2,361 search results for “komen studies” in the Public website
Studies in Tocharian verbal morphology relevant to the cladistic position of Tocharian in Indo-European
On the 24th of September, Louise S. Friis successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Louise on this achievement!
Engaging students in the study of physics: An investigation of physics teachers' belief systems about teaching and learning physics
This doctoral thesis comprises four studies on the content and structure of physics teachers’ belief systems about teaching and learning physics in secondary education in the Netherlands.
Jacqueline Vel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Security Studies awarded bronze medal EW Best Studies 2023
The Security Studies bachelor's programme has received a bronze medal in EW Best Studies 2023. Every year, EW Best Studies selects the top programmes in Dutch higher education.
Graduation Day for BA International Studies Students
Organised in three separate sessions throughout the day, and broadcast live online to guests and families who could not join, over 200 students received their Bachelor’s Diploma of International Studies on 3 September 2021 at the graduation ceremony in the historic Pieterskerk in Leiden.
Combining classic and novel tools in the study of Historical Collections of Chinese Materia Medica in the Netherlands
Chinese materia medica (CMM), comprising a diverse array of natural substances from plants, animals, and minerals, has been integral to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) throughout history. This study investigates the dynamic evolution of CMM, noting shifts in species for improved therapeutic effects…
and sustainable technological innovation under uncertainty: a case study of III-V/silicon photovoltaics
A framework for prospective/ex-ante life cycle assessment (LCA) and ecological risk assessment (ERA) of emerging technologies is developed and applied to a case study of III-V/silicon photovoltaic panels.
A PCAD-model for fish to study the impact of airgun sound exposure on free-ranging cod
We are developing the conceptual framework, which is new to this taxonomic group, and evaluate the current state of the art with respect to all critical parameters and transfer functions for a fully developed Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance (PCAD) model.
adaptation in Zeeland, the Netherlands: A European climate change case study from the Rhine delta
Global climate change is manifest by local-scale changes in precipitation and temperature patterns, including the frequency of extreme weather events (EWEs). EWEs are associated with a myriad range of adverse environmental and societal consequences, including negative impacts to agriculture and food…
Smoothly breaking unitarity : studying spontaneous collapse using two entangled, tuneable, coherent amplifiers
The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics states that a measurement collapses a wavefunction onto an eigenstate of the corresponding measurement operator.
Democratic Secrecy: A Philosophical Study of the Role of Secrecy in Democratic Governance
The starting hypothesis of the project is that secrecy is not always inimical to democratic governance as conventional wisdom has it.
A study of Polish LDS (Mormon) conversion in two branches in Warsaw, Poland
On the 16th of June Patrtick Harrison successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Untangling cosmic collisions: a study of particle acceleration and magnetic fields in merging galaxy clusters
On the largest scale, the Universe resembles a cosmic spiderweb. Most galaxies coexist in small groups within the threads of this web. At the nodes of the threads are enormous groups of galaxies forming the largest structures in the universe still held together by gravity: clusters of galaxies.
Tapping into semantic recovery: an event-related potential study on the processing of gapping
This project aims to investigate the underlying (neurocognitive) linguistic processes of ellipsis resolution, particularly gapping.
A pharmacognostic study of Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Asteraceae): bioactivity, safety, and phytochemical analysis
Promotor: Prof.dr. R. Verpoorte, , Co-Promotor: Young Hae Choi
Go study abroad!
Are you keen to immerse yourself in a new culture, broaden your horizons and make friends for life? If so, come to the Study Abroad Festival on Friday afternoon 14 October.
Development and application of cryo-EM tools to study the ultrastructure of microbes in changing environments
Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a powerful technique used to visualize the inside of cells and to study specific protein complexes. Within this thesis, I describe the use of various cryo-EM techniques to gain insight into the structural changes of the human pathogen, Vibrio cholerae, as it…
Complaining as a moral narrative: An ethnographic study of complaints, morality and bureaucracy at a Dutch health insurer
Part of ‘Moralising Misfortune: A Comparative Anthropology of Commercial Insurance’, an ERC Consolidator project of Erik Bähre.
Inspiring: Henriëtte studied at a Chinese university for five months
When Henriëtte Hoffman was ten years old she was enthralled by The Last Emperor, a 1987 film about the twelfth and last emperor of the Manchu dynasty. It was an interest that eventually led to a five-month stay in Chengde in China for her Asian Studies research master’s programme. During her time in…
Brainstorming with and for students about money management
How do we tackle financial stress among students? Policymakers and students came up with a plan. The outcome has been a report that the university can use to help answer the question. Vera Hilgevoord organised the brainstorm session with students and has compiled their ideas.
Marcel Keurentjes
Faculty of Humanities
Letty ten Harkel
Faculteit Archeologie
Rachel Schats
Faculteit Archeologie
Maia Casna
Faculteit Archeologie
Dunja Wackers
Why study 'Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies' at Leiden University and the Autonomous University of Barcelona?
The collaboration between Leiden University (Medical Center) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona forms one of the most powerful international alliances for the creation and transmission of knowledge in the field of transfusion medicine.
Rector Bijl presented the “Best Thesis in Jewish Studies” Award at the Leiden Jewish Studies Association first annual conference
On December 6th, 2024, Rector Hester Bijl welcomed participants at the Leiden Jewish Studies Association’s First Annual Conference “Jews at Home: From Creation to Corona” and also presented two Leiden University students with the inaugural Leiden Jewish Studies Association “Best Thesis in Jewish Studies”…
Improving PTSD treatment for adults with childhood trauma (IMPACT-study)
The aim of this project is to investigate the (cost)effectiveness of two innovative forms of trauma-focused therapy for patients with childhood abuse related PTSD. The ultimate goal is to improve quality of care and contribute to treatment innovation for this severely ill target population.
Migration and Membership Regimes in Global and Historical Perspective | Studies in Global Migration History, Volume: 13/2
In Migration and Membership Regimes editors Ulbe Bosma, Gijs Kessler and Leo Lucassen bring together ten essays in an analytical framework which looks beyond the Transatlantic migration of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in a deliberate attempt to incorporate the experience of earlier periods…
Challenging the paradigm of filthy and unhealthy medieval towns
Mapping sanitary infrastructure in large urban societies in the Low Countries, 1200–1900
Smart Courts, Smart Justice? Automation and Digitisation of Courts in China
On Tuesday 3 September 2024 Straton Papagianneas successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Successful first webinar BSc Security Studies
Programme director of the bachelor's programme Security Studies Daan Weggemans kicked off the first webinar for prospective students this afternoon. In Kaltura Live he had an international audience of about 60 interested people.
correlates of vocal learning in songbirds and humans: cross-species fMRI studies into individual differences
Vocal learning is a trait shared by songbirds and humans. It is also a trait that is restricted by the brain rather than by a species' vocal apparatus. In this dissertation, functional MRI is employed in both species in order to explore potential common neural mechanisms underlying the ability to develop…
Migration History. The Eurasian Experience (16th-21st centuries) | Studies in Global Migration History, Volume: 15/3
This volume edited by Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen aims to quantify and qualify cross-cultural global migrations and was published in the series 'Studies in Global Migration History'.
for Depth-Controlled Microinjection-Mediated Dermal Vaccination: A Study with Polio Vaccine in Rats
PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to develop a cheap and fast method to produce hollow microneedles and an applicator for injecting vaccines into the skin at a pre-defined depth and test the applicability of the system for dermal polio vaccination.
Language, law and loanwords in early medieval Gaul: language contact and studies in Gallo-Romance phonology
On October 9th, Peter Alexander Kerkhof succesfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Peter Alexander on this great result.
In memoriam: Prof. dr. J.T.P. de Bruijn (1931-2023)
On Monday 23 January 2023 J.T.P. (Hans) de Bruijn passed away at the age of 91. Until 1995 he held the Chair of New Persian Language and Culture at Leiden University.
Specters of Cavafy
Haunting the future through poetry
The monastery rules : buddhist monastic organization in pre-modern Tibet
This study discusses the position of the monasteries in pre-1950s Tibetan societies and how that position was informed by Buddhist monastic ideology.
Jade from the other mountain: Chinese fan fiction based on English source texts
On Friday 22 November 2024 Ye Jiang successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Helen Pluut
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Metabolomics study of blood vessels on-chip model
PhD defence
Studying abroad: two students share their experiences
Are you thinking about studying abroad for a semester? We came across two students who want to share their experiences with you.
International Studies students receive their diploma
On 2 September 2022, 300 students received their Bachelor Diploma of International Studies. The students were awarded their diplomas in the historic Pieterskerk in Leiden, in front of a large audience of family and friends. With about 1000 people present, including the graduates, the International Studies…
Chair for Central European Studies finds new home at LUF
On Friday 23 June, the Austrian Studies Fund was established with a festive gathering in the Faculty Club. This fund is the successor of the Austrian Studies Foundation and will continue and expand the program of activities of the Central European Studies chair at Leiden University, which was established…
Call for nominations Jewish Studies Thesis Prize 2023
The Leiden Jewish Studies Association is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the
Karla Paola Cabrera Acuña
Faculty of Humanities
Austrian Studies Annual Lecture 2023 given by Professor John Connelly
The Fourth Annual Leiden Austrian Studies Lecture “Was the Habsburg Empire an Empire?” was given by Professor John Connelly on Monday, March 20, 2023 at Leiden University’s Faculty Club.
Austria’s Present Past: A visual journey through Austrian history 1925 – 2025
Lecture, Annual Lecture Austrian Studies Leiden
First batch of students BA Urban Studies receive diploma
On Wednesday 1 September, the first thirteen students of the new BA Urban Studies at Leiden University, received their diplomas in person in The Hague. During a festive graduation ceremony, they were congratulated by rector magnificus Hester Bijl.