289 search results for “russian and smit linguistics” in the Organisational structure
Anikó Lipták
Faculty of Humanities
Tian Yang
Faculty of Humanities
Maria del Carmen Parafita Couto
Faculty of Humanities
Tina Cambier-Langeveld
Faculty of Humanities
Nancy Kula
Faculty of Humanities
Jenneke van der Wal
Faculty of Humanities
Study Advice
The Study Advice Department guides students during their studies and gives advice on, for example, srudie planning.
Olga Lundysheva
Faculty of Humanities
Sarah von Grebmer zu Wolfsthurn
Faculty of Humanities
Irina Morozova
Faculty of Humanities
Education Coordinators
Education Coordinators are responsible for the educational organisation within a programme.
Guus Kroonen
Faculty of Humanities
Alwin Kloekhorst
Faculty of Humanities
Martin Kroon
Faculty of Humanities
Stan van der Burght
Faculty of Humanities
Boards of Examiners
Every study programme has a Board of Examiners, which monitors compliance with the Course and Examination Regulations.
Stefan Norbruis
Faculty of Humanities
Matthew Sung
Faculty of Humanities
Jiaqi Wang
Faculty of Humanities
Tijmen Pronk
Faculty of Humanities
Kate Bellamy
Faculty of Humanities
Felix Ameka
Faculty of Humanities
Education Administration Offices
The Education Administration Offices perform the supporting tasks associated with the educational process.
Geert Booij
Faculty of Humanities
Turan Hanci
Faculty of Humanities
Axel Palmér
Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
Marijke van der Wal
Faculty of Humanities
Emi Yamamoto
Faculty of Humanities
Mahmood Yenkimaleki
Faculty of Humanities
Tim Laméris
Faculty of Humanities
Leticia Pablos Robles
Faculty of Humanities
Matthijs Westera
Faculty of Humanities
Marina Terkourafi
Faculty of Humanities
Morena Skalamera
Faculty of Humanities
Niels Schoubben
Faculty of Humanities
Martine Bruil
Faculty of Humanities
Employee council ISSC
As of 1 September 2023, the members are: Name Role Mark van 't Wout Chair Emma Kastelein Vice chair Monica Smits Secretary Carel Fenijn Vice secretary Hanno Looijestijn General member
Employee council administration and central services
As of 1 September 2023, the members are: Name Role Suzanne Neilen Strategic Communication and Marketing Gaurie Shriemissier Finances Wanda Smit Staffbureau, Legal Affairs Ronald Grootveld Information Management
Brenda Assendelft
Faculty of Humanities
Prof. dr. Jasper Knoester Dean Prof. dr. Bart de Smit Vice Dean and education portfolio Suzanne van der Pluijm Executive Director Floris van Kampen Secretary Faculty Board Elice Schöne Manager Human Resources Marjolein van Schoonhoven Manager Communication & Marketing Maaike Barkema Strategic…
André Gerrits
Institute for History
Legal Affairs
Responsibility JZ advises and supports the Executive Board, faculties and services in any legal matters that may arise. These can range from the implementation of educational legislation to handling objections, and from preparing and conducting legal proceedings on behalf of the University to drafting…
S. Valdez
Faculty of Humanities
Joosje Wessels
Faculty of Humanities
Alina Karakanta
Faculty of Humanities
Henrike Jansen
Faculty of Humanities
Hannah De Mulder
Faculty of Humanities
Natasja Delbar
Faculty of Humanities
Carmen Kleinherenbrink
Faculty of Humanities
Employee Council ASCL
The Employee Council, or ‘Dienstraad’, is composed of employees who represent the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) staff. The Council consists of four representatives, who each represent a different echelon within the ASCL. The Council aims to promote the well-being and interests of the staff…