384 search results for “fox quantum optics an in protection” in the Student website
Symposium Metaphors for quantum science and technology
Robert Smit receives his PhD with distinction. ‘I am happy to be back in the lab’
An all-optical transistor, a molecule-sized sensor and a new kind of single-photon source for quantum communication. All dreamed applications of fundamental physics that are one step closer thanks to Robert Smit. On 12 June, he defended his PhD thesis with distinction.
Susanna Lindberg: ‘I want to protect our plurality and openness’
Professor Susanna Lindberg has been appointed Scientific Director of the Institute for Philosophy with effect from 1 February. In her new role, she aims to foster connections among people. ‘I want my colleagues to feel good.’
eLaw Alumnus wins European Data Protection Law Review ‘Young Scholar Award’ at CPDP
Taner Kuru, an eLaw alumnus, was awarded the prestigious European Data Protection Law Review ‘Young Scholar Award’ for his paper on the shortcomings in the GDPR for the regulation of genetic testing at the prestigious Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP).
Huub Rottgering
'Protecting your data is not something you do just for yourself'
How safely do you handle your data? Privacy officer Eric van Hoof assists researchers and staff with this. 'The biggest mistake people make is thinking they have nothing to hide.' He has some useful tips.
Over 3 million euros in funding for Surveillance & Protection research project
A research team from the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) has received over 3 million euros in funding from the Knowledge Centre Surveillance and Protection, a partnership between the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security, the Public Prosecution Office, the police,…
Joachim Koops briefs UN Department of Peace Operations on Ukraine and Protection of Civilians
On 12 May, Joachim Koops, Professor of Security Studies and Scientific Director of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), was invited to brief the United Nations Department of Peace Operations in New York on the situation in Ukraine, options for the protection of civilians and lessons…
Oliver Tuazon
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Helena Vrabec
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Gianclaudio Malgieri
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
eLaw master's student wins thesis award from Dutch Data Protection Authority
On on 29 January 2024, it was announced that Aylin Alexa Zainea has won the Thesis Award from the Dutch Data Protection Authority. She wrote her thesis for the Advanced Master programme on Law and Digital Technologies hosted by eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies. Her thesis entitled ‘Automated…
'EU integration is an opportunity to protect our national constitutional values jointly'
The euro crisis of 2010 has shown that the Eurozone lacks economic cohesion and that EU fiscal integration is needed for a stable euro. But can this integration exist without clashing with the national constitutional interests of the Member States? Frederik Behre looked into this matter in his PhD-thesis…
Investigations conducted by child protection bodies have been 'substandard for some time'
Investigations conducted by several Dutch child protection bodies within family situations are inadequate. Due to lack of knowledge, time and money, these investigations are not carried out properly, with major consequences for the families involved.
Protecting Democracy in Europe: Tom Theuns Presents His New Book at the European Parliament
On 10 December 2024, the European Parliament played host to an insightful presentation of ‘Protecting Democracy in Europe: Pluralism, Autocracy, and the Future of the EU’, the new book by Tom Theuns, Assistant Professor at Leiden University. Hosted by MEP Thijs Reuten (PvdA/S&D) and his team, the event…
Mio Poortvliet
Yingjian Liu
Gerrit Dusseldorp
Faculteit Archeologie
Jennifer Schense
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Former scientific director physics remains active. ‘Through this role, I continue being part of the future.’
For many years, he was active in various management positions at the LION and even after his retirement he is still very involved. Professor Jan Aarts leads the Leiden hub of the Quantum Delta NL growth fund and is now temporarily responsible for national educational activities. In this way, he is helping…
Huub de Groot
Strange materials with potential for innovation in technology and energy
Following in the footsteps of Professor Jan Zaanen, visiting fellow Louk Rademaker is exploring quantum effects in so-called strange materials. His research is paving the way for new materials that could be used in emerging technologies.
Childcare and lactation rooms
Are you combining studying with taking care of young children? Students of Leiden University can make use of the facilities offered by De Kattekop daycare center. There are also lactation rooms available if you need to express milk whilst on campus.
- Translation Café
Kaiser Spring Lectures: Astrochemistry
Remarkable achievement: Leiden professor appointed AAAS Fellow
Carlo Beenakker has been appointed a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the organisation behind the journal Science. Among the Fellows, he is the third Dutch person and first Leiden researcher.
Jennifer Dowling
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
How do you protect the world against cybercrime? Become the professional of the future
Examining cybercrime from criminological, legal, administrative, and technical perspectives. The new Bachelor's programme in Cybersecurity & Cybercrime addresses the growing demand for versatile cyber professionals..
KHMW graduation prize for research on superconducting qubits
Matthias Flór receives the KHMW Graduation Prize in Theoretical Physics for his master's thesis. His research on exotic superconductors at Leiden University and TU Delft struck a chord with the jury. The jury unanimously chose to award Flór noting that ‘he demonstrated impressive technical abilities…
MSc Research presentation Roya Ahemeh on Friday 31 March @11h00, using Zoom
NWO-XS grants for two innovative research projects
Two Leiden Science researchers received an NWO-XS grant for their research. Both projects are highly promising, but also high-risk. Macrophages that trap bacteria and data storage made from 2D materials convinced the board of their potential.
Mariëlle Bruning
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Chasing gravitational waves: damping vibrations in underground Einstein Telescope
Leiden scientists and companies receive 1.37 million euros to develop technology for the Einstein Telescope. This underground telescope will measure gravitational waves and must therefore be extremely sensitive. To that end, the consortium conducts research on the damping of vibrations at temperatures…
Sara Brandellero: ‘We need to protect the city from an excess of light’
On 25 September, lights throughout Leiden will be turned off for the Seeing Stars event. What makes the urban night so special? We asked university lecturer Sara Brandellero, who researches cities, night and migration.
Two ERC Consolidator Grants for Leiden researchers
Research on quantum computers and Islamic charities: two Leiden researchers have received a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council.
Eamon Aloyo
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Shekhar Kolipaka
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Daniel Vale
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jacky Nieuwboer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
What are the FLO-Days?
The FLO-Days are organised once a year to offer Social and Behavioural Sciences students and young alumni a better perspective on their future opportunities. What do you have to offer the labour market? How can you maximize your chances?
Tanja Masson-Zwaan: 'We have to protect our heritage on the moon, like Neil Armstrong’s footprints'
Space is becoming increasingly busier due to the launching of satellites and tourists. But no binding international agreements have been made since 1979. This is problematic, warns space lawyer Tanja Masson-Zwaan. ‘Everyone’s putting their own interests first.’
Biological Origami at molecular level: folding a single protein
Human cells are protecting their proteins from unfolding and aggregating. That's what biophysicist Alireza Mashaghi and his team discovered after seven years of in-depth research into the folding mechanisms of proteins. With an unprecedented approach, the team was able to study the folding of a single…
Terugblik: De impact van Meijers is na 70 jaar nog steeds voelbaar
In een goedgevuld Teldersauditorium vond op maandag 24 juni het symposium ‘Het Erfgoed van Meijers: 70 jaar waardering en inspiratie’ plaats. Vanuit verschillende perspectieven werd gereflecteerd op de omvangrijke nalatenschap van de Leidse hoogleraar Eduard Maurits Meijers, die precies zeventig jaar…
Christina Pasvanti Gkioka
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Gavin Robinson
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
An-Sofie Vanhouche
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Kaiser Spring Lectures: De geologie van het zonnestelsel: de prachtige planetaire paralellen van tastbare gesteenten en inspirerende landschappen
The surprising tradition of fables in French education: 'It builds bridges between generations'
In the Netherlands, people probably grew up with De Fabeltjeskrant (a children’s show, ed.), but in France an introduction to fables plays a much more important role in a child's upbringing. PhD candidate Céline Zaepffel studied the role of fables in French education and teaching methods. It turns out…
Article on Affective Computing by Andreas Häuselmann published in IDPL
Affective Computing (AC and sometimes called ‘Emotional AI’) provides opportunities to automatically process emotional data. However, is EU data protection law fit for purpose when it is applied to such AC approaches?
‘If you know how the system works, you can stand up for your rights’
Legal protection. What do those involved in youth care and child protection understand by this concept? And what needs to change to improve legal protection? This question was explored by researchers from Leiden University’s Department of Child Law. Their research fits with the government’s ambition…