2,718 search results for “near cognitive functions” in the Public website
Attacks on hash functions and applications
Promotores: R. Cramer, A.K. Lenstra, Co-Promotor: B.M.M. de Weger
Foam rheology near the jamming transition
Promotor: M.L. van Hecke, Co-Promotor: B.P. Tighe
Light-activatable metallodrugs and metal-functionalized liposomes
Metal-containing molecules combine geometrical features and a reactivity that are inherently different from that of organic molecules. My research focuses on light-activatable metal-based anticancer drugs and metal-functionalized liposomes. Light is a very selective way to activate photosensitive drugs…
Radio galaxies near the epoch of reionisation
This thesis explores the theoretical and observational properties of distant massive galaxies that harbour active black holes in their centres and shine brightly at radio wavelengths.
Profinite groups with a rational probabilistic zeta function
Promotores: H.W. Lenstra, A. Lucchini
Satellite remote sensing of plant functional diversity
Biodiversity enables ecosystems to thrive through the synergy of functional differences among organisms. While human well-being strongly depends on biodiversity-driven ecosystem services, human actions are also at the root of current unprecedented biodiversity declines.
Optimization of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers
This thesis covers several aspects of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers and its applications to quantum chemistry and material science.
Under Construction. Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Extended Lexical Units
This dissertation investigates Extended Lexical Units (ELUs), elements that are bigger than just one word and which are stored in the Lexicon.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (fixed term 2 years; 1,0 fte)
Humanities, Institute for Area Studies
Cognitive Uncertainty and Employees’ Daily Innovative Work Behavior: The Moderating Role of Ambidextrous Leadership
Bernard Bernards examines constraints on innovation by focusing on cognitive uncertainty as a personal state that may affect innovative work behavior.
What Works in Preventing Emerging Social Anxiety: Exposure, Cognitive Restructuring, or a Combination?
Programs that aim to reduce symptoms of social anxiety in children generally include multiple components, such as exposure and cognitive restructuring. It is unknown if separate components yield positive intervention effects in children or whether a combination of components is required.
Cognitive and behavioural emotion regulation after negative and traumatic life events
To study relationships between emotion regulation after negative and traumatic life events and psychopathology. Within this context, another goal is to develop and validate emotion regulation questionnaires.
Emma Everaert
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Regulators of integrin α6β4 function
This thesis describes our search to identify and understand possible regulatory mechanisms of integrin α6β4 in cell-matrix adhesion and intracelular signaling.
PROPER: ‘Near-patient’ prostate cancer models for the assessment of disease prognosis and therapy
How to identify patients at risk of developing devastating, metastatic disease and facilitate the development of personalised treatment for prostate cancer patients?
High-field neuroimaging of computational processes that drive cognitive control.
How do humans control their thoughts and actions, and what can high-field brain scanning reveal about the underlying processes?
Ecological functioning of bacterial chitinases in soil
Promotores: Prof.dr. H. van Veen & Prof.dr. W. de Boer (Wageningen University)
Symmetric Diophantine approximation over function fields
Promotor: Prof.dr. P. Stevenhagen, Co-Promotor: Dr. J.H. Evertse
cardiovascular activity: The impact and changeability of stressful cognition without awareness
The research question is that unconscious perseverative cognition (UPC) is responsible for a considerable part of cardiovascular (CV) activity that occurs even in the absence of threats and other stressors that one may encounter in one’s daily life.
Assemblage and functioning of bacterial communities in soil and rhizosphere
Promotores: J.A.van Veen, P.L.G.Klinkhamer. Co-promotor: E.E.Kuramae
Physics implications of shape on biological function
Shape and biological function are tightly connected. Physical descriptions are used to connect the shape of a biological system with its function.
The interaction between Arousal and Cognitive Control
PhD defence
Discrete tomography for integer-valued functions
Promotor: S.J. Edixhoven, Co-promotor: K.J. Batenburg
Sex effects on development of brain structure and executive functions: Greater variance than mean effects
This study is the first to directly relate brain development to sex differences and school performance. The results debunk the myth that brain development is slower in boys.
Rationally designed peptide based functional biomaterials
Promoter: J.G.E.M.Fraaije, Co-promotor: A. Kros
Cognitive and motivational components of adaptive and maladaptive decision-making: an integrative approach
How do cognitive, motivational, and affective processes interact to select actions?
Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Prosody Perception and its Modulation by Alexithymia
This dissertation examines what network in the human brain is involved in the perception of prosody and whether activity within this network is modulated by the personality trait alexithymia.
effects on links between macro-invertebrate diversity and ecosystem functioning
How are links between macro-invertebrate diversity and ecosystem functioning influenced by anthropogenic pressures?
A functional approach to differential indexing
On 12 April 2022 Alok Oak successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Carolien van Zoest
Faculty of Humanities
Composition and function of integrin adhesions
Integrins play an essential role in multicellular life by connecting cells to the extracellular matrix.
Eyetracking and psychophysiology indicators of social cognition and emotion in adults with Klinefelter syndrome
Kerwin Olfers
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
knowledge of architectural proportion. The relation between culture and cognition in historical perspective
Knowledge and culture subproject 3:
Religion Explored: Origin, Function and Meaning
How do ideas concerning the academic study of religion relate to the socio-cultural and political context in which they are developed?
professional learning communities on differentiated teaching based on cognitive differences of students
What relationships exist between different types of PLCs and cognitive differentiated teaching?
science about the presumed universality of geometrical patterns and its cognitive foundation
Knowledge and culture subproject 3:
learning: on the design, trainability and noise-robustness of near-term algorithms
This thesis addresses questions on effectively using variational quantum circuits for machine learning tasks.
Functional fluorescent materials and migration dynamics of neural progenitor cells
In this thesis, time-lapse fluorescent microscopy plays a pivotal role in investigating functional materials within living cells as well as the migratory behaviour of neural progenitor cells.
Positive representations of algebras of continuous functions
If X is a locally compact Hausdorff space, then a representation of the complex C* algebra C_0(X) on a Hilbert space $H$ is given by a spectral measure that takes its values in the orthogonal projections on $H$.
Role of near-surface environment in tuning electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction and H2 evolution reaction
This thesis has shed light on some of the ways in which the local electrolyte composition can differ from the bulk and how these changes in the local reaction environment can determine the activity and/or selectivity of two important electrocatalytic reactions, namely, electrochemical CO2 reduction…
Ecological functions and environmental fate of exopolymers of Acidobacteria
Acidobacteria is a widely distributed phylum but their functional roles in ecosystem processes are still largely elusive.
Ongoing excavations at Les Cottés (near Poitiers, France)
Les Cottés is one the rare site in western Europe with occupations in sequence by the very last Neandertals and the first anatomically modern humans.
persistence of space: formalizing the polysemy of spatial relations in functional elements
On the 20th of June, Camil Staps successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Camil on this achievement!
Understanding functional dynamics and conformational stability of beta-glycosidases
Due to their central physiological roles in living organisms, retaining beta-glycosidases have been the subject of tremendous research efforts to examine their structure/function relation using numerous biophysical and biochemical approaches.
General plant strategies and functions in wetlands: Global trait-based analyses
Wetland plants are distinguished from plants of other terrestrial ecosystems by their adaptations to specific habitat stresses, including waterlogged and flooding and the subsequent abundance of phytotoxic compounds.
Don't believe it! A global perspective on cognitive reflection and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 pandemic
Together with two other authors, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz from ISGA investigates the susceptibility to believing in misinformation.
Our functional assays
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Dedicated functional assays
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Jeshua Tromp
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen