2,645 search results for “international cultural erfgoed” in the Public website
Students International Studies receive their diploma
More than 300 students received their Bachelor’s Diploma of International Studies on 31 August 2018.
ICYE: International Congress for Young Egyptologists
The international congress will be held at Leiden University on Wednesday the 21st of August until Sunday the 25th of August 2019.
school at Leiden University: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity in International Law
The Hague / Amsterdam, 1 to 5 August 2016. The summer school Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in International Law: Progress, Consolidation, Stagnation will focus on the emergence of SOGI issues in human rights law, international criminal law, and refugee law.
The figure of Orestes in Greek literature
This project will study the cultural meaning of the mythological figure of Orestes within the ancient Greek imagination, as it emerges from various literary sources from the archaic and classical periods.
Archeologie en de stad
Op vrijdag 4 april 2025 organiseert de werkgroep Stedengeschiedenis een bijeenkomst bij de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed onder de titel ‘Archeologie en de stad’. De studiedag is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk.
Summer School (Radboud)
Van 4 tot en met 8 juli 2022 verzorgt Radboud Erfgoed in Nijmegen een Summer School (in het Nederlands) over erfgoedcollecties, hun geschiedenis, over sporen van gebruik en wat die ons leren over de mensen die de boeken en objecten verzamelden die nu onze collecties vormen. De deelnemers gaan aan de…
Too little attention for children’s rights in international commercial surrogacy
The rights of children born through international commercial surrogacy are at risk of being overlooked or even violated. Lawmakers, judges and commissioning parents should be more aware of this and take protective action throughout the surrogacy procedure. This is the conclusion reached by lawyer and…
First diplomas for International Bachelor in Psychology
Around 50 students have graduated from the new International Bachelor in Psychology (IBP) programme within three years. Inspiring speeches sketched an image of what it is like to study Psychology in an international classroom. Three international pioneers talk about their choices. Lecturer Janice Sandjojo…
Vacancy student assistant International Business Law 2016
The department of Company Law, Leiden University would like to solicit applications from suitable candidates for the position of: Student Assistant International Business Law (m/f).
Filtering feminisms: Emergent feminist visibilities on Instagram
Based on interviews with feminist Instagram users, this article studies emergent feminist visibilities on Instagram through the concept of filtering.
Melanie Fink on the EU and the law on international responsibility
On 14 May 2021, Melanie Fink spoke at the conference ‘EU Responsibility in the International System: Setting the agenda’, organised by the University of Thessaloniki
Foreign Minister appoints Joris Larik to international Expert Commission
Joris Larik Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at Leiden University College The Hague was appointed as Secretary for a new Expert Commission on Interstate Use of Force and Humanitarian Intervention by the Dutch Foreign Minister.
Gombeer speaks on the Protection of People at Sea at 81st Biennial International Law Conference, Athens
On 28 June 2024, Dr Kristof Gombeer spoke on State jurisdiction and the protection of people at sea at the 81st Biennial Conference of the International Law Association (ILA) in Athens, Greece.
Cultural contacts between ‘East’ and ‘West’ in the early Middle Ages
With the help of the JEDI fund, Fatima al Moufridji and Thijs Porck went in search of cultural contacts between early medieval England, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. Together they made four knowledge clips that can now be seen on YouTube.
Office for International Education and internationalisation
Internationalisation is an important pillar of the Strategic Plan of Leiden University and Leiden Law School. The driving force behind internationalisation at our faculty is the Office for International Education (known as BIO). The Head of BIO is Anette van Sandwijk. Now the current political climate…
Misha Plagis wins the International Studies Association, Human Rights Section Best Paper
Misha Plagis, assistant professor at the Grotius Centre of Public International Law wrote a paper together with Dr Nicole De Silva (Concordia University) entitled 'NGOs, international courts, and state backlash against human rights accountability: Evidence from NGO mobilization against Tanzania at the…
Hans-Martien ten Napel publishes a volume on democracy as a cultural phenomenon
Hans-Martien ten Napel recently published a volume with Routledge, Culture, Secularization, and Democracy; Lessons from Alexis de Tocqueville, co-edited with Prof. Sophie van Bijsterveld (Radboud University Nijmegen).
Cultural Anthropologist Peter Pels part of research team into colonial collections
Peter Pels, affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology of Leiden University, is one of the researchers. Together with Birgit Meyer (UU), he will lead the work package 'Heritage and the Question of Conversion'.
International Labour Law scholars meeting in Leiden
In the Framework of the Leiden Social Justice Chair, a meeting was organised on June 7 and 8 2018 at Leiden University of a international study group of reputed labour law scholars from various countries.
Launch International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval
Leiden University and Springer launched International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval.
Children’s Rights in International Commercial Surrogacy
On 26 June 2018 Claire Achmad will defend her PhD thesis Children’s Rights in International Commercial Surrogacy.
Meet our new intern: Sijmen Wals
I am Sijmen Wals and this semester I'll be the new intern at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo.
Call for Papers - International Congress (Granada/Genova)
The universities of Granada and Genova are organizing an international congress on 29-30 September 2022. The purpose is to think about the saliency of place-based forms of identity in the centuries that followed the fall of the Roman Empire, and to build new theoretical and methodological frameworks…
Announcement for new and returning International Business Law students to the 2016-17 academic year at Leiden Law School
Are you a new or returning International Business Law student to the 2016-17 academic year at Leiden Law School?
Call for Papers - Dealing with Disasters. Cultural Representations of Catastrophes (Nijmegen, deadline: 1 June 2020)
For many centuries, news about catastrophic events has been disseminated via media such as pamphlets, chronicles, poems, and prints. This conference welcomes contributions that engage with the cultural dimensions of disasters and reflect on representations of catastrophes in different media.
Successful Conference on International Cyber Security 2022
The Hague Program on International Cyber Security focuses on the various modes of governance that states and other actors can bring into play to deal with and shape the strategic challenges in the digital environment. This years conference focused on international cyber security and the role of the…
Hague campus to become international academic centre
Within the next five years, Leiden University wants its campus in The Hague to become a leading international academic centre with research and teaching that correspond with the city’s profile. All of the faculties will help achieve this, and the University has also signed a partnership agreement with…
Joris Larik speaks at World Meeting of Societies for International Law
Last week, Dr. Joris Larik, Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at Leiden University College and convener of the International Justice major, gave a presentation at the Second World Meeting of Societies for International Law at the Peace Palace in The Hague.
Finding Nemo: Locating Financial Losses after Kolassa/Barclays Bank and Profit
A publication on the location of financial losses and the validity of jurisdiction clauses after the CJEU’s Kolassa v Barclays Bank and Profit Investment v Ossi judgments.
Cathalijne van der Plas appointed to chair in Private International Law
Cathalijne van der Plas will become Professor of Private International Law (0.4 fte) at Leiden University as of 1 October 2021. She succeeds Prof. Sierd Schaafsma who has become a judge at the Supreme Court as of 1 May 2021.
Leiden students win international coding contest
Two teams of Leiden Mathematics and Computer Science students have won the golden and bronze medals at an international programming contest with 605 participants. Member of Parliament and ICT politician of the Year Kees Verhoeven congratulated them personally.
Leiden University wins three awards at Telders International Law Moot Court Competition
Leiden University won the awards for Best Oral Argumentation for both the Applicant and the Respondent and Best Oralist. In addition, Leiden University ranked second overall in the competition.
Shower of prizes at the World Cultural Council ceremony in Leiden
Leiden University celebrated the annual prize ceremony of the World Cultural Council (WCC) on 8 November with lectures by leading scientists in a festively decorated Pieterskerk.
Verdun, How the European Union is Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis
The coronacrisis makes painfully clear that a transboundary crisis requires a transboundary response. The European Union could play a key role, but that has not happened so far. Political scientist Amy Verdun (Leiden University) explains why.
Irma Mosquera Valderrama
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
International orientation week: don’t miss it!
Welcome to Leiden and The Hague! So there you are, an international BA or MA student, in a city where you don’t know the way and don’t speak the language. What now? Don’t panic: with our international introduction programmes, you’ll soon have learnt all the ins and outs. And another important thing:…
Ten years of International Studies: ‘During lectures I sometimes felt my brain was exploding with all the new insights.’
The bachelor's programme in International Studies is celebrating its tenth anniversary. Ko Voskuilen was among the very first batch of students to follow the study, and Sophia Healy graduated this summer. How do they look back on their time at the university?
Introducing the International Leiden Leadership Programme
After a successful pilot, the Honours Academy is pleased to announce a second International Leiden Leadership Programme (ILLP) starting in 2014 - 2015!
International thesis award for Leiden student Linguistics
Umberto Selva, a Leiden graduate of the Research MA program of Linguistics, has received for his thesis the international award for best MA thesis in the field of Comparative Indo-European Linguistics of the year 2015.
The skeleton as a source of information
Bones contain information about people’s lives such as where they came from, their age at death and which diseases they suffered from. Researchers can deduce a lot from them about a person’s life and about human evolution. This generates leads that could help solve present-day problems, such as how…
More than the Story
Considering Mesoamerican Precolonial books as material objects
Power in the Sands: A Monumental Desert Gateway to the Roman World at Udhruh (Jordan)
This project aims to excavate and date the setting of the east gate of the Roman fortress of Udhruḥ. This will be compared with other Diocletianic military installations from the region. We also hope to retrieve another gate inscription which can shed light on the function and political embedding of…
Programme structure
In Applied Archaeology, you follow your personal interests, and choose a matching career profile and regional focus. What kind of archaeologist will you become? In the Applied Archaeology programme you get to plot your own course!
Mapping pre-industrial sanitation infrastructure in the town of Haarlem
The central research question focuses on identifying shifts in the urban social network in terms of private, semi-public and public space by means of mapping the spatial distributions of wells and cesspits in the town of Haarlem in the course of the pre-industrial period (1200-1800). Shifts may be indicative…
Asia Beyond Boundaries
Beyond Boundaries: Religion, Region, Language and the State is a major multidisciplinary research project which aims to re-vision the history of Asia in one of its most significant periods. The project is based at the British Museum, British Library and the School of Oriental and African Studies, and…
A semester abroad: 'Locals help you experience the culture as it really is.'
And there you are. A couple of suitcases with you, in a new (unknown) country. You've arranged a room in advance. You know which university you're attending. But other than that ... Evert-Jan, master's student in Encyclopaedia and Philosophy of Law, studied at the Université Paris Panthéon-Assas in…
UN-ICC Cooperation: Walking A Tightrope
Tom Buitelaar is an Assistant Professor in the War, Peace & Justice program of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. This paper suggests a number of important avenues for states, the UN, and the ICC to improve the likelihood that the ICC receives assistance from UN peace operations.
A rapidly developing international friendship
Staff and student mobility, a cooperative education programme and the possibility of a joint research center in artificial intelligence and data science. A delegation from Chinese partner XJTU paid a fruitful visit to the Faculty of Science in the last week of October.
Gisela Hirschmann, Coronavirus: A Global Crisis Waiting for a Global Response
It is often said that the true character of a person is only revealed in a crisis. In these days, the coronavirus causes concern about the true state of the multilateral system. Political scientist Gisela Hirschmann (Leiden University) is worried about the future of multilateralism.
Two Cultural Anthropology students awarded Pieter de la Court Medal 2021
Claire van den Helder (fourth-year Cultural Anthropology student) and Orestes Kyrgiakis (second-year Cultural Anthropology student) won the Pieter de la Court Medal 2021. The Pieter de la Court Medal is an initiative for students by students and is awarded annually to students who voluntarily contribute…