1,781 search results for “historian van de universiteit” in the Staff website
Flitsinterview met alumnus Kees van der Staaij: ik ben en blijf een jurist in hart en nieren
Flitsinterview met alumnus Kees van der Staaij: ik ben en blijf een jurist in hart en nieren
Video lecture: What is cancer?
Cancer is still one of the most common diseases in the world. What exactly is cancer and will we one day be able to cure everyone? In a video from the Universiteit van Nederland Noel de Miranda (Tumour Immunology, LUMC) tells you about his research on new treatments.
Procederende belangenorganisaties in de polder
PhD defence
Simay Çetin, Nova Folkersma, Marta Mas Castella, Iris Molenaar and Emma van der Plas
Alumna Simay Çetin received the award for her Master thesis: ‘Interpreting Culture through Embodied Practice: An anthropological study of sexuality among Dutch Women with Turkish Migrant backgrounds.’ Nova, Marta, Iris and Emma were awarded for their Fieldwork NL report.
Peter Meel
Faculty of Humanities
Education in Ancient Egypt: 'Everyone Used the Same Text'
For hundreds of years, children in Ancient Egypt learned to read using The Satire of the Trades, a text in which a father gives advice to his son through descriptions of different professions. PhD candidate Judith Jurjens investigated how this worked in practice.
First Edition of the eLaw Conference: Law and/versus Technology
The first eLaw Conference at Leiden University was a success, fostering timely discussions on the legal challenges and opportunities presented by digital technologies.
Awarded research project Next Generation ImmunoDermatology: Towards Biomarker-driven Dermatology practice in the Netherlands
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has, within the framework of Research along Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC), awarded the research project Next Generation Immuno-Dermatology (NGID) with a prestigious grant of 11.7 MEuro. NGID is a nationwide, large-scale project to unravel novel biomarkers for six different…
De kat, de kameleon en de zwaardvis die zich een walrus voelde: Publieke audit en verantwoording als wezenlijk politieke en emotionele activiteiten
Inaugural lecture
Valedictory lecture prof.dr. P. de Knijff
Valedictory lecture
As new Professor of Social Cognition and Decision, Lotte van Dillen studies how we make choices in an information-overloaded world
Due to technological and societal developments, we are being flooded with more information than our brains can process. How does this affect our decision-making, both as individuals and as a society? And can we learn to make better choices? This is what Lotte van Dillen will explore with her profess…
Sense Jan van der Molen new scientific director LION: ‘We strive for scientific excellence as well as a healthy work-life balance’
Sense Jan van der Molen is vanaf 1 maart de nieuwe wetenschappelijk directeur van het Leiden Instituut voor Onderzoek in de Natuurkunde.
How the Netherlands systematically used extreme violence in Indonesia and concealed this afterwards
Dutch troops, judges and politicians collectively condoned and concealed the systematic use of extreme violence during the Indonesian War of Independence. Historians have now shown how this could happen. ‘It was scandal management rather than prevention,’ says Leiden historian and research leader Gert…
créolisation; Une étude archéo-anthropologique de la céramique des sociétés caribéennes multiculturelles de la période précoloniale à nos jours
PhD defence
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga & Louk van Doorn win the DT4REGIONS Ideathon on AI Potential for Preventive Healthcare
eLaw - Center of Law and Digital technologies from Leiden Law School, and the Vascular Surgery Department at Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, join forces to explore the use of AI for diabetes and secondary prevention of diabetic foot problems and won a prize for it.
Courses and development
BKO, SKO, Leiden Teachers Academy: it's all covered on this page. You will also find an overview of courses you can take.
Mandela Scholarship Fund
Bachelor, Master
Internal communication tools
An organisation the size of Leiden University requires careful internal communication.
Erop of Eronder: De Organisatie in Crisis
Inaugural lecture
Een middeleeuws historielied in de Vroegmoderne Tijd
Valedictory lecture
Methoden van contractsuitleg
PhD defence
Joke Bouwstra is the first woman to receive the Dr Saal van Zwanenberg Honorary Prize: 'Wonderful to be in a line of distinguished scientists'
Emeritus professor Joke Bouwstra (LACDR) will receive this year's Dr Saal van Zwanenberg Ereprijs: a tribute to her years of fundamental research on the skin and the transport of drugs through the skin. This is the first time the prize has gone to a woman.
Carlotta Rigotti participates in ViolenceStop project
Recently, Carlotta Rigotti participated in the ViolenceStop project, a collaboration between Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas (Cuba).
Leiden archaeologists involved in grant for state-of-the-art laboratory for isotope geochemistry
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a €4.84 million NWO Large grant to set up a new state-of-the-art laboratory for isotope geochemistry. The new lab, the “Netherlands Isotope GEochemistry Laboratory” (NIGEL), will be built in the brand new VU Research Building at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.…
prijsdiscriminatie? Kimia Heidary, Bart Custers, Helen Pluut en Jean-Pierre van der Rest schreven hier een artikel over.
Hoe kijken Nederlandse bedrijven naar online prijsdiscriminatie? Kimia Heidary, Bart Custers, Helen Pluut en Jean-Pierre van der Rest schreven hier een artikel over.
Breinfestival ‘Over de kop’ - Hanneke Hulst
Festival, Publieksevenement
Jeunesse comme ressource des conflits violents
PhD defence
Eric Storm in UP ideas podcast: ‘Comparative studies on nationalism were missing ’
Historian Eric Storm discusses how nationalism shapes our world in Princeton’s UP Ideas podcast.
De wettelijke grenzen aan ingrijpen in topbeloning
PhD defence
Van struikelblok naar bouwsteen
PhD defence
Malgieri's co-authored paper on PETs presented and published at FAccT Conference 2024
Gianclaudio Malgieri's paper entitled 'The unfair side of Privacy Enhancing Technologies: addressing the trade-offs between PETs and fairness', coauthored with Alessandra Calvi from Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Dimitris Kotzinos from Paris Cergy University, is set to be presented at this week's prestigious…
Gianclaudio Malgieri interviewed on 'Shifting Privacy Left' podcast
Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor at eLaw, was interviewed by Debra Farber on her Shifting Privacy Left podcast. The Episode was released on 25 June 2024 and is entitled 'Why we need Fairness Enhancing Technologies rather than PETs'.
Van Mecanorma tot ChatGPT
Valedictory lecture
New interim dean Henk te Velde: ‘I don't have to do it alone’
Professor Henk te Velde started as interim dean of the Faculty of Humanities on 1 March. Mark Rutgers' successor is faced with the task of getting the faculty back to financial health.
Nacht van Lobbyist
Introducing: Ruben Ros
In September 2022, Ruben Ros started working at the Institute for History as a PhD candidate. Below he introduces himself!
Archaeologists Involved in Ambitious Study on Past Land Use
To increase the accuracy of climate models, it is crucial that they include past human land-use and human-driven vegetation changes. Here archaeology can make an important contribution. Current models are based on reconstructions of past vegetation. However, their accuracy is limited because it does…
Royal honour for emeritus professor Willem Otterspeer
Emeritus professor Willem Otterspeer received a royal honour from mayor Henri Lenferink on Tuesday 20 September. The university historian was appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau.
Double book launch Radhika Gupta and Erik de Maaker
Festival, Book launch
From Modern Marvel to Environmental Tragedy: Grant for Research into Polluted Mines in Africa
At one time, the railway from Kimberley to Kambove in Southern Africa symbolised prosperity and progress. Today, the exhausted mining towns along its route are marked by decay and pollution. Professor Jan-Bart Gewald has been awarded an NWO L grant to investigate the long-term global consequences.
Now also in Indonesia: The butterflies of Boven-Digoel
Three years ago, associate professor Alicia Schrikker published De vlinders van Boven-Digoel, in which she chronicled several stories about colonial life in present-day Indonesia. Now there is a translation, by Rianti Manullang, who is also an assistant professor at Universitas Indonesia and doing her…
Inaugural lecture prof.dr.mr. T.J. de Graaf
Inaugural lecture
IPBES: Positive outcomes for people and nature are feasible, but we must act now
Changes to halt further biodiversity loss are more urgent than ever and feasible, says IPBES, the United Nations biodiversity panel. In two reports released this week, the panel calls on governments worldwide to develop coherent policies that address biodiversity, climate change, water, food and health.…
Recording College Tour, de podcast! With Eliot Higgins
On Tuesday, 19 November, tv-presenter and lecturer in Journalism and New Media Twan Huys will interview Eliot Higgins for the next recording of College Tour, de podcast! Eliot Higgins is a British investigative journalist, blogger and founder of the online investigative collective Bellingcat. He began…
Knowledge exchange LDE & University of Indonesia
In the context of urban challenges, multidisciplinary knowledge adds value. The idea is that urban planners, sociologists, economists, and historians can collectively provide a deeper understanding of what has worked and what hasn't so far. Since 2022, scientists from the University of Indonesia and…
Nadine Akkerman’s Spycraft reviewed in several publications
Nadine Akkerman's book Spycraft, which she co-wrote with historian of science Pete Langman, has garnered top publications, with reviews featured in The Telegraph, Literary Review, The Spectator, History Today, and the Times Literary Supplement.
Should intelligence services have a ‘licence to kill’?
The ‘University of the Netherlands’ is a series of lectures in which academics address topics based on their expertise. In the latest instalment, cultural historian Simon Willmetts discusses how intelligence services operate and what has changed since 9/11.
Eric Storm's book Nationalism in Wall Street Journal: "The conventional understanding of the nation does not reflect reality"
The Wall Street Journal reviews historian Eric Storm's new book 'Nationalism: A World History', which examines the complex history and development of nationalism and nation-states.
Roundtable on Slavery: From Scholarly Debates to Public Reckoning
Conference, Histories Connected: Faculty Roundtable
Meet the new study advisor Cleody van der Eijk: ‘I want to help my students to find their next step in life’
Cleody van der Eijk recently started as the new study advisor and exchange coordinator at Archaeology. Aside from helping students out when they encounter issues during their studies, she will also focus on the process of studying abroad. ‘It is very valuable to get to know another culture, while you…