8,151 search results for “starting” in the Public website
Application deadlines
Application deadlines are very important to keep in mind. Please check the deadlines for extended NON-EU, scholarships, VISA and housing at this page.
About the programme
The Computer Science and Education specialisation consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points and consists of a computer science component (60 EC) and an education component (60 EC).
Turnaround Wing Project
Turnaround Wing of INSOL Europe and Leiden Law School are working on the design of ‘guidelines for out-of-court turnaround professionals’. The project was approved by the Council of INSOL Europe at its 2014 conference in Istanbul and subsequently started in November 2014.
PhD psychologist
A substantial part of PhD candidates have an increased risk for mental health problems, stress complaints or burnout. Leiden University has appointed a psychologist, especially for PhD candidates: Agnes van Rossum.
Rehearsing the non-human- performance installation as a research tool
Considering the absence of the human performer within a performance installation, the research centres around what is left of the human through traces such as sound or recorded voices, images, videos or movement and gestures. What do we perceive as ‚present‘, once the human is removed from the centre…
What Methods Do
Exploring the transformative potential of artistic research
Science Experience Tours
During the Leiden Science Family Day, you will visit places that are normally closed to the public: go backstage at the Faculty of Science!
Application deadlines
Application deadlines are very important to make sure you enroll for the European and International Business Law programme on time.
Pre-master’s programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Philosophy but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Pre-master’s programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Arts and Culture, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Media Studies, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Classics but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization of…
Pre-master’s programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Religious Studies, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the Master’s progra…
Pre-master’s programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Philosophy but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Asian Studies, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
- Application deadlines
- Application deadlines
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Linguistics, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Pre-master’s programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Philosophy but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Compulsory matching
BSc Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology is a bachelor’s programme with a compulsory matching module.
Application deadlines
Application deadlines are very important to make sure you enroll for the programme on time.
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA History, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization of…
Information activities
If you choose to study at Leiden University, you will receive proper guidance in making the right choices. That process starts with orientation, and helps you to investigate whether the Archaeology programme is the right choice for you. We have several events and modules to help you explore all possibilities…
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA History, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization of…
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Classics but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization of…
Application deadlines
Now that you are aware of your master’s admission requirements, it's time to check the application deadlines.
Information activities
If you choose to study at Leiden University, you will receive proper guidance in making the right choices. That process starts with orientation, and helps you to investigate whether the Archaeology programme is the right choice for you. We have several events and modules to help you explore all possibilities…
- Application deadlines
- Application deadlines
Military Artificial Intelligence and the Accountability of States and Individuals for Crimes against Humanity in the Ukraine
Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians have died as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and the continuing armed conflict. Many forms of critical infrastructure have been destroyed. Much of this devastation has been caused by weapons that utilise forms of artificial intelligence…
Belgian Middle Egypt Prehistoric Project
This research project of the Catholic University of Leuven was created in 1976 by Professor Dr Pierre Vermeersch, who assumed its direction until 2003. The present director is Professor Dr Philip Van Peer.
Serge Rombouts: 'AI is learning from brain scans and helping find a diagnosis'
Serge Rombouts is a physicist whose PhD thesis was about functional MRI (fMRI). This visualises activity in regions of the brain. The appealing images of glowing brain regions that emerge from the computer are the result of calculations. According to Rombouts, this isn’t proper artificial intelligence.…
Novel pharmacometric techniques to quantify the pharmacodynamics of analgesics
The overarching clinical aim of this thesis was to improve pharmacological pain management by characterizing the pharmacodynamics of analgesics.
To address major societal challenges, research needs to go beyond the boundaries of traditional disciplines. We believe this starts with education. By exposing students to people from different scientific fields, they learn to deal with diverse perspectives and can broaden their horizons. Professors…
MSc. Specialisation
Do you have a question about the Business Studies Specialisation? Please find our FAQ's here. If you cannot find the answer, feel free to contact us at info@sbb.leidenuniv.nl.
Understanding emergence and growth of interests in daily life
How are interests embedded and experienced in daily life and to what extent can their origin and development be understood in terms of this contextualization?
The Archaeology of the First Farmer-Herders in Egypt
New insights into the Fayum Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic.
Application deadlines
Application deadlines are important to keep in mind. Please check the deadlines for application, NON-EU students and for EU students.
About the programme
The Astronomy and Education specialisation consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points and includes a one-year astronomy component and a teacher’s education component in the second year.
Application deadlines
Application deadlines for NON-EU students, housing, scholarships and VISA are important to keep in mind. Check the deadlines for the upcoming academic year
- Meet our staff
Pre-master’s programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Philosophy but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Career prospects
Once you have completed the specialisation Educational Science, you will be an expert in the field of education and child development in the school context. You will be up to date on the newest scientific insights into learning, language and arithmetic skills, brain development and application to teaching.…
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA History, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization of…
Pre-master’s programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA Media Studies, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization…
Application deadlines
Application deadlines are very important! Make sure you enroll for the programme on time by checking the deadlines at this page.
Area studies is an approach to knowledge that starts from the study of places in the human world from antiquity to the present, through the relevant source languages, with central regard for issues of positionality.
Elderberry stories and elderwood workshop
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Langegracht 70, Leiden
Pre-master's programme
The pre-master's is a bridging programme for students who have applied for the MA History, but who, according to the Board of Admissions, still have deficiencies in their educational background. Once you have completed the pre-master’s programme, you will be admitted to the relevant specialization of…