1,896 search results for “de world van takes en cultural” in the Student website
Alumna Tessa Schiethart: 'If I could go back to my student days, I’d go right away'
That Tessa Schiethart finished her bachelor's degree in International Studies with a thesis on Indonesian women's reasons for veiling was a coincidence. Or so she thought. Six years later, her book Seeing and Being Seen, in which she writes about her life with a wine stain and vision loss, is in the…
Inter-Section launch Special Issue: How Materials Shaped the Human World
Conservation of Qasr Bshir featured as a cover story in Current World Archaeology
‘Qasr Bshir is magnificent even in decline. It sits majestically in the landscape, master of all it surveys. On approaching the site, however, it is clear that the structure is damaged’, states the latest issue of the journal Current World Archaeology.
Rosalien van der Poel: 'I’m always busy’
Rosalien van der Poel has worked in every nook and cranny of the University over the past 30 years. Now, as institute manager, she is the lynchpin of the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA), the only institute in the Netherlands where artists can obtain a PhD from a university. 'This is where…
Sjoerd van Trigt: ‘Rowing is how I relax.'
When Sjoerd van Trigt, a student of International Studies, is not in the lecture hall, you can find him at Rowing Club Asopos de Vliet. He trains there seven times a week. Soon, he will be leaving for a six-month stay in Japan.
How do you protect the world against cybercrime? Become the professional of the future
Examining cybercrime from criminological, legal, administrative, and technical perspectives. The new Bachelor's programme in Cybersecurity & Cybercrime addresses the growing demand for versatile cyber professionals..
Science, technology and innovation is not addressing world’s most urgent problems
Global science research serves the needs of the Global North, and is driven by the values and interests of a small number of companies, governments and funding bodies, finds a major new international study published today. As such, the authors find, science, technology and innovation research is not…
Insights from CSM alumni: real-world experience and career guidance
On Thursday, 17 October, the Crisis and Security Management (CSM) master’s programme hosted an insightful alumni panel with five graduates from different cohorts. The panel offered current students the chance to hear from professionals who have carved their own paths in crisis and security managemen…
Leiden make Ted Ed videos: ‘We want to integrate Islamic history into world history’
What are the origins of the Islamic Empire? And what was daily life like there? Two new Ted Ed animations answer these questions in simple language. Arabists Petra Sijpesteijn and Birte Kristiansen explain what the process of developing the videos was like.
Stappenplan helpt studieverenigingen op het gebied van D&I
De Declaration of equity helpt studieverenigingen op het gebied van diversiteit en inclusie.
Alexander van Oudenhoven appointed Director of Education of the master Governance of Sustainability
Alexander van Oudenhoven has been appointed as the new Director of Education of the Governance of Sustainability master's programme. Van Oudenhoven has been appointed for a four-year period, from 1 October 2022 to 1 October 2026. The programme is taught in The Hague.
Leiden Lawcast seizoen 2: Dit zijn de hosts
De Leiden Lawcast: de facultaire podcast door en voor studenten. Iedere aflevering bespreken de hosts een actueel onderwerp met een interessante gast die het onderwerp belicht vanuit hun wetenschappelijke of juridische expertise. Na een mooi startseizoen in 2022 hebben Irem Çakir en Hamza Duprée het…
Discuss he consequences of Trump 2.0 for Europe, America and the world
Leïla Gfeller and Tobias van Brandwijk win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes for 2021
2021, again, sees a rich harvest of bachelor theses in Political Science. Students have been tackling fascinating subjects—ranging from European solidarity in the COVID-19 crisis to the representation of women in democratically elected parliaments—and crowning their research projects with interesting,…
Lotte van Dillen in Washington Post about distracted eating and gaining weight
Distracted eating is common and has adverse health consequences. Read more about the research of Leiden social psychologist Lotte van Dillen and some strategies to combat that behavior.
MSc Research presentation Suzanne van Noordt on Tuesday 11 July @15h00
Msc Thesis presentation João van der Ven on Tuesday 9 July @ 4 pm via Zoom
Jessie Sun
Faculty of Humanities
Gert Oostindie
Faculty of Humanities
‘Stemmen van Afrika’ wins popularisation prize: 'Language is more than grammar'
The Voices of Africa platform is ten years old and has just recently won the annual popularisation prize of the Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT). High time for a chat with Jenneke van der Wal, Maarten Mous and Nina van der Vlugt about the importance of the platform and plans for the…
University launches Vision on Student Well-Being: ‘An open culture where we look out for one another’
How can we work together to create a safe study and learning environment and offer students the support that they need? The Vision on Student Well-Being outlines the University’s plans to promote student well-being in the coming years.
Roméo Dallaire on “How a better world is possible”: Cooperation between Science and Practice
Leiden University’s Institute for Security and Global Affairs and Dual PhD Centre jointly organize an online lecture on 23 April, 15.00 hrs by Cleveringa Professor General Roméo Dallaire on “How a better world is possible”: Cooperation between Science and Practice.
New minor cooperates with Film House in The Hague: 'Looking at world issues through artists' eyes'
The new minor in 'Creative strategies for a society in change' will start in September. The Leiden Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) has entered into a partnership with the The Hague Film House and will be letting students experience what it is like to work as an artist. ‘We want to teach…
Cattle, rather than geometric shapes, determine how the Hamar see the world
Sara Petrollino, a university lecturer in linguistics, strongly believes that language influences the way we see the world. An NWO Open Competition (XS) grant will enable her to test this hypothesis among the Ethiopian Hamar people. ‘The idea that everyone thinks in geometric shapes is culturally de…
'With Urban Studies in Practice, we bring the outside world inside'
Working for a social client during your studies: this is what happens at Urban Studies. For the course Urban Studies in Practice, third-year students carry out projects for public clients, such as the municipality of The Hague.
Archaeology in eighth position worldwide in QS World University Rankings 2021
It is the fifth year in a row that the Faculty of Archaeology is placed in the top ten of archaeological institutes worldwide. The QS World University Rankings by Subject looks at criteria like academic reputation and citation ratios. Dean Jan Kolen is pleased with this news: 'In recent years, the Faculty…
Honorary doctorates for Belgian virologist Marc van Ranst and German Arabist Beatrice Gründler
Leiden University is awarding an honorary doctorate to virologist Marc van Ranst. Van Ranst has been one of the main advisers of the Belgian government during the Covid pandemic. German Arabist Beatrice Gründler will also receive an honorary doctorate for her work in the field of Oriental Manuscript…
There are many types of leadership: Femke van der Meulen at the LLP
Last Thursday, Leiden Leadership Programme (LLP) students were once again introduced to a big name with tons of leadership experience. This time, Femke van der Meulen, prison director and founder of PrisonWatch, addressed the students. The many personal experiences she shared will stay with them for…
Meet the members of the Cultural Anthropology OLC 2021-2022
Benjamín Maldonado, Orestes Kyrgiakis, Roos Capel and Iskra Cvitković are the new student members of the Programme Committee (OLC). The board advises the Executive Board and the Faculty Board about educational matters, such as the determination of the Course and Examination Regulations and the evaluation…
Bibi van den Berg about the digital war between Russia and the Ukraine
The war between Russia and Ukraine plays out not only physically but also digitally. Van Den Berg, Professor of Cybersecurity Governance at the FGGA, talked about it at several news outlets.
Msc Thesis presentation Marco van der Ploeg on Monday 8 July @ 2 pm, room HL211/214
Anne-laura van Harmelen about the 'Yes! No!' game over the term resilience
In Dutch magazine De Psycholoog, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about the use of the term resilience and argues that resilience is concept that needs further explanation.
on The Conversation: ‘Imperial tendencies are resurfacing around the world’
Associate professor Eric Storm discusses the return of imperial ambitions in global politics on The Conversation. He argues that leaders like Putin, Xi, and Trump challenge the post-WWII international order.
Sarah de Rijcke participates on a $1.2M grant awarded to DORA to accelerate research assessment reform
The project will further the development of policies, practices, and capabilities in responsible academic career assessment.
Jelle van Buuren in NRC on social media and the storming of the Capitol
Jelle van Buuren, university lecturer at ISGA, discusses the role that social media played in the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday
Cathalijne van der Plas appointed to chair in Private International Law
Cathalijne van der Plas will become Professor of Private International Law (0.4 fte) at Leiden University as of 1 October 2021. She succeeds Prof. Sierd Schaafsma who has become a judge at the Supreme Court as of 1 May 2021.
ERC Consolidator Grant for Marijn van Putten: How many ways are there to read the Quran?
How should the Quran be read? The manuscript of this holy book makes different interpretations possible. Researcher Marijn van Putten has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant of two million euros to explore centuries-old recitations.
Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorn appointed as Professor Law and Health
Starting 1 October 2022, Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorn has been appointed as Professor Law and Health.
canned fried rice to colonialism: Leiden Transvaal neighbourhood shows world history in miniature
Together with students and local residents, historians Ariadne Schmidt and Alicia Schrikker researched the Leiden Transvaal neighbourhood. They will present their findings on Thursday 20 October, at a specially organised mini-festival in the neighbourhood.
Graduation MIRD Class of 2024: 'The world is better off with students like this'
Graduation MIRD Class of 2024: 'The world is better off with students like this'
Three students nominated for an ECHO Award: ‘I want to make the world a better place’
A more inclusive and diverse society is what Talisha Schilder, Hawra Nissi and Chiraz Hassoumi spend many hours a week working towards. Their hard work led them to being nominated for the ECHO Award.
FGGA's Cyber Week: research and innovation for a better digital world
During Cyberweek, from 17-24 October, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) highlighted its research and teaching on cybersecurity, digital developments, and their impact on society.
Opening of the Academic Year: ‘Our university world knows no borders’
The theme of the opening of this year’s academic year was peace and justice. With the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine, these are turbulent times. During the ceremony those present reflected on what the academic community and universities can mean in times of crisis and conflict.
Jesse Dijkshoorn: ‘I had to learn to take time off’
Research master's student in history Jesse Dijkshoorn collaborated on a transcription system for medieval texts. ‘It’s nice to make the Middle Ages accessible to people.’
MSc Thesis presentation João van der Ven on Thursday 7 March @ 11h30 in room 173 (Gorterzaal)
MSc Research presentation Suzanne van Noordt on Monday 29 january@16.15, room EM 1.17
Lecture Simone van der Hof on age verification and age appropriate design
On 6 October 2021, Simone van der Hof gave a lecture on age verification and age appropriate design.
MSc Research presentation Lisa van Leeuwen on Friday 21 July @ 9h30 in HL204
Van Steenis building closes at 17:00 hours on Thursday November 23
Msc Thesis presentation Eli van der Bent on Thursday 11 July @ 11:15 am, Huygens 414