3,256 search results for “historical van de universiteit” in the Public website
Maartje van der Woude about her research into mobile border control in ‘De Groene Amsterdammer’
Professor of Law and Society, Maartje van der Woude, had an interview in ‘De Groene Amsterdammer’ of 4 September 2018 about her research into mobile border control.
- Sobre nosotros
Jan Vleggeert and Jan van de Streek on ethics and tax law
If we want tax evasion to become a thing of the past then there has to be more balance in how tax advisers are educated, according to tax professors Jan Vleggeert and Jan van de Streek.
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn: No tough talk after the terrorist attack in New-Zealand
After an terrorist attack, tough talk often follows. However, this is not the case with prime minister Arden in New-Zealand, says Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn, researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs to the NOS.
Modernismo eclipsado: arte e arquitetura alemã no Rio de Janeiro da Era Vargas (1930-1945)
On the 22nd of April, Liszt Vianna Neto successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Liszt Vianna Neto on this achievement.
Criticismo y materialismo en los escritos tempranos de Theodor W. Adorno y Max Horkheimer
The dissertation focuses on the work of German philosophers Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, founders of critical theory at the Frankfurt School. Specifically, it is a study of the “early” writings, dated between 1925 and 1940, to reconstruct the early stages of critical theory. The thesis argues…
Zeeland Archives to Present Historical Slave Voyage to the UN
MIDDELBURG/GENEVA – The president of the United Nations Human Rights Council has invited the Zeeland Archives from the Netherlands, to Geneva on March 20th in order to present its project about the historical slave voyage aboard The Unity (1761-1763).
Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte
Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela published the article 'Pedagogies of Prohibition: Time, Education, and the War on Drugs in Rio de Janeiro’s Zona Norte' in Cultural Anthropology 37. The article’s three sections focus on three forms of temporal control—busyness, punctuality, and rhythm—and each demonstrates…
Onderzoek naar de inzet van reviews na moord en doodslag in huiselijke kring
Huiselijk geweld is een ingrijpend probleem in Nederland, met jaarlijkse fatale gevolgen. De impact gaat verder dan alleen de slachtoffers zelf en raakt ook nabestaanden en de samenleving als geheel. Tot nu toe/Momenteel ontbreekt het echter aan een gestructureerde manier om fatale gevallen systematisch…
A unique perspective on (pre)historical migration using linguistics
Migration is not only reflected in DNA, but also in language. By tracing changes in language, we learn more about the lifestyle of the people that speak it. University lecturer Tijmen Pronk (40) conducts linguistic research into (pre)historical migration.
Luning and Van de Camp about the research programme Gold Matters on NWO website
In an interview on the website of the NWO, Sabine Luning, Marjo de Theije and Esther van de Camp talk about the gold miners they met in various African and South American countries and they come to new insights.
Alumnus (90) donates historic house to Leiden University
Alumnus Ruurt Hazewinkel (90) has presented Leiden University with a special gift: a historic house on Leiden’s Rapenburg canal. He handed over the key to Rector Carel Stolker on Monday 25 January.
Promovendus Joris van de Riet: 'Studentenverenigingen zijn een verrijking, knijp ze niet af'
De plannen van het kabinet-Schoof om een langstudeerboete zorgt voor veel ophef. Promovendus Joris van de Riet schreef een opinieartikel erover voor Trouw. Zijn argument is dat een langstudeerboete desastreuze gevolgen kan hebben voor studentenverenigingen.
Kanonbildung im transkulturellen Netzwerk. Die Rezeptions-geschichte des Moskauer Konzeptualismus aus deutsch-russischer Sicht
How did a circle of Soviet artists and writers virtually unknown until perestroika turn into Russia’s most influential contemporary art movement? This book reconstructs the cultural history and canonization of a group of painters and poets known as the Moscow conceptualists, who paradoxically did not…
Interacting risk factors for impulse control behaviours in de novo Parkinson's disease
Up to 45% of patients with Parkinson's disease experience impulse control disorders, characterised by a loss of voluntary control over impulses, drives or temptations. This study aimed to investigate whether previously identified genetic and psychiatric risk factors interact towards the development…
The organization of the Platform for Postcolonial Readings is a collaboration of main organizers and occasional guest organizers.
Printed Keyboard Intabulations of Secular Vocal Works and Dances in 16th-century Italy
Understanding the nature, characteristics and function of the secular vocal intabulations and dances found in Italian printed keyboard sources in the 16th century
Jelle van Buuren in De Volkskrant on radical Islamic schools in the Netherlands
A new chapter has been added to the ongoing discussion on Islamic schools in the Netherlands. Dutch television programme ‘Nieuwsuur’ and Dutch newspaper NRC conducted research into approximately 50 Islamic educational institutions which do not take part in the conventional Dutch educational system.…
Prof Luuk van Middelaar guest professor at the Collège de France, Paris
From 24 March 2021, Professor Luuk van Middelaar will deliver four public lectures on 'Geopolitical Europe: Acts and words' at the Collège de France in Paris, on the invitation of the Chairholder on International Institutional Law, Professor Samantha Besson.
Anne-laura van Harmelen about growing up in war in Dutch magazine De Psycholoog
In Dutch magazine De Psycholoog, Anne-Laura van Harmelen talks about the impact traumatic experiences, especially for those who are growing up.
Symposium in honour of Frits van Oostrom (Leiden)
Op dinsdag 14 juni 2022 wordt aan de Universiteit Leiden een symposium georganiseerd ter gelegenheid van het naderende emeritaat van Frits van Oostrom (Universiteit Utrecht). Wie deel wil nemen aan het symposium kan zich tot uiterlijk vrijdag 15 april 2022 opgeven via w.van.anrooij@hum.leidenuniv.nl.…
Jan van de Streek: 'Tax Authorities broke the law by leaking information to Uber
The Dutch Tax Authorities leaked information about an international tax audit to Uber. In addition, they ‘obstructed and delayed’ an investigation by other EU Member States, says the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) based on internal documents from the tech company.
Het gebruik van drones; een verkennend onderzoek naar onbemande luchtvaartuigen
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), often referred to as drones, have become easy and inexpensive to buy, and it is generally expected that the use of drones by private individuals, businesses and public authorities will increase tremendously in the coming years. This raises questions as to what is technologically…
Tanja Masson-Zwaan over de gevolgen van de oorlog in Oekraïne voor de ruimtevaart
Wereldwijd worden veel samenwerkingsverbanden met Rusland stopgezet vanwege de oorlog in Oekraïne. Hoe zit dat met de ruimtevaart, waar de Russen ook een groot aandeel in hebben?
Local Panama communities work with archaeologists on historic land rights
The question of land property titles is a common source of conflict between indigenous communities and federal authorities all over the Americas. A new Panamanian law have led indigenous communities to reach out to archaeologist Dr Natalia Donner. A grant from the Centre for Indigenous American Studies…
Sociolinguistics Circle 2025
Commission-Van der Staaij presenteert revisie Reglement van Orde
Op 30 oktober presenteerde de Commissie tot Revisie van het Reglement van Orde, onder voorzitterschap van Kees van der Staaij (SGP), haar bevindingen aan Kamervoorzitter Khadija Arib.
Gijsbert Rutten
Faculty of Humanities
Interview with Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn about the Masterclass Terrorism 2018
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn teaches the masterclass terrorism 2018 together with Edwin Bakker. Read the interview here.
docARTES is a doctoral programme for performers and composers. It offers a unique environment for critical reflection on musical practice.
Le tifinagh au Niger contemporain: Étude sur l’écriture indigène des Touaregs
In this dissertation a large corpus of letter signs and texts gathered during fieldwork in Niger, and to a lesser extent Mali and Burkina Faso is used to show the graphemic diversity of the traditional script of the Tuaregs, tifinagh, and to analyze the orthographic system.
Promotie: de impact van het Internationaal Strafhof op landenniveau
Het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) in Den Haag bestaat sinds 2002, met als kerntaak het vervolgen van personen die verdacht worden van genocide, misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en oorlogsmisdaden. Wat zijn we opgeschoten met bijna twintig jaar ICC? Promovenda Marieke Wierda onderzocht de impact van het…
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board consists of five eminent scientists with specialist expertise in complementary disciplines. They all have prominent positions in the field of Computer Science in the Netherlands outside our own institute.
Conference programme AHBx
Aquí pueden encontrar el programa del congreso.
The Cognitive Continuum of Electronic Music
From The Cognitive Continuum of Electronic Music:
Het toestaan van buitenlandse medicijnen is in strijd met de Geneesmiddelenwet
Er is een nijpend tekort aan medicijnen. Volgens onderzoek van NRC is bijna één op de zeven Nederlandse patiënten aangewezen op geneesmiddelen uit het buitenland. Promovendus Koosje van Lessen Kloeke sprak over dit tekort met Mr.: ‘De Nederlandse geneesmiddelenwetgeving rammelt.’
- Onderhoud telefonie netwerk Universiteit Leiden
Cierre del X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux (AHBx)
La Universidad de Leiden tuvo el placer de presentar el X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux (AHBx), Transhispanismos: contactos y contagios, del 1-4 de noviembre este año. La AHBx es un punto de encuentro y enlace entre hispanistas de diversas disciplinas y profesiones…
Liesbeth van der Heide Interviewed by Dutch Newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ on the Psyche of Terrorists
In May 2018, Malek F. stabbed three people in The Hague. According to Malek F., he was told by a ‘big bird’ in the sky to randomly stab people. His lawyers registered a plea of insanity with the court because of his mental condition. In the end, the court sentenced Malek F. to involuntary commitment…
- Leidse lezingen over de Arabische taal en cultuur
H.J. van Mook and Good Governance in Indonesia and the World
Was the progressive colonial civil servant the precursor of the postcolonial development-aid worker?
TOP Grant NWO for Prof. Dr. Aad van der Vaart and Dr. Robin de Jong
OP Grants NWO are awarded to 16 scientists in astronomy, computer science and mathematics, or a combination of these disciplines (multidisciplinary) by NOW Exact Sciences. The scientists received a total amount of 6 million euros.
Matthew Sung
Faculty of Humanities
Jiang Wu
Faculty of Humanities
Michaël Peyrot
Faculty of Humanities
Jelle van Buuren discusses the death of Aboe Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Dutch newspaper de Stentor
Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, discusses the death of Al-Baghdadi and whether this could also mean the end of IS.
Jan van de Streek and Jan Vleggeert on tax evasion Uber
Tech company Uber uses various tricks via the Netherlands to avoid paying tax on its profits. A $16 billion inter-company loan from Singapore has prompted questions with experts claiming the loan is not under arm’s length terms. MEP Paul Tang wants Brussels to investigate.
Was Brexit een valse belofte? Wat de rellen van extreemrechts te maken hebben met migratiebeleid
Waarom laaien er rellen op in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, aangespoord door de extreemrechtse British Defence League? Jorieke Manenschijn sprak met EenVandaag over hoe de beloftes van Brexit aan de woede hebben bijgedragen.
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn on NPO Radio 1 about the attacks in Norway ten years ago
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn, researcher and lecturer at ISGA, was a guest on NPO Radio 1 where she discussed the attacks carried out in 2011 by Anders Breivik.
Martin van Exter Lab - Quantum Optics and Light-Matter Interaction
Research in the van Exter lab focuses on quantum aspects of light and light-matter interaction. One of our long-term goals is to develop a reliable quantum memory, based on a single emitter in an open micro cavity.