2,220 search results for “den have” in the Public website
Clear signal from ICJ in Gaza conflict
While the interim ruling passed down by the International Court of Justice did not order a ceasefire, it did state that Israel must take all measures to prevent further victims and genocidal acts in Gaza. South Africa brought the case as it alleges that the war in Gaza constitutes a violation of the…
First graduates of Master’s Programme Governance of Sustainability
The first generation of Governance of Sustainability master's students has graduated. They received their diplomas during a festive ceremony at Wijnhaven on 17 September. And they will not be the last: The master's programme is only growing in popularity. ‘We are very proud of our first graduates, especially…
Century-old Physics Assumption Proven Wrong
A new discovery proves that it matters which approach researchers take in analyzing large physical, social or biological systems that have a networked structure. Ever since the early 1900s, scientists have assumed each approach is equivalent. Now many results in statistical physics may no longer hold.…
Israël must alleviate plight of Palestinians now
The International Court of Justice has issued an interim ruling calling on Israel to take immediate action to prevent genocide. South Africa had accused Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention, which both countries are a party to. Professor of Public International Law Larissa…
Genocide in Gaza is difficult to prove
South Africa is suing Israel on charges of genocide in Gaza. The case is being heard at the International Court of Justice in The Hague this week. Professor Larissa van den Herik, an expert in Public International Law specialising in the law on genocide, explains the situation to NOS.
Persian poetry knows no frontiers
The Persian language and its poetry are intertwined with the history of Central Asia. Although some mediaeval poets were later claimed by an individual state, their influence knew no frontiers. This is what Gabrielle van den Berg, Professor of Cultural History of Iran and Central Asia, argues in her…
‘Collaboration is essential to scientific breakthroughs’
How do we create a healthy, inclusive, digital and sustainable society? And how do we keep it that way? If science is to provide answers to these questions, the universities of Leiden, Delft and Erasmus will need to work together. This is what Wim van den Doel, the new figurehead of the LDE Alliance,…
Contribution to international book on enforcement of State aid law
In January 2020 the book “Private Enforcement of European Competition and State Aid Law”, edited by Ferdinand Wollenschläger, Wolfgang Wurmnest & Thomas M.J. Möllers, was published by Wolters Kluwer.
What is the road ahead in the field of preventing violent extremism?
What should policymakers and politicians do to prevent violent extremism? What are the greatest risks posed by the radical left and right? How do ideological media publications that terrorists assemble before attacks, may help to counter extremist narratives? About 30 professionals from all over the…
Key components of a didactical approach for encouraging religious identity development in Religious Education
This study investigates and analyses didactical approaches in theory and practice of both scholars and expert teachers in Religious Education/Life World Orientation (for secondary level) in their role as Identity Agents in order to discover and develop didactical key components contributing to religious…
- Book Chapters
The progression of EU law: Accommodating change and upholding values Coordinator: Dr. Moritz Jesse
Advisory dashboards: Using learning analytics to explore higher educations students’ online and offline feedback processes
Learning analytics tracks students’ online learning activities in order to support their learning. But what if most of their learning takes place offline, out of sight of digital eyes?
Novel immunomodulatory drugs for tuberculosis treatment
Can drugs that target host signaling pathways be used to eradicate antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
ZF-CANCER - Developing high-throughput bioassays for human cancers in zebrafish
How can zebrafish research help to understand and fight human cancer?
Teachers’ professional learning preferences
How do secondary school teachers’ professional learning preferences relate to teaching experience and the school context?
CERA - Certification of Raw Materials
CERA (CErtification of RAw Materials) is a four-year project that will develop a standardized certification scheme ensuring environmental, social and economic sustainability in extraction, processing, trading and manufacturing of all mineral raw materials. It will guarantee traceability of certified…
Symposium Transformations of the Audible / 16-18 May 2019
Sonorous phenomena are always on the verge of becoming something else. As it unfolds, sound constitutes spaces, mediates presence, articulates time. Furthermore, it may prompt emotions, generate awareness, organise patterns of behaviour or trigger a sense of belonging. As sound becomes audible, it is…
European Energy, Environment and Health
Research on this theme addresses the systemic risks faced by European societies and affecting the quality of life of European citizens.
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
These honors and distinctions were given to work that was done within the Media Technology program by both students and staff.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Formative feedback and interaction in larger lectures through web-based voting.
To what extent can contingent, formative feedback in lectures, facilitated by web-based ICT, increase students’ self-efficacy and (academic, behavioral, and cognitive) engagement? And how are self-efficacy and engagement influencing students’ performance and course evaluations?
Learning behind bars
In dit unieke uitwisselingsinitiatief volgen studenten van de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid samen met gedetineerde personen een vak, binnen de muren van de gevangenis.
Without our research, the Netherlands is in danger
The new cabinet threatens to cut nearly a billion euros from higher education. This not only endangers academic work, it is a disaster for the Netherlands itself. The proposed penalty on study extensions and other financial measures will heavily impact students and will reduce education accessibility.…
Arabic and its alternatives: Religious minorities in the formative years of the modern Middle East (1920-1950)
This project aims to revisit the ways in which religious minorities in the Middle East participated in, contributed to, and opposed the Arab nationalism of the post-war years, when the British and French ruled the region via the Mandates. Research question: How did religious minorities in the Middle…
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
- Student life
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
- Student life
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
- Student life
- Student life
- Student life
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
About the programme
The European Law Master’s specialisation is founded on the Europa Institute’s research programme, The progression of EU law: Accommodating change and upholding values. The programme distinguishes itself by its broad intra-disciplinary approach, covering institutional, constitutional as well as substantive…
- Student life
Why in Leiden?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Innate immune defence against intracellular pathogens
What are the host immune defence mechanisms that control intracellular infections and how are these subverted by pathogens?
Pesticides and health – challenges and opportunities for exposure assessment
The aim is to develop methods to assess environmental and occupational exposure to (individual) pesticides, to be applied in epidemiological studies investigating pesticide exposure and human health. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the potential association between exposure to pesticides and Parkinson’s…
Diego Garlaschelli Group - Econophysics and Network Theory
We study the structure, dynamics and physics of complex networks emerging from the intricate interconnectedness of the constituents of large systems.
Instruments on Cross-Border Insolvency Law
Recent insolvency cases highlight the growing importance of cross-border insolvency matters in international transactions. To this end, many instruments have been introduced and implemented in recent years across the world. At this page we present a selection of relevant instruments in the field of…
Labour law, judicialisation, and the future of socio-legal studies in Indonesia
Labour is back as a significant social and political force in Indonesia, as was shown in the recent 1 May trade union demonstrations in Jakarta. Over the past years major changes have taken place in Indonesian labour law, leading to new forms of judicial and political resolution of labour disputes.
More details: the GTGC Conference 2022
How can we deal with today’s global challenges in sustainable, peaceful, fair, democratic, and effective ways? How can global events such as geopolitical shifts, ecological changes, technological innovations, and pandemics be better governed? Addressing these complex questions requires innovative, multidisciplinary…
Get involved: Faculty activities
Welcome to the Leiden Science community! Throughout the year, our faculty hosts a range of events designed to bring together students and staff. From interesting lectures to lively gatherings and ceremonial milestones, there’s always something happening for you. Explore the upcoming events and make…
The research
Through this research, we aim to gain a clear understanding of perceptions of safety in Leiden. The results will provide us with information about current perceptions. As Leiden’s City Criminologist Marianne Franken explains: ‘This research really focuses on Leiden’s residents. That’s why want to ask…
Metals in Catalysis, Biomimetics & Inorganic Materials
Coordination chemistry is the chemistry of metal atoms