4,208 search results for “de world van takes en cultural” in the Public website
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology | Leiden University
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University studies the everyday practices of individuals and groups around the world in relation to the complex global challenges of diversity, sustainability, and digitalisation.
Robert-jan de Rooij
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
The cultural turn in intelligence studies
This article explores an emerging “cultural turn” in intelligence studies, which, if fully realized, could entail the expansion of the discipline to include new methodologies and theories, and a more integrative understanding of historical causality that locates intelligence agencies within the widersocio-cultural…
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (BSc)
Explore global cultural differences with our International Bachelor's in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. Delve into gender issues, social media trends, food habits, social justice movements, and more.
World History - a Genealogy: Private Conversations with World Historians
World History — a Genealogy charts the history of the discipline through twenty-five in-depth conversations with historians whose work has shaped the field of world history in fundamental ways.
Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture
Why do some scientists argue that there are five sexes? Why is it important to study sexuality outside the reproductive framework? The minor Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture tackles some of the most controversial and contested questions of our time, while avoiding the pitfalls of easy answers…
Translation and the cultural Cold War
A new special issue on translation and the cultural Cold War sheds light on the understudied and yet important role of translation in cultural transfer.
Online Experience English Language and Culture
Study information, Online Experience
Joke Bruynzeel: culture reaches the heart
When doing business in foreign countries, you will encounter different languages and cultures. How does knowledge of cultural differences help you when you're trying to start a business or close a deal in another country?
Transfer of knowledge in a cuneiform culture
Over the past decades the role of writing in the development of human civilizations has been the subject of much discussion. The adoption and development of literate skills has been linked to many developments in human history, be they cultural, social or even cognitive.
Uyt saecke des doots
In the Netherlands, levying tax on inheritances at death has been a fact of life for centuries. The presumed double taxation and its sad precursor are elements of the discussion about the levy of this inheritance tax, but so too are the possibilities to reduce the tax through ingenious legal constru…
'De Storm der Hartstochten Woedt'
‘The storm of the passions rages’: The works of Johannes Jelgerhuis as a source of stagecraft for the historically informed performer.
Ali Shobeiri
Faculty of Humanities
Politiques, Education et Identités Linguistiques, le collège des Frères des écoles chrétiennes de Jérusalem (1922-1939)
This dissertation sheds light on politics, education and linguistic identity by studying the case of the College of Jerusalem, founded by the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Material Culture, Consumption and Social Change
New Approaches to Understanding the Eastern Mediterranean during Byzantine and Ottoman Times
Cultural framing of rights and subjectivities
La llamada del pasado: claves de la teoría de la historia
A Spanish translation of Herman Paul’s 'Key Issues in Historical Theory' has appeared under the title 'La llamada del pasado: claves de la teoría de la historia'.
Campaigning Culture and the Global Cold War
This book explores the lasting legacy of the controversial project by the Congress for Cultural Freedom, funded by the CIA, to promote Western culture and liberal values in the battle of ideas with global Communism during the Cold War.
Indigenous cultural heritage and intellectual property
Challenges for the protection of traditional knowledge and genetic resources, traditional cultural expressions, and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples in the international scenario.
Daniëlla Dam-de Jong
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Jessica Kiefte-de Jong
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Literary Studies: German Literature and Culture
Are you thinking about studying German Literature and Culture? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Chat with a student
Do you have a question about student life in Leiden, studying at Leiden University or do you want more information about our bachelor programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology? You can chat directly with our student ambassador!
Literary Studies: French Literature and Culture
Are you thinking about studying French Literature and Culture? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Literary Studies: Italian Literature and Culture
Are you thinking about studying Italian Literature and Culture? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Literary Studies: English Literature and Culture
Are you thinking about studying English Literature and Culture? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Media studies: Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory
Are you thinking about studying Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Wat gaat goed en wat kan beter bij de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid?
Wim Voermans en Annemarie Drahmann namen op 13 februari deel aan het Rondetafelgesprek van de commissie Binnenlandse Zaken over de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid. De kernvraag van de bijeenkomst was de vraag 'Wat gaat goed en wat kan beter bij de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid?'
Experience Day English Language and Culture
Study information
Cross-border Claims to Cultural Objects
On 11 November 2021, Evelien Campfens defended the thesis 'Cross-border Claims to Cultural Objects'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. N.J. Schrijver and Prof. W.J. Veraart (VU Amsterdam).
- Poetry @ Middle Eastern Culture Market 2019
- Workshops @ Middle Eastern Culture Market 2019
Archeologisch onderzoek langs de Rikkert in Enkhuizen
Tot voor kort was de kartering van oppervlaktevondsten de geijkte manier om het in de bronstijd bewoonde gebied in West-Friesland in kaart te brengen. In dit rapport gebaseerd op archeologisch onderzoek in 2012-2015 wordt uiteengezet wat de relatie tussen de oppervlaktevondsten en de aan- en afwezigheid…
Images Of The Indonesian War Of Independence, 1945-1949/Beelden Van De Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog, 1945-1949/Perang Kemerdekaan Indonesia
Four years of protracted negotiations and bitter warfare passed between the declaration of Indonesian independence on 17 August, 1945, and the official transfer of sovereignty on 27 December, 1949.
Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Morocco
In the spring semester, NIMAR offers university and HBO students a 30 EC program where students can choose between an intensive Arabic program focusing on Modern Standard Arabic and Moroccan Arabic or a research-focused program in which you conduct ethnographic research.
Renewing the cultural identity of Canadian Indians
The artefacts that still remain from the traditional culture of the indigenous Yukon, Canada, are spread over dozens of museums throughout the world. Yukon Indian Ukjese van Kampen carried out research to bring this culture to light. This is the subject of his dissertation entitled ‘The history of Yukon…
- Worlds to Discover: Manuscripts from the Muslim World
Do you have any questions about the international bachelor's programme in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology? Contact us!
History of Cultures, Knowledge and Ideas
It is integral to many cluster members’ research to use Medieval and Early Modern Arts as a lens for studying the medieval and early modern periods at large:
Experience Day Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Study information, Proefstudeerdag
Marjolein de Jong-van Veen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Brenda De Sousa da Silva
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Europe and the World
The EU and the World is a Jean Monnet Chair, awarded to Karolina Pomorska (Institute of Political Science, Leiden University). Its aim is to promote and strengthen teaching and research in European Studies in Leiden and in The Hague.
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (MSc)
Join the Master's in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University. Specialise in ethnographic research and gain valuable skills.
Adriana Churampi Ramirez
Faculty of Humanities
Oriol Febrer i Vilaseca
Faculty of Humanities
Culture: text and images in Japan
One of the ways of understanding another culture better is to examine what people experience when they read a text, or look at an image. Leiden experts have a lot of knowledge in this field, for example on culture in ancient Japan.
NEXUS 1492. New World Encounters in a Globalising World
What are the immediate and lasting effects of the colonial encounters on indigenous Caribbean cultures and societies and what were the intercultural dynamics that took place during the colonisation processes? How can the study of indigenous Caribbean histories contribute to a more sophisticated awareness…
Service desk Pieter de la Court
Pieter de la Court, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK, Leiden
China, een gids voor de 21e eeuw
China wordt steeds assertiever in zijn relaties met andere landen, maar achter dit beeld gaat een opmerkelijk diverse maatschappij en politieke realiteit schuil die tal van aanknopingspunten biedt voor samenwerking en verdere integratie van China in de wereld. In China een gids voor de 21e eeuw past…