1,844 search results for “de world van talen en culturele” in the Staff website
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PhD defence
Nederland en Vluchtelingen
PhD defence
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer in GLOBEnews about Putin
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Professor of International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, says we must block and expel Putin wherever possible.
CADS Spotlight: Tim van de Meerendonk & Esther van der Camp
Lecture, Research Seminar
Eric De Brabandere: 'Ruling against Shell will inspire other cases'
For the first time, a court has ordered a company to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. Lawyers see it as a landmark ruling that will have far-reaching consequences for Shell and possibly also other similar companies.
Discover 450 years of parades at Museum De Lakenhal
The exhibition Leiden celebrates – 450 years of parades at Museum De Lakenhal shows how parades and society have changed through the centuries. Alumnus and historian Danielle van Goethem worked on the exhibition. She gives a preview.
Alexander van Drooge voorstellen
Alexander van Drooge even voorstellen
Ewine van Dishoeck goes stargazing
From the birth of the universe to the molecules in a planet's atmosphere. The first five pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) show the enormous range in which the space telescope can operate. Ewine van Dishoeck, professor of molecular astrophysics, took a look at the first images Tuesday…
Saying goodbye to Prof Carsten de Dreu on 18 June
After eight years as professor at the Institute of Psychology, Carsten de Dreu is making the move to the University of Groningen, where he has been appointed to the chair ‘Foundations of Cooperation and Social Organisation’. On 18 June, he will bid farewell to colleagues at Leiden University.
Podcast De Verbranders critical of European border and asylum procedures
The Dutch asylum application centre in Ter Apel is overburdened, an issue that is currently a prominent feature in the Dutch media. In podcast De Verbranders, PhD students Neske Baerwaldt and Wiebe Ruijtenberg engage in dialogue, and use different angles to examine themes related to migration, borders…
Veni grant for Nikki Ikani and Bernardo Ribeiro de Almeida
Nikki Ikani (ISGA) and Bernardo Ribeiro de Almeida (LUC) have received Veni-funding. A total of 188 scientists received grants in this round. Veni grants are awarded annually by NWO.
- Evacuation in the Pieter de la Court building
Ludo Waltman awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal
Ludo Waltman, professor of Quantitative Science Studies at Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), has been awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal.
Ouderengeneeskunde – over passen en meten
Inaugural lecture
Tweedetaalverwerving en -didactiek: natuurlijk interdisciplinair
Inaugural lecture
Over nieuwe biologie en fantasie
Inaugural lecture
Podcast 'Mind the Gap' overbrugt het gat tussen afstuderen en een eerste baan
Volgende week lanceren we de nieuwe podcast Mind the Gap, een initiatief dat studenten begeleidt bij de overgang van afstuderen naar hun eerste baan. Hosts Laura van der Plas en Loes Velthuis vertellen in dit interview meer over de podcast, waarin ze praktische tips delen voor een realistische en zelfverzekerde…
Hoe laten we vaders minder werken en meer doen in het huishouden?
Gaan vaders minder werken als andere vaders dat ook doen? Helpt betaald ouderschapsverlof hen om meer op te pakken in het huishouden? Hoe bepalend zijn sociale normen voor verschillen op de arbeidsmarkt? Onderzoeker Max van Lent gaat het uitzoeken.
Gedichten en gedachten: creatief Honours-vak A Taste of Leadership smaakt naar meer
What do you derive your self-esteem from? Not a question you would quickly expect in a course on leadership. Lecturer Michel Don Michaloliákos opted for a unique approach to 'A Taste of Leadership', an Honours course with introspection as its core theme.
Hilde Woker en Renate Reitsma benoemd tot leden National Ocean Decade Committee
Het National Ocean Decade Committee heeft twee nieuwe leden benoemd van de Universiteit Leiden. Hilde Woker en Renate Reitsma zullen zich als leden van dit comité inzetten om het het belang van oceaanwetenschappen te promoten.
Leiden Classics: Humbert de Superville, founder of the Print Room
Dutch artist and visionary David Humbert de Superville (1770-1849) was the founder and first director of the Print Room at Leiden University. An exhibition and symposium are now being organised in his honour. What makes him so remarkable?
Thijs Porck
Faculty of Humanities
Reopening Pieter de la Court and Willem Einthoven buildings
(Vorsten)graven in brons- en ijzertijd
In Memoriam: Rudolf E. de Jong (1958–2024)
On Friday 16 February 2024, Rudolf E. de Jong passed away unexpectedly in Cairo. Since 2012, he was the director of the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC), which he skillfully managed for 12 years. He was laid to rest in Amsterdam on 27 February. Rudolf was 65.
New opening hours Pieter de la Court Building
Facility, Organisation
Ramesh Premaratne Ganohariti
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Ancois de Villiers receives PeerJ Award for Best Student Presentation
Ancois de Villiers, PhD candidate at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, received the PeerJ Award for Best Student Presentation at the International Mediterranean Ecosystems Conference.
Rogier de Bruin new UFB director from 1 February
Daad en discussie - Links geweld
PhD defence
Radicalisering bij minderjarigen en overheidsingrijpen
PhD defence
Formación ciudadana en universidades chilenas
PhD defence
Toetsing van deskundigenadviezen door de bestuursrechter
PhD defence
Het rechterlijk bevel en verbod als remedie
PhD defence
Realisation Student Square in the Pieter de la Court Building
Interview with Christa Tobler in de “Hofvijver” (Montesquieu Instituut)
On Monday 28 June 2021, a text based on an interview with Christa Tobler appeared in the Hofvijver (Montesquieu Instituut) on the relationship between the European Union and Switzerland, in particular after the decision of the Swiss Federal Government to refrain from signing an agreement on institutional…
Introducing: Jessie van Straaten
Jessie van Straaten recently joined the Institute for History as a PhD candidate as part of Evelien Walhout's starting grant project 'Human Development and Its Outliers: A Global Microhistory'. Below she introduces herself.
Martin van Hecke elected APS fellow
Metamaterials researcher Martin van Hecke has been elected American Physical Society (APS) fellow, an honour exclusive to only half a percent of the society's members.
Bekijk fotoserie van oratie Ineke van der Ham: 'Een illusie rijker'
Op 1 december hield Ineke van der Ham haar oratie, waarin ze vertelde hoe ruimtelijke technologie de beleving van de patiënt dichterbij kwam brengen. In het Academiegebouw ervaarden bezoekers zelf de kracht van de illusie. Hoe zag dat eruit?
Rudi van Maanen receives Cornelis Joppenszoon statuette
Emeritus Professor Rudi van Maanen has received the Cornelis Joppenszoon statuette. He was presented with the distinction by Deputy Mayor of Leiden, Julius Terpstra.
Lectures relocated due to leak Van Steenis
Gilles van Wezel reappointed for four years
Gilles van Wezel has been reappointed as Scientific Director at the Leiden Institute of Biology (IBL). Van Wezel has been director of this institute since September 2018 and will remain so until 1 September 2026.
Olaf van Vliet appointed Professor of Economics
The Executive Board has appointed Olaf van Vliet as Professor of Economics at Leiden University, specialising in social security and labour market policy from an international perspective. The chair is affiliated to both the Department of Economics (Leiden Law School) and the Institute of Public Administration…
Closure Van Steenis building during the holidays
Procederende belangenorganisaties: ‘Zo worden ook de meest kwetsbaren gehoord’
Interest organisations are increasingly taking legal action and that’s a good thing for democracy, says PhD candidate Rowie Stolk. ‘It means that the most vulnerable social groups – including children and refugees, who tend to have a weaker political position – are protected.’
Florian Schneider
Faculty of Humanities
Mayke Kaag
Matthijs Westera
Faculty of Humanities
Lettie Dorst
Faculty of Humanities
Psychologiestudenten vertellen over hun onderzoek op de Wetenschapsmiddag 2024
The celebration of our up-and-coming science talent, that is the Psychology Science Day. Students stand proudly by their research posters and enrich the insights of fellow students, PhD candidates, postdocs and faculty with their explanations.