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Our alumni
Alumni play an important part in building bridges between the University and society. Leiden University therefore works to maintain and strengthen the links with its graduates and to develop an informed and committed network of alumni.
Courses on offer
In the following you will find a list of courses that are offered at Leiden University that are relevant to the study of Ancient Arabia.
Within the Centre we cover several research themes.
Physical health
How can we stay fit during hybrid working?
Alternatives to animal experiments: Replacement, Reduction and Refinement
We aim to conduct as few animal experiments as possible. We are continually exploring methods to Replace, Reduce, and Refine animal experiments, commonly referred to as the three Rs. Additionally, we assess each study to ensure the implementation of the 3Rs has been maximised. The Animal Welfare Body…
Michel Orrit Lab - Single Molecule Optics
Since the early 1990s, one can isolate the optical signal of a single molecule and single-molecule spectroscopy has quickly grown into an important research field.
The aim of the research programme is to provide insight into the cognitive processes and brain mechanisms that underlie reading, arithmetic and learning in general.
Leiden Early Drug Discovery & Development
Despite recent advances in medicine, many devastating disorders like cancer and cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases still lack effective treatments. In order to address this challenge, we, as scientists from Leiden University, joined hands in the LED3 network. LED3, for Leiden…
This research cluster aims to analyse and interpret the formation and transmission of Graeco-Roman culture by exploring the relationships between cultural products (texts, objects, practices) and their societal and historical contexts.
Riches Beyond the Horizon
Long-distance Trade in Early Medieval Landscapes (ca. 6th-12th centuries)
Innovative diagnostics and treatments
The more we learn about a (neuro-)psychological or physical disorder and the related behavioral factors, the better we can not only identify them, but also treat them. It is therefore important that recent insights about (neuro-)psychological problems and related behavioral factors are incorporated…
About the programme
The Law & Finance programme of Leiden University looks at financial law from multiple perspectives to illustrate the links between law, economics and ethics.
The connected Caribbean. A socio-material network approach to patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the pre-colonial period
The modern-day Caribbean is a stunningly diverse but also intricately interconnected geo-cultural region, resulting partly from the islands’ shared colonial histories and an increasingly globalizing economy.
LIACS Tech staff
At LIACS, we recognize the growing need for advanced technical support in research projects and lab education. Increasing student numbers, more and more advanced hardware and infrastructure, new demands around data safety and management, and the complexity of core computer science courses necessitate…
Access to Justice in Indonesia
How do poor and disadvantaged Indonesians address the injustices they face in daily life and how can their situation be improved?
Within the Chinese medicine, more than 80% of the constituents of the preparations are derived from plants. Like any other organism, plants are constantly interacting with their changing and often harsh environment during the various phases of their life cycle.
Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy
Assesses the importance of Merleau-Ponty to current and ongoing concerns in contemporary philosophy.
Reactivity on interstellar ice analogues
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students a great environment in which to reach their potential.
Who are the ‘others’ amongst ‘us’? – New Book edited by Moritz Jesse
Have you ever wondered what makes immigrants legally different no matter which legal system they have moved into and no matter what rights have been granted there? Have you ever wondered why immigrants are considered ‘the other’ despite claims that their ‘integration’ and non-discrimination is a top…
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe Volume I, Negotiating Modernity in the 'Long Nineteenth Century'
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe is a two-volume project, authored by an international team of researchers, and offering the first-ever synthetic overview of the history of modern political thought in East Central Europe.
Career prospects
Once you have completed the specialisation Educational Science, you will be an expert in the field of education and child development in the school context. You will be up to date on the newest scientific insights into learning, language and arithmetic skills, brain development and application to teaching.…
Cities of the Roman Near East
The main objective of this research is to map out the cities of the Roman Near East in the imperial period, with a focus on location, city size and urban features, in order to study the form the urban system and its levels of integration.
Women at the Cutting Edge. Assessing the gendered impacts of industrial logging on well-being in Solomon Islands
How do women and men living in logging concessions in Solomon Islands experience the impacts of logging during and after logging operations? This project assesses how and why industrial logging affects men and women differently. Using insights from an ethnographic case-study of the logging industry…
Effects of intermediate assessments on study behaviour, time on task and achievement
What is the optimal way to utilise intermediate assessment in improving study behaviour and study success?
Tailored digital gamification to enhance students’ learning outcomes and motivation in higher education
One-size-fits-all digital gamification sometimes hinders students’ learning due to the ignorance of individual differences. This project aims to explore how tailored digital gamification can be used in higher education and its effects on university students’ motivation and learning outcomes.
Calypso Music, Identity and Social Influence: The Trinidadian Experience
This study, Calypso, The Trinidadian Experience, has sought to establish links between calypso music and the construction and maintenance of identities, and to locate the genre as a mechanism (or as part of a broader mechanism) that has exerted on-going social influence within Trinidadian society…
The Reflections of Memory
An account of a cognitive approach to historically informed staging.
About the Rembrandt Route
The year 2019 is the 444th anniversary of the University’s ‘birth’ and the 350th anniversary of painter, draughtsman and engraver Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669). Reason therefore to celebrate both 444 years of Leiden University and Rembrandt Year. But what was the connection between Rembrandt, the most…
Imperative in the Rigveda
This work sets out to investigate the form and function of the imperative in the Rigveda. The morphology (and, where relevant, etymology), syntax and semantics of the imperative are covered.
Impact and city
Leiden University and the city of The Hague are working closely together to increase the impact of our research and education in order to contribute as much as possible to the development of the city.
The agency of the Burgundian-Habsburg duchesses and the creation and continuation of court-city relations in the Low Countries (ca. 1430-1503)
In this project diverse aspects of the duchesses’ roles in the complex and dynamic relations between town and crown are studied on the basis of systematic research in the account books of four cities (Ghent, Bruges, Leuven and Mechelen) in the Burgundian Netherlands (ca. 1430-1503).
Research Schools and Academic Institutes
Research Schools aim at collaboration between researchers from different faculties (interfaculty schools) and universities (interuniversity schools).
On the psychology and economics of antisocial personality
Using an interdisciplinary experimental approach grounded in behavioral economics and personality psychology, we identify an antisocial personality profile and examine its role across strategic contexts.
Obstinate Graves in East Java: Traditionalist and Modernist Ethics, Excess, and Sufi Perspectives | Research Seminar
Lecture, Research Seminar
The Százhalombatta Archaeological Expedition (SAX)
Százhalombatta-Földvar is a Bronze Age fortified tell settlement on the right bank of the river Danube, 30 km south of Budapest in Hungary. It is one of the best preserved temperate climate tells in Europe and well-known for the extraordinarily rich data it produces. Since 2014 Leiden students are welcomed…
Exploring hidden villages in colonial and non-colonial landscapes
A project to explore the configuration of different types of settlement and its role in the evolution of landscape, both in pre-Roman times and in the so-called Colonial landscape. We used several techniques of field survey, pottery classification and other non-invasive approaches to the archaeological…
Archaeology of the Lower Maroni River
The application of compliance archaeology techniques such as mechanical large scale excavations where large quantities of data are gathered in relatively little time (and relatively inexpensively) and a firm post-excavation research phase yielded a whole new body of archaeological evidence.
Exposed to events that never happen: Genaralized unsafety and prolonged psysiological stress responses
The aims of the project are to: further clarify 'inhibition by safety'; explore and describe all possible sagety factors, with a special focus on the primary human safety source: social connectedness; reviewing prolonged stress responses without stressors.
COMMUNICATE HEAL-TH. A Virtual Reality training tool for optimizing expectancy effects in patient-provider interaction.
We aim to create an innovative e-learning and virtual reality training that helps healthcare providers to optimize placebo effects and minimizes nocebo effects via their communication.
Diversity Outdoors: Embodied Ethnoracial Inequalities and Outdoor Recreation in Europe
Through a comparative analysis of participation in outdoor recreation in Europe, this project seeks to investigate how social inequalities are embodied.
EQUALITY - Efficient QUantum ALgorithms for IndusTrY
Born in Europe roughly 100 years ago, quantum physics brought forth a veritable technological revolution through semiconductors, lasers, fibre optics, and many other technologies that are today ubiquitous in our lives. Now, during the second quantum revolution, Europe can take the lead once more in…
The Fate of Anatomical Collections
The changing status of anatomical collections from the early modern period to date.
If you want to find out more about Leiden University, you can read our publications online or request a printed copy.
The Terrorism and Political Violence (TPV) research group focuses on understanding and addressing one of today’s most pressing security challenges: terrorism. Drawing from their academic expertise, the group offers a wide range of educational programmes designed for students, professionals, and a global…
The excavation of the Paardenmarkt Alkmaar
In June-August 2010 large scale excavations were executed on the cemetery belonging to the monastery, an area now termed the Paardenmarkt, by Hollandia Archeologen in cooperation with Leiden University. During the course of nine weeks, the students from the former minor Human Osteoarchaeology excavated…
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development carries out general courses within the field of Education and Child Studies and specialised courses within the field of Child and Family Science.
Excavating Fossilized Data
A cross-cut analysis of the ties between university research and fossil industries.
Read about our recent research projects below.
The project investigates epistemicity: how the knowledge of the speaker and hearer can be expressed in the grammar. This shows us how speakers organise their knowledge, and whether this is influenced by the language they speak.