze webpagina.
Faculty Board FSW
The Faculty Board is the highest administrative body in the Faculty.
Legal Affairs
Responsibility JZ advises and supports the Executive Board, faculties and services in any legal matters that may arise. These can range from the implementation of educational legislation to handling objections, and from preparing and conducting legal proceedings on behalf of the University to drafting…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council of Science is the representative body of our Faculty, whose role it is to critically follow the Faculty Board, to advise and sometimes participate in decisions on important issues.
University Council
The University Council (UR) is a democratically elected participation body in which students and staff of the University are represented. The Council is composed of eight staff members and eight student members from all faculties and supporting services. Leiden University currently has three staff…
Sectoral Regulation on Reporting Suspected Malpractice Dutch Universities (Whistleblower Policy 2025)
The Dutch universities attach to having a proper and coherent integrity policy and, as part of this, a proper procedure for reporting suspected malpractice regard to the Whistleblowers Protection Act and the EU Directive on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (Directive EU 2019/1937),…
Committee on Whistleblowing
The national Committee on Whistleblowing investigates known or suspected malpractices, and issues recommendations to the Executive Board. Universities have chosen to cooperate in this appointment of committee members. They will appoint the same group of committee members for each university, enabling…
Universitair Belang
Universitair Belang represents the interests of all Leiden University employees. We see quality as a source of inspiration and motivation, especially when it comes to the mutual improvement of teaching, research and operational management. Universitair Belang is committed to achieving this through the…
One half of a Programme Committee (abbreviated in Dutch to OLC) is composed of students, the other half of lecturers. The Programme Director of the degree programme in question acts as chairperson, though this person is not a member of the Programme Committee itself. The term of office for students…
Time schedule elections 2025
Time schedule 7 April Reference date and determination of electoral registers. On this day it is determined who can choose and who can apply. 8 and 9 April Submission of candidacy If you want to fulfill a position in participation, you can apply with a digital form on 8 or 9 April (by 16.00 at…
Personal Development Centre
The Personal Development Centre (PDC) at the Faculty of Social Sciences represents life-long learning put into practice. Our approach is the concrete fulfillment of Leiden Universities’ promise to its students and staff. We assist students and professionals in realizing their full potential connecting…
Luris teams
Business Development Tying opportunities and Leiden possibilities together by: * early involvement in researchers’ ideas and projects * supporting for strategic decisions at departmental level * supporting commercial development * managing strategic alliances * managing existing accounts * identifying…
Collegial Support Team (CST) at FGGA
At Leiden University, staff may encounter traumatic incidents in the workplace. To provide appropriate support and aftercare in such situations, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) has established a Collegial Support Team (CST) as a pilot project.
External relations and alumni
External relations For external partners, collaboration with Leiden Law School offers a unique opportunity to jointly develop knowledge, address societal issues and support talented future legal scholars and professionals. The faculty has a rich academic tradition, a dynamic research climate and a network…
Student Affairs
The Student Affairs teams provide practical, administrative and contextual support to the teaching of the Faculty of Humanities.
ICLON Research Ethics Committee
The IREC provides advice on matters relating to ethical conduct in research by ICLON staff. All research involving the collection, analysis, and/or storage of data from individuals must be submitted to IREC. IREC reviews research proposals against criteria for research ethics.
Science Education and Student Office (SOSZ)
The Science Education and Student Office supports and facilitates the educational organisation of the Faculty of Science and is responsible for all the supporting processes needed to organise the education provided by the faculty. This involves providing services to more than 6.000 students in 10 bachelor's…