582 search results for “koen economics” in the Public website
DiGiuseppe & Kleinberg, ‘Economics, security, and individual-level preferences for trade agreements’
Citizens’s attitudes towards trade are not only about the (perceived) economic effect. Commerce also has a variety of security implications. Employing an original experiment, political scientists Matthew DiGiuseppe (Leiden University) and Katja Kleinberg (Binghamton University) demonstrate that security…
Koen de Ceuster on the NKNews Podcast about North Korean art
Koen de Ceuster, university lecturer for Korea Studies at the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, was interviewed on the NKNews Podcast about art in North Korea. He speaks about the role of art in North Korean society, art ‘business’, and argues why it is not possible to separate propaganda…
Strategic Interaction of Governments and Terrorist Groups in Times of Economic Hardship
In this article, Tokdemir & Klein examine the strategic actions of governments against domestic terrorist groups and domestic terrorist groups’ reactions to such actions.
Common Practice: a livelihood perspective of economic development in the post-Roman world.
Today’s socio-economic challenges aren’t new. In the centuries after the retreat of the Roman state people with different backgrounds and with different ways of life somehow managed to build and maintain a complex economic system in northern Gaul that would produce the ruling dynasties of Europe. By…
Economic value of non-timber forest products among Paser Indigenous People of East Kalimantan
Promotor: G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
The private and public sides of Weibo: combining economic and political economy perspectives
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
Arie Ros
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jinxian Wang
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Vice-Dean Koen Caminada speaks at the opening ceremony of the HOPweek
Last monday, the fourth edition of the HOPweek kicked-off. During this week, new students of Leiden University that will study in The Hague will get to know new people, their study, study associations and The Hague. HOPweek 2019 was officially opened during the opening ceremony in the Great Church (De…
Egbert Jongen appointed Professor of Economics and Socio-Economic Policy
Egbert Jongen is appointed Professor of Economics and Socio-Economic Policy at Leiden University from 1 November 2023. His expertise is in the field of socio-economic policy, inequality, and the labour market.
Sustaining total war: Militarisation, economic mobilisation and social change in Japan and Korea (1931-1953)
This project investigates the effects of the Asia-Pacific War (1931-1945) and the Korean War (1950-1953) on the production, distribution, preparation and consumption of food in transwar Japan and Korea.
Lecture on international judicial cooperation by Ard van der Steur and Koen Geens
On Monday 21 November a lecture was given at Leiden Law School of Leiden University by Belgian Minister of Justice Koen Geens and Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Ard van der Steur in which they talked about international judicial cooperation. The lecture focussed on cooperation between the Netherlands…
Socio-Economic Integration and Social Citizenship of Migrants: Empirical Analyses
PhD defence
Dean Koen Caminada on budget cuts: ‘There’s nothing we can’t handle’
Het is nog lastig in te schatten wat de gevolgen zijn van de aangekondigde bezuinigingen. Een week na Prinsjesdag kan decaan Koen Caminada al wel wat vragen van binnen FGGA beantwoorden. ‘We staan er relatief goed voor, maar de gevolgen kunnen groot zijn.’
The road to drain or gain: Dutch private investment and economic development in late colonial and early independent Indonesia
On 20 September 2023 Mark van de Water successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Soldiers of Fortune at Home: Remarks on the Social and Economic Footprint of Cretan Mercenary Wealth in the Hellenistic Period
Lecture, Ancient History Research Seminar
Epistemological Inquiry into Islam’s Moral Economic Teachings, Legal Discourse, and Islamization Process
Mr. S. Al Daghistani defended his thesis on 30 November 2017
Reform of Social Legislation
The consequences of social tendencies for the legislation and institutions in the fields of social security, the labor market policy and pension reform are examined in this multdisciplinary research program..
Economics is mainly about psychology
Many people in the Netherlands have difficulty managing on their income. Professor by special appointment Wilco van Dijk, affiliated to Leiden University and Nibud, is researching what we can do to gain a healthier approach to managing our finances. His inaugural lecture is on 1 April.
Philippe van Gruisen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Marike Knoef
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Maarten van 't Riet
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
an indigenous institution in the context of sustainable socio-economic development in Indonesia
In times of hardships or crisis, local people know how to deal with it using their resourcefulness. Although efforts are sometimes made by the government to help them, they are fully aware that community support is at least equally important.
Wimar Bolhuis joins audit committee of Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
Wimar Bolhuis, lecturer in economics, has become a member of the Central Planning Committee (CPC), the independent supervisory committee which audits the work of the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB).
Olaf Simonse
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Kai Li
Jeroen Touwen
Faculty of Humanities
Max van Lent
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Wilco van Dijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Kees Goudswaard
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jaewook Lee
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Feifei Wang
Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Database
Leiden Budget Incidence Fiscal Redistribution Database (2011), assembled by Chen Wang and Koen Caminada (Version 1, August 2011), presents the disentanglement of income inequality and the redistributive effect of social transfers and taxes in 36 LIS countries for the period 1970-2006.
Olaf van Vliet appointed Professor of Economics
The Executive Board has appointed Olaf van Vliet as Professor of Economics at Leiden University, specialising in social security and labour market policy from an international perspective. The chair is affiliated to both the Department of Economics (Leiden Law School) and the Institute of Public Administration…
brief on 'Deepening G20-UN System Cooperation to Foster Socio-Economic Recovery from the Pandemic and Reduce Inequality Worldwide'
This Think20 (T20) policy brief recommends the introduction of a
Leiden University receives gift for research into psychology of economic behaviour
Leiden University has received a gift of over 2m euros from the Utopa Foundation for its Department of Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology. The gift will be used to set up a Psychology and Economic Psychology research and teaching fund. There will also be a new knowledge centre, which will…
SOLID: Solidarity under strain - A legal, criminological and economic analysis of welfare states and free movement in the EU
Analysing the ways in which immigration structurally challenges and changes the organization and conceptual boundaries of national welfare states.
Tycho van Tartwijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Anne Verboom
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Zi Ye
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Sine Bagatur
Faculty of Humanities
Hirad Rezaiejoo
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
MSc track Economics and Governance
Master’s Information Day Friday 4 November 2016
Jim Been
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
CO2-reduction and economic growth: can they go hand-in-hand?
Fearing a trade-off with economic growth, countries feel discouraged to cut their CO2 emissions. But do the two really not go together? Environmental scientist Ranran Wang and her colleagues investigated the relationship between economic growth and CO2 emissions in 73 countries from 1970 to 2016. Wang:…
Self-reliance and Social Protection over the Life Cycle
Leiden University, Department of Economics
How the EU is trying to deter economic coercion of countries
The EU is aiming to deter economic coercion with a new legal instrument. Freya Baetens will elucidate this in her inaugural lecture on October 27th.
New in Leiden: Computer science and economics
In a survey held last year by the publication Elsevier, Leiden's Computer Science programme was voted by students as the best university programme of its kind in the Netherlands. And the Rotterdam Economics programme was voted the best in its field. Leiden University now offers a combined study based…
Rizal Shidiq
Faculty of Humanities
Government pledges millions for economic growth
The government is investing 646 million euros and has set aside a further 3.5 billion to drive economic growth in the Netherlands. Much of the National Growth Fund will be used for scientific innovations. Leiden University is involved in three of the projects.