4,211 search results for “de world van takes en cultural” in the Public website
Douglas Berger
Faculty of Humanities
Marijke Klokke
Faculty of Humanities
Karen Smith
Faculty of Humanities
Eric Storm
Faculty of Humanities
Erik Kroon
Faculteit Archeologie
Carina van den Hoven
Faculty of Humanities
Elizabeth Rodriguez Estrada
Faculteit Archeologie
Ksenia Fedorova
Faculty of Humanities
Jonathan Powell
Faculty of Humanities
Nina Jaspers
Faculteit Archeologie
Ivo Smits
Faculty of Humanities
Dilara Erzeybek
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Weixuan Li
Faculty of Humanities
Of Islanders and Foreigners? Tracing local identities and cultural encounters in the Gulf of Fonseca, Central America (AD 400-1521)
How did local lifeways and crafting practices persist and develop in the diverse environments of the increasingly interconnected Gulf of Fonseca (AD 400-1521)?
Het op atomaire schaal afbeelden van chemische reacties op oppervlakken
Inaugural lecture
Skate culture embraced by Olympic Games is now visible in the city
The skateboarding world was highly enthusiastic about the participation of skaters in the Olympic Games in 2021, although there was also a lot of opposition. Researcher Sander Hölsgens observes that the discussion has now abated and that the Games have had positive effects for skateboarders and citi…
Heritage, landscape and spatial justice: new legal perspectives on heritage protection in the Lesser Antilles
This dissertation presents a legal geographical analysis of the heritage laws of the independent English-speaking islands of the Lesser Antilles.
Cierre del X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux (AHBx)
La Universidad de Leiden tuvo el placer de presentar el X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux (AHBx), Transhispanismos: contactos y contagios, del 1-4 de noviembre este año. La AHBx es un punto de encuentro y enlace entre hispanistas de diversas disciplinas y profesiones…
ACPA research honored for NWO Smart Culture
Seven research projects have been honored in the unique researchprogramme Smart Culture - Arts and Culture. The successful research projects have one purpose, which is proving the connection between innovative artistic and cultural practices, scientific and social issues.
Cleared for take-off, Game-based learning to prepare airline pilots for critical situations
Over the last decades, aviation safety has improved strongly. As a downside, airline pilots do not have as many opportunities to develop through experience the competencies that they need in critical situations.
Heritage and Climate Governance: Potentials and Pitfalls
This pilot project will initiate research on how heritage has been and can be mobilized to address climate change governance in Himalayan Asia. Climate adaptation strategies frequently include the sourcing of heritage, encompassing landscapes, built environments 4 and cultural practices. However, effective…
Rethinking Javanese Religion: The Prospect of New Descriptions of Javanese Traditions
This study describes religion in Java.
Gerda Henkel Research Grant for Meike de Goede
Meike de Goede has received a research grant of €14,600 from the Gerda Henkel Foundation for her research on the post-colonial silencing of anti-colonial resistance in Congo-Brazzaville.
Leiden Law School rises in QS World University Ranking
Leiden Law School has moved up three places in the global ranking of law faculties and is now in 21st place.
Ook jij hebt een cyclus – en daar gedraag je je naar
Leiden researchers Arko Ghosh and Enea Ceolini analysed the usage data of hundreds of mobile phones and discovered that our body has rhythms ranging between 7 and 52 days. These cycles influence how we behave. Their research resulted in an article in npj Digital Medicine journal, a Nature Portfolio…
Bienvenidos a la Universidad de Leiden
¡Bienvenidos a la Universidad de Leiden! Estamos encantados de que estés interesado/a en conseguir tu doctorado en nuestra universidad.
Bem-vindos à Universidade de Leiden
Bem-vindos à Universidade de Leiden! Estamos muito contentes com o seu interesse em fazer um doutorado aqui.
Nubian Voices II
New Texts and Studies on Christian Nubian Culture
Cultural Anthropology alumna in ‘The Newsletter’, IIAS
Tarini J. Shipurkar was the winner of the 2016 IIAS National Master's Thesis Prize in Asian Studies. She wrote her thesis, entitled ‘Gender on Campus: Redefining Gender Identities at Jawaharlal Nehru University’, at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University.…
The Sung home : narrative, morality, and the Kurdish nation
This dissertation gives an ethnographic account of Kurdish dengbêj narrative from a theorethical perspective.
Protecting cultural heritage in conflict situations
Violent conflicts all over the world pose a great threat. Not only to the region’s inhabitants, but also to the cultural heritage in the area. This is the subject of the Europe Lecture in The Hague on 13 June.
Between the Holy Land and the World. A connected history of Christian communities in the Near East via the unpublished photographic collections
The project ‘Between the Holy Land and the World’ proposes a connected history of the Christian communities in the Near East (1900-1948) by means of a study of unpublished Franciscan and Dominican photographic collections.
Sedes del X Congreso de la AHBx
Ya se acerca el X Congreso Internacional Transhispanismos: contactos y contagios, que se llevará a cabo en las ciudades de Leiden (1, 2 y 3 de Octubre), y La Haya (4 de Octubre).
Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures - Call
Jessica Barr and Barbara Zimbalist invite essays that examine any aspect of race and religion in medieval culture and society for a special issue on race and religion in the Middle Ages. Deadline for submission: 1 February 2021.
Taking Place: Parrhesiastic practices of social transformation within local forms of theatricality
How can theatricality act as a mediating process between public space and public as ‘audience’? Does the presence of an observer change the nature of the observed and if so, how?
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Taking Stock after 25 Years and Looking Ahead
The book 'The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' is the result of the international academic conference – ’25 Years CRC’ – which was held in November 2014 in Leiden on the occasion of the 25th birthday of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Scholarship in Antiquity on the Occasion of the Eightieth Birthday of Arie van der Kooij
Building Other forms of Communicating the Academy
The BOCA project explores new forms of communicating academic knowledge as a way to strengthen the connection between the university and society.
Université de Lille - Postdoc position
The University of Lille offers four postdoc positions in the ERC Advanced Grant 2020 AGRELITA Project, « The reception of ancient Greece in pre-modern French literature and illustrations of manuscripts and printed books (1320-1550): how invented memories shaped the identity of European communities »,…
Aafje de Roest: ‘As an expert in Dutch Studies you have the right skills to research hip hop’
Aafje de Roest turned her hobby into her job. She went from a teenager who enjoyed listening to hip hop music to a PhD candidate who focuses on how Dutch hip hop music shapes the cultural identity of young people in the Netherlands.
Willy de Heer in De Monitor about highly gifted children and education
Willy de Heer, who obtained a doctorate from Leiden University's Dual PhD Center, did her PhD research into giftedness and education for highly gifted children, or in other terms very easy learning children.
The Heritage Arena
In Europe a number of production and communication strategies have long tried to establish local products as resources for local development. At the foot of the Alps, this scenario appears in all its contradictions, especially in relation to cheese production. The Heritage Arena focuses on the saga…
Nurul Huda Binte Abdul Rashid
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Reading list – Culinary culture and tasty tales
Are we going vegetarian this year? Shall we keep the dessert the same? Where do I find inspiration for a festive meal during the holidays? For readers who like to postpone these questions, for those who like to tell a good story with their culinary contribution, or for those who simply want to know…
the lens of the airs sérieux in the Recueils d’airs serieux et à boire de differents autheurs, 1695-1699
This dissertation examines the airs sérieux contained within the Recueils d’airs serieux et a boire de differents autheurs published by the Ballard printing house in Paris between 1695 and 1699 inclusive.
Podcast: How open is our governance culture?
A ‘new governance culture’ – a hot topic for a number of years now. What kind of culture of public administration do we have in the Netherlands and how do you change it? This question is the focus of the podcast Het Spel & De Macht (the Game & the Power). Each episode considers one theme related to…
Cultural genocide: 'I see no scenario in which Uyghur culture can revive in Xinjiang'
Within just a few years, the Chinese government's policy towards the Uyghurs deteriorated sharply. From control and marginalisation, it shifted to violation of human rights. PhD candidate Elke Spiessens was right in the middle of it with her research. 'The fabric of the community is being completely…
Studiemiddag Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden
Op maandag 2 oktober 2023 zullen vier nieuwe delen in de reeks Middeleeuwse Verzamelhandschriften uit de Nederlanden (MVN) worden gepresenteerd. Naar aanleiding van deze mijlpaal organiseren het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis en Cultuur van de KNAW en de MVN-projectcommissie een studiemiddag…
Journée d'étude - Femme de pouvoir (Bruxelles)
Journée d'étude (17 novembre 2022): Femmes de pouvoir dans les principautés des anciens Pays-Bas et le royaume de France (13e-16e s.). Nouvelles recherches en histoire sociopolitique du genre.
Maartje van de Woude makes an appeal to all Leiden researchers in the field of migration, integration and borders
On 1 February 2018 Professor Maartje van der Woude (professor of Law and Society at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society) became Associate Director of the Oxford-based Border Criminologies Network.