1,897 search results for “de world van takes en cultural” in the Student website
Anneleen Stienaers
Faculteit Archeologie
Book launch “Style en Society in the Prehistory of West Asia – Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse”
Conference, Book launch
Nanne Timmer
Faculty of Humanities
Bredere blik op leiderschap nodig: gebruik alle tools uit de gereedschapskist
Leiderschap in een publieke organisatie is niet langer voorbehouden aan managers alleen. Daarnaast vereist modern leiderschap toepassing van een divers gedragsrepertoire. De manager van nu put daarvoor uit een gereedschapskist vol tools, betoogt Marieke van der Hoek, promovenda bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde…
in Binnenlands Bestuur: ‘Geef kinderen met een maatregel voorrang in de jeugdzorg'
‘Om de problemen in de jeugdbescherming op te kunnen lossen heb ik de gemeenten nodig’, zei minister Weerwind van Rechtsbescherming onlangs in de Tweede Kamer. Maar volgens hoogleraar jeugdrecht Mariëlle Bruning moet het rijk stoppen met het verwijzen naar andere partijen en zélf nu zorgen dat de boel…
Hoe kan de gemeente Leiden het contact met internationals verbeteren? Studenten Bestuurskunde zoeken het uit
Tweedejaars studenten van de Bachelor Bestuurskunde, track Bestuur Beleid en Organisatie (BBO), hebben tijdens het vak BBO II: Multi-level governance gewerkt aan een praktijkopdracht voor de gemeente Leiden. De bevindingen werden aan elkaar gepresenteerd tijdens een interactieve sessie.
Jasmijn Rana onderzoekt culturele normen in hardlopen in de podcast 'Everyday Runners'
Episodes 40 and 42 of the podcast Everyday Runners by Andy Fuller and Reading Sideways Press, feature a conversation with Jasmijn Rana, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Sociology of Development.
Wopke Hoekstra in gesprek met studenten over de NAVO-top
Wopke Hoekstra, outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Campus The Hague on 6 July to talk to students about the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius.
Subsidie voor onderzoek naar meer duidelijkheid over bedrijfswaarderingen in de rechtszaal
Marc Broekema from the Department of Business Studies has received a grant from the Netherlands Institute of Registered Valuators (NiRV) to conduct research into how the value of a business is assessed in legal proceedings.
Katharina Riebel
Brave New World 2023
Human noise makes cod inactive. When it gets quiet again, they take off
She narrowly defied bureaucracy and spent days angling for cod. In the North Sea, marine biologist Inge van der Knaap discovered that noise significantly disturbs fish behaviour. ‘There is now a lot of attention for underwater noise.’
The James Webb Telescope takes stunning photos. But what exactly are we looking at?
For over a year now, the James Webb Telescope has been sending stunning images that exceed astronomers’ expectations. The photos are fascinating to see, but what exactly are we looking at? Assistant professor Melissa McClure explains.
Adapting to salinity: Dutch mosquitos do take it with a grain of salt
Dutch mosquitos are more resilient to saltwater than previously thought. Environmental scientist Sam Boerlijst discovered this during his PhD research at the Hortus botanicus. This knowledge is crucial for understanding how mosquito-borne disease transmission might change in the future.
new study advisor Hanne Bergink: ‘I will always encourage students to take good care of themselves’
Hanne Bergink started as the new study advisor and career advisor at Archaeology in mid-February. Aside from helping students out when they encounter issues during their studies, she will also focus on job market preparation. ‘I have experience as a coach to help people with their personal developme…
Janine Prins
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Sarah Bozuwa
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Eva Pfanzelter
Faculty of Humanities
Wiebe Ruijtenberg
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
beginnen met gezond gedrag moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
Construction Day: Time to come and take a look in the University’s new Spui Building
You might be wondering what the reconstruction of the former V&D store at Spui in The Hague looks like now. If so, you can come and find out for yourself. On Saturday 8 June 2024, from 10.00 – 13.00 hrs., the building site of the new Campus The Hague Leiden University Building will be open to the pu…
Celebrating Naga Culture: Authenticity, Indigeneity and Modernity
Nadine Akkerman discusses Spycraft on BBC and History Extra Podcasts
Nadine Akkerman recently appeared as a guest on a BBC podcast and the History Extra podcast to discuss her book Spycraft. In these interviews, she delved into the fascinating world of espionage, sharing insights from her research and highlighting key themes from her work.
Simay Çetin, Nova Folkersma, Marta Mas Castella, Iris Molenaar and Emma van der Plas
Alumna Simay Çetin received the award for her Master thesis: ‘Interpreting Culture through Embodied Practice: An anthropological study of sexuality among Dutch Women with Turkish Migrant backgrounds.’ Nova, Marta, Iris and Emma were awarded for their Fieldwork NL report.
Introduction Day Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Study information
Reflecting on Professor Carrie Vout's Masterclass on Classical Art
From March 27 to 31 Byvanck Professor Carrie Vout gave the intensive masterclass Classical Art - Definitions, Politics, Limits. This special lecture series was open to students and PhD candidates in Archaeology and Classics. One of the attendees, Nicky Schreuder, on the class: 'It was a critical and…
Sense Jan van der Molen new scientific director LION: ‘We strive for scientific excellence as well as a healthy work-life balance’
Sense Jan van der Molen is vanaf 1 maart de nieuwe wetenschappelijk directeur van het Leiden Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Natuurkunde.
‘Humans are storytellers’: the power of stories in language development of children and AI models
What do ten-year-old children and chatbots have in common? PhD researcher Bram van Dijk studied language development in both children and AI language models. ‘It’s actually quite practical that we attribute human traits to a chatbot.’
Iris Jongejan
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Tuvana Aras
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Gido Oude Kotte
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Marco Visser
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga & Louk van Doorn win the DT4REGIONS Ideathon on AI Potential for Preventive Healthcare
eLaw - Center of Law and Digital technologies from Leiden Law School, and the Vascular Surgery Department at Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, join forces to explore the use of AI for diabetes and secondary prevention of diabetic foot problems and won a prize for it.
Bringing a community together with soup
As part of her Anthropology studies, Leiden student Marleen Kop has made a short documentary about the importance of Leiden-Noord’s ‘soup time’. Her chosen method was participative observation – she spent months helping residents prepare the soup – and the film can now be viewed online.
- Unicef - World Children's Day
Student Mitchell takes part in water council elections: 'Young people don't know how important their vote is'
History student Mitchell Wiegand Bruss is taking part in the water council elections. Whereas until recently he had no idea what the governing body stands for, he now wants to create awareness among other students about the political body.
Public Administration students take a close look at societal issues in Multi-Level Governance
During the course BBO II: Multi-Level Governance, students learn to make the link between theory and society by completing a challenging practical assignment.
Together we Thrive: United in Diversity, Connecting Cultures
Social activity
Breinfestival ‘Over de kop’ - Hanneke Hulst
Festival, Publieksevenement
Jelmer Rotteveel
Faculty of Humanities
Rozemarijn Vlijm
Faculty of Humanities
Willem Otterspeer
Faculty of Humanities
Ratna Saptari Soetikno Slamet
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Marianne Maeckelbergh
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Jan Jansen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Abhimanyu Chettri
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
F.S. Selano
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Exhibitions LeidenGlobal 'Crafting Cultures' and '3 Leidsche Mondialen'
Arts and culture
Daybreak in Gaza - Stories of Palestinian Lives and Culture
Debate, BookTalk
Multilingualism of Frisian children: Evelyn Bosma wins Keetje Hodshon Prize
Postdoc and linguist Evelyn Bosma receives the Keetje Hodshon Prize for her dissertation. For her research on the multilingualism of Frisian children, Bosma previously won the Klokhuis Science Prize and the Campus Fryslân Science Prize.