582 search results for “koen economics” in the Public website
Koen Caminada appointed Vice-Dean FGGA
The Executive Board of Leiden University has appointed Professor Koen Camimada Vice-Dean, and portfolio holder for Education, at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, with effect from 1 December 2018.
An Economic History of Portugal, 1143–2010
This book rovides an economic history of Portugal over the course of eight centuries, from 1143 through to 2010 and situates Portugal's economic growth within the context of European development. It also responds to fundamental questions about when, how and why the economy expanded, stagnated or co…
The Economics of Friendship
In this doctoral dissertation (2012) the effects of the monetization of the Greek world in the 5th and 4th century on conceptions of reciprocity in friendship are analyzed.
Koen Caminada appointed member of KHMW
The Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities) has appointed Koen Caminada, Professor of Empirical Analysis of Tax and Social Policy, as a member.
- Economic, Corporate, Commercial & Trade Diplomacy
Economic and Consumer Psychology (MSc)
In the specialisation Economic and Consumer Psychology, part of the Master in Psychology, you will study the psychological mechanisms that underlie our decisions and choices concerning consumption and other economic behaviours.
Maarten Berg
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Teaching Economics (MA)
- Teaching Business Economics (MA)
Economic Effects of Social Protection
On 1 October 2019, Emile Cammeraat defended his thesis 'Economic Effects of Social Protection'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. K.P. Goudswaard and Prof. P.W.C. Koning.
Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology focuses on the application of scientific psychological knowledge of social processes within and between groups of people and individuals, in organisations, but also during economic and consumer decisions.
Specialisation Economics, Public administration and Management
Within the Public Administration department, there is an option for a specialisation: Economics, Public Administration and Management. This is a dutch program.
Lab facilities Economic Decision Making
How do individuals make decisions? What determines the quality of group decisions? When and why do people cooperate with others? How does intergroup competition evolve?
Master Track Public Administration: Economics and Governance
Courses in English.
Economic thinking in the Socratic authors and Aristotle
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' analyzes Greek economic thinking in late 5th- and 4th-century philosophical circles.
The economic geography of Roman Italy
Can we identify different degrees of economic integration, both within and between regions, on the basis of archaeological proxies?
Economics, Public Administration and Management (BSc)
The Public Administration specialisation in Economics, Governance and Management combines public administration with economics to analyse issues such as the climate or housing crisis. You will learn to think economically and formulate policy advice.
Institute of Tax Law and Economics
The Institute of Tax Law and Economics at Leiden Law School has three departments: the Department of Tax Law, the Department of Economics and the Department of Business Studies. The Institute brings together research and teaching at the point at which, on the one hand, law and, on the other, fiscal…
Social and Economic Psychology (research) (MSc)
The Social and Economic Psychology specialisation offers in-depth knowledge of a broad range of theories and research domains in this area, all concerning the way people’s social environment influences thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.
Public Administration: Economics and Governance (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Public Administration: Economics and Governance? Learn more and watch the videos.
- Institute of Tax Law and Economics
Foreign investment and colonial economic growth in Indonesia
The aim of this PhD dissertation is to explore the link between foreign investment and macroeconomic performance in the context of a colonial economic structure in Indonesia between c. 1910 and c. 1960.
The role of trust in economic decisions
What are the essential determinants of (dis)trust? And, what are the effects of being (dis)trusted?
Overview of the current economic crisis
Han De Jong gave an overview of (the run-up to) the current economic crisis and discussed which steps could be taken to resolve this crisis.
D'Erman, Schure & Verdun, Economic and Financial Governance in the European Union after a Decade of Economic and Political Crises
Introducing five papers about of the impact of crises on the governance, decision-making, and institutional design of the Euro Area, political scientists Valerie D'Erman (University of Victoria, Canada), Paul Schure (University of Victoria, Canada) and Amy Verdun (Leiden University) summarise the 'lessons…
Optional Track Economics Leiden University College The Hague
Courses in English.
The tension between nature conservation and economic valuation of ecosystem services
Promotores: G.R. de Snoo, W.T. de Groot, Co-promotor: C.J.M. Musters
Koen de Ceuster about North Korea's Winter Olympics propaganda
With the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang being over, it can undoubtedly be said that a lot transpired between the both Koreas: the visit of Kim Jong-un's sister to South Korea, the $2.64 million budget from South Korea for members of the North Korean Olympic delegation, and the first time the North…
Core rights and the protection of socio-economic interests by the European Court of Human Rights
The ECtHR needs to provide effective rights protection, but it also needs to set clear standards while showing deference to decisions made at the national level. Especially when socio-economic issues are concerned, meeting these different demands is a challenging task.
Koen Bastiaans wins first Paul & Tatiana Ehrenfest physics thesis prize.
The winner of the Paul & Tatiana Ehrenfest physics thesis prize 2020 is Koen Bastiaans. He carried out his PhD research in the group of Milan Allan and defended his thesis in December 2019 cum laude at Leiden University.
Creating Global Scenarios of Environmental Impacts with Structural Economic Models
To limit the effects of climate change, global average temperature since pre-industrial measurements are to be kept well below 2 °C preferably even at 1.5 °C.
On the psychology and economics of antisocial personality
Using an interdisciplinary experimental approach grounded in behavioral economics and personality psychology, we identify an antisocial personality profile and examine its role across strategic contexts.
Compiling and Refining Environmental and Economic Accounts (CREAA)
CREEA is a FP7 project on compiling and refining environmental and economic accounts. The project runs from April 2011 to March 2014.
Teaching Assistant Prize for Michał Pacholski and Koen van Deelen
To improve our teaching and reward excellent teaching assistants, the institute offers a Teaching Assistant Prize to the best teaching assistant of the semester.
Enriching official economic statistics using data-driven modelling techniques
Netherlands Statistics (CBS), Leiden University and the University of Amsterdam have started a collaboration in the form of a research project titled 'Enriching official economic statistics using data-driven modelling techniques'.
An empire of 2000 cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman Empire
The central aims of this project are to establish the shapes of the various urban hierarchies existing in the provinces of the Roman Empire and (especially) to use the quantitative properties of these hierarchies to shed new light on levels of economic integration.
Former Visual Ethnography lecturer Koen Suidgeest city photographer Leiden
People need to get to know each other to see the positive side of migration, according to photographer and documentary maker Koen Suidgeest. Since the end of September, Suidgeest has been the new city photographer for the region of Leiden. His goal is to photograph as many cultural identities as possible…
Constructing monuments, perceiving monumentality and the economics of building
The goal of this book is to place architectural studies, in which people’s interactions with each other and material resources are key, at the crossing of both landscape studies and material culture studies, where it belongs.
Ben van Velthoven
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Peter van Wijck
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Leon Hilbert
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Lea Hauser
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Ingrid Leijten publishes book Core Socio-Economic Rights and the European Court of Human Rights
Recently, Ingrid Leijten’s book Core Socio-Economic Rights and the European Court of Human Rights was published with Cambridge University Press. The monograph was published in the series Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy (edited by Laurence Gormley and Jo Shaw) and deals with the protection…
Rens Tacoma
Faculty of Humanities
Eric van Dijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Egbert Jongen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Governance, Economics and Development (BSc Major of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges)
Wrenching poverty, global inequality, violent political and ethnic strife, deadlocked, unresponsive or even collapsing governments, growing dissatisfaction with democracy and missed opportunities for innovation – these are merely some of the challenges of governance and development with which our programme…
Economic distress, democratic values, and ethnic backlash in Africa: investigating the persistence of youth political attitudes.
How does economic downturn affect pre-existing democratic values and intergroup attitudes? Does economic downturn lead people to lose support for democracy and does it raise perceptions of intergroup threat? Is the potential effect of economic downturn on these political attitudes conditional upon earlier…
Koen Marijt is crazy about history: 'So much has happened within one kilometre of Rapenburg'
Anyone who has taken a walk through the centre of Leiden before might have come across him, an attentive group of tourists gathered around. After studying history, Koen van Toen, or Koen Marijt, started his own business. He now organises historical walks, among other things.
an elaboration and application of the system of environmental-economic accounting for Indonesia
Indonesia is experiencing various environmental challenges related to its fast economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to have measurable and applicable indicators to obtain accurate data and information regarding the costs of adverse environmental impacts arising from economic activities to support…