3,787 search results for “russian and sociale linguistics” in the Public website
Opvattingen over aids in Theatre for Development: aidsvoorlichting in Noord Tanzania
On the 12th of December, Ria Huijgen-Koolen successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Ria on this achievement!
Dutch Discourse Studies (MA)
In the master’s programme in Dutch Discourse Studies at Leiden University you will study rhetoric and argumentation, and you will specifically focus on research into pragmatics, stylistics, genre research and persuasion.
Modern Middle Eastern Studies (BA)
Do you want to discover a language and culture that is completely different from the Netherlands?
German Language and Culture (BA)
Germany has an important position in Europe, both economically as well as politically and culturally. In the Bachelor's programme German Language and Culture you will dive into the rich language, history and literature of this influencial country and discover what it has to offer!
Dutch Language and Culture (BA)
In the Bachelor's programme Dutch Language and Culture at Leiden University you will learn to analyse how people use the Dutch language, culture and media and to place it in an international perspective.
Call for papers European Social Science History Conference
The ESSHC is coming to Leiden (Wednesday 18 - Saturday 21 March 2020)! The European Social Science History Conference is one of the largest gatherings of historians in Europe. The next conference will be held in Leiden in 2020. We are very happy that Leiden has been chosen to host this conference.…
Researching food-centred social networks with participatory visual methods
Our Winter School alumna Ginevra Montefusco defended her Master thesis this March with the title Food in the Margin: a feminist analysis of sense of place in Barriera di Milano, Turin (supervisors: Alessia Toldo and Egidio Dansero).
Ratna Saptari Soetikno Slamet
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Violet Benneker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Mily Crevels
Faculty of Humanities
Aljosa Sorgo
Faculty of Humanities
Ahmed Sosal Altayeb Mohammed Ali
Faculty of Humanities
Abel Warries
Faculty of Humanities
Born to be shy?
An international mega-analysis on the neurobiological link between inhibited temperament and social anxiety disorder
Poverty in Leiden tackled in Honours Class on social innovation
How can business strategies help us solve social problems? This was researched by students of the Master Honours Class 'Social Innovation in Action' over the past twenty weeks. During the final seminar of the class they presented their creative enterprises to tackle child poverty in Leiden. ‘It’s not…
Authority in conversation: from linguistic norms to moral order
Five principles to preserve social trust in scientific modelling
Experts from several disciplines have raised concerns about the use of seemingly precise models to guide policies in matters as complex as the current Covid-19 pandemic. 22 scholars wrote down five principles on how to responsibly use scientific models. This comment was published in Nature on 24 June…
Young social scientists network away during the Young Academic Lunch
Young Academy Leiden wants to bring together young academics. After all, it is not that easy in practice to meet peers outside your field. With inspiring and fun Faculty lunches, the organisation strives to connect young researchers. The most recent, hosted at the Faculty of Social and Behaviourial…
How does social distancing affect the relationship between population groups?
Hardly ever before have different groups in the population retreated into their own bubble as much as they are doing today. Professor of Sociology and Law Maartje van der Woude and her students will be examining the effect of social distancing on relationships. How do the people of Leiden look at students…
Students and residents address social issues in knowledge store
Leiden’s ‘Learning with the City | On Location’ knowledge store opened its digital doors in Leiden-Noord on 8 February. This is where students, residents and professionals can work together on social issues.
'True populist Matteo Salvini makes clever use of social media'
Turbulent times in Italy: Deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini wants new elections so that he can become prime minister himself. He is campaigning on social media, including photos of himself posing in his swimming trunks.
Playing Politics: Media Platforms, Making Worlds
Both play and politics have the potential to create worlds in which new rules apply, meanings are created, and possibilities emerge for collaboration, strategy and creative solutions. In this sense, play and politics have always been very much alike. But what happens to this kinship in a post-digital…
- Paradiplomacy
Offer help
Would you like to do something for the victims of the war in Ukraine? Several actions have been set up to help the people in Ukraine. Read below what you can do.
- History of Diplomacy
- Cultural Diplomacy
Europe in the World
The place of European states and institutions in world politics is the core focus of this pillar. Research on this theme concerns European actors’ ability to promote peace, security and justice in their neighbourhood and to shape the future of global governance by translating its economic size into…
Typological tendencies in verse and their cognitive grounding
Knowledge and culture subproject 4:
Why Leiden University
Leiden University offers ambitious students the latest knowledge and the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Information activities
If you’re considering the English Language and Culture bachelor’s programme and would like to experience what it’s like to study in Leiden University, introductory activities that include an Open Day, Experience Day and Student for a Day, will help you make up your mind.
About the programme
The two-year master's in Korean Studies, a specialisation of Leiden University’s master's in Asian Studies, offers a large and varied selection of subjects and the freedom to choose the areas upon which you will focus.
Leila Demarest
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
‘The Netherlands should also consider the possibility of direct confrontation with Russia’
There is a real chance of war closer to home, political and military leaders in Europe have warned. What does Frans Osinga, Professor of War Studies, think about the threat and what we should do?
‘Digital services lean heavily on the social infrastructure’
Governments worldwide invest huge sums in their digital services and data strategies. Efficiency and effectiveness are key. But these are not achieved for some people at least, says Professor of Public Policy Sarah Giest. This makes the intended digital inclusion far from inclusive, as she will explain…
About the programme
During the Latin American Studies Master's programme you will focus on key social, political, linguistic and cultural developments which are currently shaping the complex reality of Latin America.
Reflect react and interact
The roles of shame, guilt and social access in adolescent aggression
Navigating the World of Emotions
Social Information Processing in Children with and without Hearing Loss
Like dust on the Silk Road: an investigation of the earliest Iranian loanwords and of possible BMAC borrowings in Tocharian
On the 20th of April, Chams Benoît Bernard successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Chams on this achievement!
Multilingualism, Nationhood, and Cultural Identity
Before the modern nation-state became a stable, widespread phenomenon throughout northern Europe, multilingualism-the use of multiple languages in one geographical area-was common throughout the region.
Exploring new methods in comparing sign language corpora
Currently the focus of the project is the development of a tool that utilizes dimensionality reduction techniques in order to analyze and interpret the lexical and phonological variation between different sign languages. Additionally, the application of deep learning techniques for the extraction of…
Sign languages and Deaf studies
At LUCL, researchers have established the Leiden Hands!Lab for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies.
Dutch Language, Culture and Society (MA)
In the master’s programme in Dutch Language, Culture and Society at Leiden University you will study the language and culture of the Netherlands from the Dutch Golden Age – the time of Rembrandt and Vondel – until today’s dynamic and muliticultural society.
The Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition is a network that stimulates interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and expertise on topics related to brain and cognition and focuses on science valorisation and outreach. Its research members come from a broad and diverse spectrum of specialized academic…
See more information below.
Older Dutch Literature (MA)
In the master’s programme in Older Dutch literature at Leiden University you will study Dutch literature from the Middle Ages (1100-1550) until the Golden Age and Enlightenment (1550-1800). During the programme you will develop a vision on the value of the Dutch literary heritage.
Ancient Near Eastern Studies (BA)
The areas around the Mediterranean Sea have a rich and fascinating past. Do you want to explore these ancient and diverse cultures of the Mediterranean World? In the Dutch-taught Bachelor's programme Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Leiden University you will study the world of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia…
Latin American Studies (BA)
Latin America is a region with an immense cultural diversity and a colorful, fascinating and sometimes complicated past and present. Get to know the culture, history and the Spanish or Portuguese language of Latin America and develop yourself into a valuable region specialist with a critical worldvi…
Classics (BA)
The culture and texts of the classical antiquity are still a source of inspiration for our modern world. In the Dutch-taught Bachelor's programme Greek and Latin Language and Culture you will examine all aspects of the Greek and Roman antiquity. From Homerus to Horatius. From Plato to Cicero.
French Language and Culture (BA)
France isn't just a country of great writers, thinkers and the well known 'savoir-vivre', economically it is also of great importance to the Netherlands and the rest of the world. Study the French language and culture and acquire skills that provide great opportunities for an international career!
The corona crisis through the eyes of social scientists
The corona crisis relates to not only the medical field but also the field of the social sciences and humanities. SSH Beraad, a consultation body that aims to improve the position of the social sciences and humanities in the Netherlands, has launched a website bringing together experts in the social…