5,305 search results for “alle” in the Staff website
'A toast to resilience': faculty New Year’s event 2022
On Tuesday 11 January 2022, the new year at the faculty was ushered in with an online event. Dean Joanne van der Leun toasted the new year and of course the annual Meijers prizes and thesis awarded were presented.
A look back: LRS meeting @Archaeology
On May 8, all research support professionals of the Leiden Research Support Network were welcomed at the Faculty of Archaeology for an inspiring event.
Interview Linda Holtman
Linda Holtman
Merei Huigsloot new head of the LACDR Education Office
Merei Huigsloot will be appointed as the new head of the Education Office of LACDR from September 1. She will be responsible for the organisation and coordination of all education-related activities for the bachelor programme Bio-Farmaceutische Wetenschappen and master programme Bio-Pharmaceutical S…
Nieuw stageplatform Trail is live
Onze studenten hebben zowel publieke als private organisaties veel te bieden. Om studenten en organisaties beter aan elkaar koppelen heeft FGGA een nieuwe stagebank ontwikkeld. TRAIL: De nieuwe stagebank van de Leidse Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs.
Amendment to Leiden University Guideline on Hiring Temporary Staff and the Leiden Hiring App
New Humanities Living Room focuses on 'feeling at home'
Playing a game, picking a cutting for your room or just having a cup of coffee: it is all possible in the new Humanities Living Room in the Matthias de Vrieshof. From Wednesday 17 May, staff and students will be able to meet informally and socialise here.
Doing the CPC Run in The Hague? Collect your free Leiden University running shirt
‘But how many bacteria live on my hands, then?’ Micro-day in photos
From 22 to 24 October, researchers of the MARBLES-project informed museum visitors about microbes: bacteria and fungi that live all around us. The event was organised around the Micro-day of Leiden, which is this year’s EU City of Science.
Michiel Kreutzer to return to Delft University of Technology
Professor Michiel Kreutzer, Dean of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University, will move to Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) on 1 May. Alongside his professorship, he will focus on university initiatives in the field of innovation in education.
Yet another minister resigns: 'Moral democratic compass is lacking'
Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (VVD) has resigned as Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management with immediate effect. She has decided to take up a position outside politics and will become chair of the lobby organisation for the energy sector, Energie Nederland.
Discovery Leiden nominated for KIJK: Best Tech-idea of 2021
Using artificial intelligence to find new antibiotics. With that, researchers from Leiden University are nominated by magazine KIJK for the Best Tech-idea of 2021. From September 14 onwards people can vote to crown one of the nominees as the winner.
Get Started campaign kicks off: Make students aware of the importance of the library
Assignments, work groups, deadlines and the first exams in sight! The Get Started campaign of Leiden University Libraries aims to help new students to find their way in the library. We can use the help of teachers for this campaign.
Belangrijke informatie deadlines boekbestellingen bij Juridische Bibliotheek
Profile picture photoshoot FSW 2024
Leiden archaeologists repatriate human remains to St. Eustatius
Representatives of the Faculty of Archaeology recently traveled to the Caribbean island of St. Eustatius to repatriate human remains. The remains, originally excavated in the 1980s, will eventually be reinterred on the island.
Experience less work stress: free activities during Work Stress Week 2023
Human resources
RISE Award given to Emeritus Professor Jetty Kleijn
This year's RISE Award goes to emeritus professor Jetty Kleijn (LIACS). According to the board of RISE, Kleijn has dedicated herself in the past years to gender equality within LIACS and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. It is the first time since the introduction of the award in 2018…
- strandfeest personeel 6 juli
Saxion students visit the Faculty of Archaeology
The end of January arrived together with welcome guests from Saxion University of Applied Sciences. As a part of their two-day-long visit to South Holland, almost 100 Saxion archaeology students visited our Faculty.
National protest against budget cuts: Alternative Opening of the Academic Year in Utrecht
Education, Research
Sarah reflects on 2024
With the holiday season approaching, the perfect moment for a short reflection and a lot of appreciation has come. Let me first start by trying to answer a crucial question for our faculty: what role do the social sciences play in our current time?
Blowing the whistle on the government cuts
Hundreds of students and staff from Leiden University gave a ‘whistle concert’ on 11 December against the planned cuts to higher education. Similar protests were held in other student cities on the same day.
Launch Leiden University Dialogue in Education Network (LUDIEN)
On July 3rd the Leiden University Dialogue in Education Network (LUDIEN) has officially been launched. The network welcomes all who are interested in dialogue as a tool for connection and improved student wellbeing in higher education. The dialogue method is moreover useful to talk about sensitive issues…
- werkdruk preventie pilates sport
Newscheckers wins European Citizen Award
The fact-checking initiative Nieuwscheckers has won the Dutch round of the European Citizens Award. This prize is awarded annually to projects and initiatives that deliver an exceptional performance within the EU.
Word from the LUCSoR Chair: February 2025
By the time you read this message, it will already be February. But since this is our first newsletter of the year, I still feel compelled to wish all of you a very happy New Year!
Safety first
Leiden University wants to strengthen the security of its systems. That is why as of 1 May a team of various specialists is set up to survey all measurement and research systems. Because FWN is the faculty with the largest number of measurement and research setups, the security experts will start at…
Teaching Fair: No more boring lectures with Jasmijn Mioch's workshop
The Teaching Fair is coming up again. On Thursday afternoon, 20 June, you can let your colleagues inspire you about educational innovation. In the workshop ‘No more boring lectures’, Jasmijn Mioch will show you how to incorporate interactive workshops in your lectures.
Do multinationals pay their fair share of taxes? Join the global debate!
How do, or don’t, multinationals pay their taxes? Learn all about this in the new online course given by Leiden University’s Department of Tax Law: 'Taxation of Multinationals for Everyone'. This free course builds on the success of the award-winning 'Rethinking International Tax Law' course.
Quality of master’s programmes assessed in new guide
The Air and Space Law (Advanced LL.M.) master’s programme at Leiden University is among ten ‘excellent master’s programmes’ at Dutch universities. This is according to ‘Keuzegids masters 2024’, a guide to master’s programmes in the Netherlands.
Suzan Stoter new Dean of Leiden Law School
Prof. Suzan Stoter will be the Dean of Leiden Law School at Leiden University as of 1 January 2024. The Leiden University Executive Board has appointed her for a period of four years. Stoter succeeds Joanne van der Leun, who, together with the other members of the Faculty Board, brought great verve…
‘Handboeken Veiligheid’ are well known: 'Very special that this series has been running for almost 25 years'
For almost 25 years, ‘de Handboeken Veiligheid’ have been a phenomenon. Who does not have a copy on their bookshelf? In 2024, the series will be celebrating its 25th anniversary and next Monday, the Public Prosecution Handbook will be presented: the latest volume in the series. Erwin Muller talks about…
AI models are full of Dutch art – what about copyright violation?
Are AI models such as Midjourney violating artists' copyright? Dirk Visser, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, spoke about this topic on Dutch current affairs news programme 'NOS Radio 1 Journaal' .
Message from the Executive Board following the shootings incident in Rotterdam
We have all been deeply affected by the events that took place in Rotterdam on Thursday evening. Our colleagues at Erasmus Medical Center and Erasmus University have lost a valued colleague and have been involved in a very serious incident, which will undoubtedly leave deep scars. The witnesses to this…
Festive opening Faculty Year in the Hortus
The Faculty of Humanities has made a festive start to the academic year. On 7 September, staff members were able to meet each other at a drinks party in the Hortus botanicus.
Krista Murchison in History Today on medieval pen-twisters
Minims are letters that are made up of short, vertical pen strokes, such as 'm', 'i', 'n' and 'u'. In Gothic script, there is often little distinction between letters composed of minims. Assistant professor of medieval literature Krista Murchison has written an article in History Today on the hidden…
- Kernvisie bachelor rechtsgeleerdheid
10,000 euro interdisciplinary call: visit our event on 17 May
In the coming months, the university will make funds available to young Leiden researchers who want to start small-scale interdisciplinary initiatives. These so-called KIEM funds are earmarked for up to 22 projects of €10,000 each. During an interdisciplinary event on Wednesday 17 May, you can get the…
Ariane Briegel appointed as Medical Delta professor
Yesterday, eight professors were simultaneously inaugurated as ‘Medical Delta professor’, at Leiden University, LUMC, TU Delft, Erasmus University and Erasmus MC. Ariane Briegel, researcher of the Institute of Biology Leiden of Leiden University, also received the double appointment.
Park your bike in the basement of Lipsius or Reuvens
How do teachers learn in a work placement programme?
Na Zhou (PhD at ICLON) researched how vocational teachers’ learning takes place in a work placement programme and how their learning supports their teaching in school. Defence on 1 March.
Rogier de Bruin new UFB director from 1 February
Faisal Aiobi
The role of space in driving sustainability, security, and development on Earth
A new report reveals five actions that leaders can take to contribute to economic development, advance global security and sustainability, and make space a safe and globally accessible domain.
Martijn Nouwen in EU Scream podcast about mass deletion of European Commission emails
In the podcast EU Scream, a non-for-profit organization based in Brussels, Martijn Nouwen tells about his research into communications about European tax rulings.
Thomas Bäck appointed to IEEE Fellow
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) appointed Professor Thomas Bäck as an IEEE Fellow in the class of 2022. Bäck is becoming a Fellow for his contributions in synthesising evolutionary computation. Less than 0.1% of voting members are selected each year for this member grade…
Update process of cultural change Faculty of Archaeology
Suzanne van der Pluijm to be Science Faculty’s new Executive Director
Suzanne van der Pluijm will be appointed Executive Director and Member of the Board of the Faculty of Science with effect from 1 June 2022. She succeeds Ed van den Berg, who has held this position on an interim basis since 1 September 2021 .
Scheduled Maintenace Educational Systems on October 21st