2,345 search results for “indonesie and japan language and culturele” in the Public website
Yinzhi Zhang
Faculty of Humanities
On the representation of quantity: how our brains shape language
This project investigates properties of quantity expressions across languages from the perspective of how quantity is represented in the human brain.
Crossing language borders
How do speakers adapt to multilingual contexts?
Visual Culture and Literature: Cultural Memory in Late Edo and Meiji Japan
This project examines changes in late eighteenth and nineteenth-century representations of the legendary twelfth-century general Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159-1189) and how they reflect not only developments in themes of representation, but also changes in the focus of early modern and modern Japan’s…
African languages archives
This collaborative research group (CRG) facilitates the synergies of researchers engaged with African languages and documentation of texts conducted in East Africa, paying particular attention to ‘endangered archives’ and ‘endangered languages’.
Dutch Language, Culture and Society (MA)
In the master’s programme in Dutch Language, Culture and Society at Leiden University you will study the language and culture of the Netherlands from the Dutch Golden Age – the time of Rembrandt and Vondel – until today’s dynamic and muliticultural society.
Language Use in Past and Present
The research programme Language Use in Past and Present brings together linguists within LUCL whose central focus is both on actual language data, including language use in earlier stages of the language, and, taking a variationist perspective, on language change in various aspects.
The music of language: exploring grammar, prosody and rhythm perception in zebra finches and budgerigars
Promotor: C.J. ten Cate
Language Use, Usage Guides and Linguistic Norms
Language Use, Usage Guides and Linguistic Norms will be of interest to scholars of language use in both the past and the present, as well as to anyone interested in the interplay between actual language use and prescriptive attitudes towards language.
- Language Teaching in Secondary Education (MA)
Kohei Suzuki on Infobae about the problem of loneliness in Japan
Kohei Suzuki, Assistant Professor at Institute of Public Administration, was interviewed by Infobae about loneliness in Japan and the role of government and society.
Ethan Mark
Faculty of Humanities
Aya Ezawa
Faculty of Humanities
Relative pitch in music and language
Knowledge and culture subproject 1:
Paul Smith
Faculty of Humanities
Paul Hoftijzer
Faculty of Humanities
The Silk Road Language Web
A linguistic prehistory of the Tarim Basin in Northwest China
Ñuhun Ñuu Savi: Land and language as cultural heritage of the People of the Rain
The research focuses on the understanding of symbolic stratigraphy of the land (through time) from the worldview of the People of the Rain (one of the Indigenous Peoples of southern Mexico), by studying contemporary cultural heritage in communities of the Mixtec Highlands.
Eduardo Alves Vieira
Faculty of Humanities
The comparative biology of language learning
A theoretical project on the insights gained by human (including infant), nonhuman animal and computational studies on artificial grammar learning; identifying the critical questions for future research by developing novel experimental and computational approaches to address these issues.
Summer School in Languages and Linguistics
The Leiden Summer School in Languages and Linguistics offers a varied program of specialised courses in Descriptive linguistics, in Chinese, Germanic, Indo-European, Indian, Iranian, Semitic languages and linguistics, as well as a number of introductory linguistic courses.
Hisashi Owada
Faculty of Humanities
Representation of Javanese Culture on Indonesian Television
This study aims to reveal how national, regional, public and private television stations in Indonesia – each in their own ways and for their own aims - represent aspects of Javaneseness.
Rethinking Javanese Religion: The Prospect of New Descriptions of Javanese Traditions
This study describes religion in Java.
How Arabic influenced Berber, and the typology of contact-induced change
This project investigates the influence that Arabic (esp. dialectal Arabic) has had on the Berber languages of Northern Africa.
Language courses
The Academic Language Centre organises language courses for companies, government agencies, private clients, and students and staff members of Leiden University.
Alumni meet up in Japan. ‘Finally the chance to speak Dutch again’
An impressive 60 alumni recently came to the Dutch Embassy residence in Japan to meet, network, see friends and practise their languages.
Languages as Lifelines: The Multilingual Coping Strategies of Refugees from the Early Modern Low Countries
From ca. 1540 to 1600, thousands fled the war-stricken Southern Low Countries to the British Isles, Germany, and the Northern Low Countries. Research on this displacement crisis, central to the formation of the Netherlands and Belgium, reflects 21st-century debates on migration and language: language…
Effective viewing behavior and viewing strategies: Can we teach language learners to effectively use captions and subtitles?
What is effective viewing behavior for foreign language learners and how can teachers effectively train language learners to apply effective viewing strategies that will maximize their learning when viewing subtitled materials?
A Grammar of Mandarin
A fascinating description of a global language, A Grammar of Mandarin by Jeroen Wiedenhof combines broad perspectives with illuminating depth.
The Performative Force of Accented Speech: Language, Body, and Violence
This research examines the social, political, and cultural forces that structure people’s responses towards accented speech, and further uses the accent as a focal point to theorize the interrelation between language and body.
Bilingual lectures on Sign Languages and Deaf Studies
Open access, online talks on African Sign Language Studies, in International sign and English
Naomi Truan
Faculty of Humanities
Launch of the Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics
International scholarly publisher Brill has released the most complete and up-to-date reference work on the Chinese language available today. Prof.dr. Rint Sybesma oversaw the project as Editor-in-Chief.
Atalialu Serapheim and the Turkophone Orthodox Christians of Anatolia: A study of eighteenth-century Turkish texts in the Greek alphabet (Karamanlidika)
Stylianos Irakleous defended his thesis on 6 February 2020
Investigating dynamicity of fluency for valid oral language assessment
To what extent do aspects of fluency fluctuate throughout time? And how do raters take the dynamicity of fluency into account when rating performances?
BA in Italian Language and Culture to continue
Leiden University will continue to offer its BA in Italian Language and Culture. The Board of the Faculty of Humanities has reversed its decision to stop admitting new students as of the 2026/2027 academic year.
Academic Language Centre
Language connects us! We are here to help you! The Academic Language Centre (ATC) is the language centre of Leiden University. As the oldest university language centre in the Netherlands, we offer language courses in a wide range of languages, both for beginners and advanced students. All courses are…
Languages of The Hague
Languages of The Hague is a collection of columns on languages and language which were published between 2016 and 2018 in the weekly newspaper Den Haag Centraal.
Alor-Pantar languages: origins and theoretical impact
This research project focuses on the extended documentation and investigation of these non-Austronesian (‘Papuan’) languages.
The Non-Verbal Clause in Qumran Hebrew
The present study comprises a classification and analysis of the syntax of the non-verbal clause in Qumran Hebrew, i.e. the linguistic variety (or varieties) found in the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls. The corpus consists of the non-biblical texts written in Hebrew; biblical texts and texts written in…
Language policy and planning
From the smallest level of interaction among families and close friends, over the meso-level of schools, shops, churches, religious communities and companies, to the highest level of nation-states and international organisations: Language Policy and Planning (LPP) is everywhere!
Language Learning Resource Centre
The language learning resource centre unites all language teaching professionals working at Leiden University: teachers and researchers at the LUCL, ATC, LUCAS, LIAS, and ICLON.
From Gesture to Language
Like any language, the natural sign languages of deaf communities differ from each other in their grammars and lexicons. A growing number of studies indicates that sign languages make use of the gestures of hearing speakers to build linguistic structure. This implies that variation and similarities…
Language Courses Russian
The Academic Language Centre Leiden offers Russian language courses at various levels and tailor-made Russian language courses. The courses are practical in nature: focusing on the use of the language. More information can be found here >
Language Courses Spanish
The Academic Language Centre Leiden offers Spanish language courses at ten different levels, an intensive summer course and tailor-made Spanish language training. The courses are practical in nature: focusing on the use of the language. More information can be found here >
Language Courses French
The Academic Language Centre Leiden offers French language courses at eight different levels, an intensive summer course and customised French language training. The courses are practical in nature: focusing on the use of the language. More information can be found here >
Language Courses Swedish
The Academic Language Centre Leiden offers Swedish language courses at different levels and tailor-made Swedish language courses. The courses are practical in nature: focusing on the use of the language. More information can be found here >
Language Courses Chinese
The Academic Language Centre Leiden offers Chinese language courses at three different levels and tailor-made Chinese language courses. The courses are practical in nature: focusing on the use of the language. More information can be found here >
Language Courses German
The Academic Language Centre Leiden offers German language courses at two different levels and customised German language courses. The courses are practical in nature: focusing on the use of the language. More information can be found here >