3,823 search results for “historian van de universiteit” in the Public website
NWO grants for Manon van der Heijden and Leo Lucassen
Manon van der Heijden and Leo Lucassen have been awarded funding from the NWO's Free Competition Humanities. They received the grant for their research on conflicts and jurisdiction over migrants and natives between 1600 and 1900.
Shadow Game Screening with film maker Els van Driel
On 10 March students of the advanced master's in International Children’s Rights and the Dutch Child Law master's watched the documentary Shadow Game with filmmaker Els van Driel.
Peter Paul van Benthem and the Covid whirlwind
Peter Paul van Benthem is not only head of the ENT department at the LUMC but also chair of the Federation of Medical Specialists. ‘The value is in the mix.’
ForSeaDiscovery - Forest resources for Iberian empires: ecology and globalization in the age of discovery
An interdisciplinary and innovative research group combining History, underwater archaeology, GIS and wood provenancing methods.
The Metabolic syndrome affects over 5 million people in the Netherlands. The HealthBox is an initiative from LUMC and NeLL to provide an innovative solution to help prevent and manage this chronic condition.
Registration and payment
The registration period for semester 1 (2025/2026) will start on June 9. Registration for this current semester is no longer possible.
Registration and payment
The registration period for semester 1 (2025/2026) will start on June 9. Registration for this current semester is no longer possible.
The Hybrid Intelligence Centre
Hybrid Intelligence (HI) is the combination of human and machine intelligence, expanding human intellect instead of replacing it. HI takes human expertise and intentionality into account when making meaningful decisions and perform appropriate actions, together with ethical, legal and societal values.…
Foundation for Industry (FIND) – Large AI models for a resilient high-tech industry.
Foundation for Industry (FIND) brings together 5 universities with 10 labs, 11 Dutch companies, ranging from start-ups to multinationals, and 2 knowledge institutes to pave the way for a new wave of AI-based automation that helps the Dutch industry strengthen and keep its international competitive advantage…
Graphing algebraic formulas
Many students have difficulties to read and give meaning to algebraic formulas. In this study it is explored whether graphing formulas with pen and paper will improve students’ability to reason with algebraic formulas.
NeuroSoC concentrates on multiprocessor systems on chip with in-memory neural processing units.
An Improvisatory Approach to Nineteenth-Century Music
In the field of Western art music, improvisation has become a much discussed topic. In this interdisciplinary study I argue that in this context, improvisation is not to be seen as a quasi-autonomous skill or art form, but as an aspect of music-making in general.
How can we ensure a more resilient and sustainable supply of Rare Earths in the EU in the future?
About ELS
Leiden Law School has established the Empirical Legal Studies Lab to support legal research and education using empirical methods.
Artistic Experimentation in Music – An Anthology
In October 2014 a new publication on artistic research has been launched. The book is called Artistic Experimentation in Music. An Anthology, edited by Darla Crispin and Bob Gilmore, and published by Leuven University Press.
Focus on Emotions research group
We examine the effect of social learning on emotional competence in children and adolescents with a typical or atypical development.
An Improvisatory Approach to Nineteenth-Century Music
In the field of Western art music, improvisation has become a much discussed topic. In this interdisciplinary study I argue that in this context, improvisation is not to be seen as a quasi-autonomous skill or art form, but as an aspect of music-making in general.
Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language
The CNaVT exam is the official, international exam of Dutch as a Foreign Language for all who learn Dutch all over the world. The Catholic University of Leuven organizes the exam. The Dutch Language Union has commissioned this collaboration.
ParaNMR Facility
The Paramagnetic NMR Facility Leiden has been established to provide support to researchers who want to apply paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy to biomolecules. Support is offered in the design and synthesis of paramagnetic probes, either for general application (such as lanthanide tags and spin labels)…
LED3 Lectures
The LED3 hub, consisting of researchers from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), is very excited to organize the “LED3 Lectures”. This lecture series brings world-leading researchers in the field of…
Anniversary activity: visit Leiden University at the Impact Fair 2025!
Leiden University will share impactful research and teaching with policymakers, businesses and the general public at the Impact Fair in Utrecht on Thursday 3, Friday 4 and Saturday 5 April. Visit our stand, meet over a hundred inspiring exhibitors.
Rogier Kegge in ‘de Volkskrant’ on the nitrogen crisis and the construction project exemption
Rogier Kegge, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Law of Leiden University, was interviewed by Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant in response to the recent recommendations by Johan Remkes on how to approach the nitrogen crisis.
Ruben de Graaff and Dorine Verheij give a lecture in Antwerp
At the conference ‘Law-Making in Multilevel Settings: Federalism, Europe and Beyond’, Ruben de Graaff and Dorine Verheij provided a lecture on the topic of ‘EU Regulations and the Spirit of Codification’.
Spinoza Prize for Leiden statistician Aad van der Vaart
Aad van der Vaart, professor of stochastics at Leiden University, has been awarded the NWO Spinoza Prize for his groundbreaking research in statistics. Van der Vaart conducts fundamental research on models that can help, for instance, to identify genes that play a role in cancer.
Dissertation Yannick van den Brink awarded FJR Prize 2018
Dr. Yannick van den Brink’s PhD thesis, titled ‘Pre-trial detention in the Dutch juvenile justice system’, has been awarded the FJR Prize 2018.
Book Launch by author Piet van der Kruit
On 29 Augustus 2019 there will be a book presentation
Festive Graduation Ceremony at the Institute of Public Administration in The Hague
On Thursday 31 October 2019 several graduation ceremonies for study programmes of the Institute of Public Administration were held. It was the first time these festivities took place at Campus The Hague.
The mathematical ties between South Africa and Leiden: Marcel de Jeu professor by special appointment at the University of Pretoria
A long-term mathematical collaboration between South Africa and Leiden will continue with the appointment of Marcel de Jeu as professor by special appointment at the University of Pretoria. He will be working in the field of Positivity.
Ben de Jong and Paul Abels in Dutch Newspaper AD on the Espionage Case between the Netherlands and Russia
Ben de Jong and Paul Abels, both working for ISGA, discuss the Russian claim that espionage equipment was found in Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (AD). According to the Russians the equipment was found in one of the cars used by their diplomats in The Hague.
Reijer Passchier wins Meijers prize and Van Wersch Springplank prize
The Meijers prizes are awarded each year for the best published article from each faculty research programme. Reijer received the prize for his contribution to the programme ‘The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Law & Governance’ with his article ‘Digitalisering en de (dis)balans binnen de trias politica’…
Marlies van Eck: 'Be conscious of discrimination in algorithms'
Every day we make use of devices, services and apps which contain algorithms that could be discriminating. These range from Facebook to self-driving cars, from the Tax Authorities to a rotating door.
Van Bergen Prizes for English Waltz and other cultural expressions
Dancing in style at the University Sport Centre, and cooking together or visiting the cinema. These two initiatives for bringing Dutch and international students together were the winners of the 2016 Van Bergen Prize. The awards were presented at the annual Diversity Symposium at Leiden University on…
Lecture Rens Meerhoff in series Kracht van Sportdata
In the series 'Kracht van Sportdata' (Power of Sport data) Rens Meerhoff, postdoc at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), held a lecture about tactical behaviour based on positional data.
few remarks on the latest developments at NVIC from director Dr Rudolf de Jong
Dear friends of the NVIC,
Alternative Perspective 2028: Mark Rutgers and Casper de Jonge in discussion
Under extreme pressure and in agreement with the Faculty Board, the programme chairs, represented by a core group, have worked over recent weeks on additional recommendations based on the Perspective 2028 plan. On 1 December they presented their Alternative Perspective 2028 to the Faculty Board. The…
Campus The Hague presents ambitious plans to Mayor Van Zanen
Leiden University’s Campus The Hague has published its new strategy for the next ten years. Martijn Ridderbos, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, and Erwin Muller, Director of Campus The Hague, presented this today to Jan van Zanen, Mayor of The Hague.
Paul van Trigt and Anna Derksen receive grants
Paul van Trigt and Anna Derksen, both researchers in the project 'Rethinking Disability', received grants for research abroad.
Flash interview with alumnus Willemijn de Best, who secured Taylor Swift as a client
Willemijn de Best’s career path led her to the media sector. Besides the more obvious legal professions, a degree in law actually offers many other possibilities: film and television production with celebrities as clients, for example.
Davy de Witt: ‘I have really made this into my own place’
‘To be honest, I don’t really care about what type of research is going on. Just let me do my own thing and everything is fine,’ according to biotechnical officer Davy de Witt. In this interview, he tells about his tasks and experiences at the Institute of Biology Leiden, where he has been employed…
'Very honoured': Els de Busser and Ayo Adedokun thrilled with nominations
Two of the three nominees for the Leiden Education Prize, or best teacher of 2020-2021, work at FGGA: Els de Busser (ISGA) and Ayo Adedokun (LUC). Both lecturers are very honoured with their nomination. The winner will be announced on Monday 6 September during the opening of the academic year.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Lessons from the Past for the Financial System of the Future
Lodewijk Petram, author of the book 'The World's First Stock Exchange', discussed the rise of the Amsterdam stock exchange in the 17th century in the ninth Hazelhoff Guest Lecture.
Public Diplomacy in Early Modern Europe: Theatrical Entertainments for the State Journeys of English and French Royals into the Low Countries
One way for governments to conduct foreign policy and promote national interests is through direct outreach and communication with the population of a foreign country. This is called public diplomacy. Historians such as Helmer Helmers and William T. Rossiter have shown that printed media were already…
Citizenship: historiography and identity formation
People in Asia increasingly feel the need for a strong identity. This is the consequence of developments such as globalisation and the realisation that Asian countries such as China and India are becoming new world powers. Professor Hilde De Weerdt studies how political ideas and national identity spread…
Link between Rembrandt and the University
There are various links between Rembrandt and Leiden University
Markets and ports in perspective
A comparative study on the spatial origin and development of towns in the northern Netherlands, 700-1400.
Households and Enslavement in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Empire
How did colonial law work to turn people into property? This project argues that colonial ideas about households and domestic authority were critical to legal processes of enslavement in the early modern Dutch empire. Using colonial court records from Dutch Brazil, Suriname, and the Moluccas, the project…
Scholarly temptations: self-discipline and desire in Victorian Britain.
How did British scholars and scientists in the period of discipline formation envision, experience and resist scholarly temptations?
Resistance and Revolt in Egypt and Babylonia: The Persian Empire (539-330 BC) in the Eyes of its Rebels
The Persian Empire (539-330 BCE) was the first world empire in history. At its height, it united a territory stretching from present-day India to Libya - and it would take 2,000 years before significantly larger empires emerged in early modern Eurasia. Its size and power was revered by some, feared…
Forum Antiquum Lecture Spring 2023: 'De mythen van Plato als denkinstrumenten'