5,324 search results for “alle” in the Staff website
New publication: Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen
This volume contains the edition or re-edition of 52 papyri and ostraca, dating from between the third century BCE and the eighth century CE.
Rafal Matuszewski awarded a KNAW Early Career Partnership
Dr. Rafal Matuszewski, assistant professor at the ancient history department of the Institute for History, has been awarded an Early Career Partnership by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
Use the official parking facilities, do not park your car at the Van Steenis building
Are you going on holiday? Remove your food and drinks from the office fridge
Are you ready to celebrate the summer with your fellow students and lecturers? Then sign up for the FSW-party!
Lies Bouwman appointed as Director of Education at the LIC
Starting 1 August Lies Bouwman has been appointed as Director of Education at the LIC. She will combine this role with her position as the Programme Director of the Master's programmes in Life Science and Technology (LST) and Chemistry. By doing so, she joins the new collegial institute board of the…
From Leiden to Delaware: How empirical legal research on valuation biases was used in a US courtroom
Many of our department’s staff members are actively involved in the Empirical Legal Studies lab and strive towards publishing impactful empirical legal research.
Hoe open? Open Gesprekken over transparantie
In de maanden maart, april en mei organiseerde het programma Transparantie in Informatie, van de ministeries van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) en Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV), gesprekken over de veranderopgave naar een Open Departement. De sessies hadden als doel om een eerlijk en…
Roos van Oosten to succeed Joanne Mol as Programme Director
Education, Organisation
- Survey Labour Authority for academic and teaching staff
Rafal Matuszewski elected to the Young Academy of Europe
Rafał Matuszewski has been elected Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) in recognition of his academic leadership and outstanding scientific achievements in the fields of ancient Greek history and classics.
Green Ideas Competition: how can we make the Faculty greener?
📢 Important announcement: Elevators FSW out of order
Come by for a new profile picture on Monday 30 September
- printers vervangen KOG
Discover your talents! Do the ‘Talents in Focus’ test
Human resources
Walk-in session Shuttel FSW
Human resources
Concern about provisional government deal
We are concerned about our research and teaching cuts announced in the provisional deal between the Dutch coalition parties. This will have a profound impact on our students and staff, and on teaching, research and innovation in the Netherlands.
- Questions about Shuttel? Join the walk-in session on 12 November!
Purple Friday 2024: join us and wear purple
The new Teacher platform FSW: information about education in one spot
Jorrit Rijpma: Terugsturen asielzoekers is 'wensdenken'
In het asielplan van vorige week kondigde het kabinet aan meer in te zetten op vertrek van ’Dublin-claimanten’. Daarbij stelt het kabinet z’n hoop op een hernieuwd EU-plan.
- Call for proposals: NETSPAR Theme grant (deadline 24 January)
How to deal with AI and ChatGPT in education?
Should intelligence services have a ‘licence to kill’?
The ‘University of the Netherlands’ is a series of lectures in which academics address topics based on their expertise. In the latest instalment, cultural historian Simon Willmetts discusses how intelligence services operate and what has changed since 9/11.
Gianclaudio Malgieri on the AI Act on Luiza's Live Talks
Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor at eLaw, was a a speaker in the very popular Luiza's Live Talks.
Maarten Mous: ‘Your language is part of the world’
In the new video series 'The World of Linguistics', alumni and researchers talk about their passion for their field. Professor of African Linguistics Maarten Mous explains the importance of hearing your language at school.
Michael Kerschner co-organises conference on The Many Faces of Artemis
- Profielfotoshoot medewerkers FSW
Make an ORCID and register this in LUCRIS
Organisation, Research
Submit your proposal for the Research Traineeship Programme 2024
- Get a discount at University Sports Centre Leiden
Meike de Boer: ‘The word 'uh' can help track down suspects’
In the new video series 'The World of Linguistics', alumni and researchers talk about their passion for their field. PhD candidate Meike de Boer knows everything about the word ‘uh’.
Gianclaudio Malgieri interviewed on 'Shifting Privacy Left' podcast
Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor at eLaw, was interviewed by Debra Farber on her Shifting Privacy Left podcast. The Episode was released on 25 June 2024 and is entitled 'Why we need Fairness Enhancing Technologies rather than PETs'.
New network ‘Young Liveable Planet’ looking for young Leiden researchers
The interdisciplinary research programme ‘Liveable Planet’ has created a new network, aimed at all young Leiden researchers working on sustainability issues.
Salary increase from 1 January 2025
Human resources
Olaf van Vliet discusses staff shortages on Omroep West: Untapped labour potential and higher wages
All of society is having to deal with the effects of staff shortages. Hospitals are unable to fill their duty rosters, primary schools are having to close their doors for one day per week, and trains are being cancelled on a regular basis. But why is that exactly? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet…
Nominations for the Frontiers Planet Prize - 4 October 2023
Jorrit Rijpma en Amalia Campos Delgado nieuwe vertegenwoordigers regiogroep Latijns-Amerika en de Cariben
Met de benoeming van Rijpma en Campos Delgado is de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid in alle uniersitaire regiogroepen vertegenwoordigd.
Come to the Movies that Matter film festival for free!
450 years of Leiden University: Ahead of the times
- Wijnhaven building open again from Monday 16 October
Come by for a new profile picture on Thursday 28 March!
Francien Dechesne presents at NWO ICT.Open 2024
On April 10 -11, the annual national event NWO ICT.Open 2024 takes place in the Beatrix Theater in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. The event brings scientists from all ICT research disciplines and industries together to learn, share ideas, and network.
Kluitersprijs for excellent students Minor Intelligence Studies 2021- 2022
The ‘Kluitersprijs’ is awarded to students who achieve excellent results in the minor Intelligence Studies every year.
Liever een verre vreemde dan een valse buur
Mensen werken niet alleen liever samen met leden van hun eigen ingroup, ze concurreren er ook liever mee, lieten Leidse onderzoekers in een sociaalpsychologische studie in 51 landen zien. Dit ‘nasty neighbor’- effect was een grote verrassing voor de onderzoekers, totdat ze in studies over dieren doken.…
Study of a Russian doctor and innovator in troubled times
Ambroise Paré, Thomas Sydenham and Herman Boerhaave: all were great medical innovators in their time. We know far less about the 19th-century Russian physician and scientist Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov. PhD candidate Inge Hendriks researched him in Dutch and Russian archives and collections. She discovered…
Eduard van de Bilt and Joke Kardux say goodbye to Leiden
For more than 35 years they helped put American Studies on the map: Joke Kardux and Eduard van de Bilt. This spring, the couple retired. A farewell interview.
Students become ‘change agents’ in Sustainability Challenge
Leiden students working to solve a sustainability problem at the request of an external party: that is the Sustainability Challenge. During a recent symposium, 28 groups of four to five students unveiled their solutions. The commisioners expressed great enthusiasm.
What should be done differently at the University? Three lead candidates respond
From the workload to sustainability: the University Council helps decide on important topics. In the University elections – from 9 to 13 May – you can vote for who will represent you on the Council. Three questions to the three lead candidates of the staff parties: PhDoc, Universitair Belang and Leidse…