10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Timeline: 450 years of Leiden Law School
Our faculty has a rich history. Last year, in honour of Leiden Law School’s 450th anniversary, a timeline describing our history in 12 key moments was officially unveiled in the Faculty Room at the Academy Building
Criminal Justice: Societally Effective Criminal Justice 2023-2029
In the Criminal Justice research programme, (criminal) law researchers and social scientists – many of whom are criminologists – collaborate on various projects. The research programme focuses on the content and form of decisions that could be, should be and are taken in by actors in the criminal justice…
Centre for Public Values & Ethics
The Centre for Public Values & Ethics (CPVE) is an interdisciplinary, academic centre of expertise aiming to conduct and disseminate scientific research on normative issues in the public sector, in particular the fulfillment of public office and the planning, making and executing of public policy, both…
The Leiden University Medical Anthropology Network (LUMAN) brings medical anthropologists together with the aim of fostering interfaculty collaborations and creating common ground for working interdisciplinary on health-related themes in Leiden and beyond.
Inverse Jacobian and related topics for certain superelliptic curves
To an algebraic curve C over the complex numbers one can associate a non-negative integer g, the genus, as a measure of its complexity.
The two sides of wh-indeterminates in Mandarin: A prosodic and processing account
On May 30th, Yang Yang succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Yang on this great result.
Regres bij concernfinanciering
On 20 februari 2019, Chris van Oostrum defended his thesis 'Regres bij concernfinanciering'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. mr. S.M. Bartman.
A Class of Their Own - Black Teachers in the Segregated South
In this book Adam Fairclough chronicles the odyssey of black teachers in the South from emancipation in 1865 to integration one hundred years later.
Stress and trauma-related disorders
Our mission is to advance the understanding of mental health of individuals with a history of stress and/or trauma through rigorous interdisciplinary research, integrating insights from clinical psychology, neurobiology, and social sciences. We are committed to translating our findings into innovative…
Yě yě yě - on the syntax and semantics of Mandarin yě
Zhaole Yang defended his thesis on 25 June 2020.
Assessment of museum environments in Jordan
This study seeks to identify suitable local environments conditions for the objects displayed at the Jordanian museums using the proper methods in order to contribute to the stabilization of these objects.
Curriculum for Turnaround Professionals
Development of a curricumlum for EACTP's certification for turnaround professionals.
Singing is silver, hearing is gold: impacts of local FoxP1 knockdowns on auditory perception and gene expression in female zebra finches
The experiments described in this thesis employ local lentiviral knockdowns in brain areas of female zebra finches followed by behavioural assays consisting of preference and Go/Nogo tasks.
A History of Alorese (Austronesian): Combining linguistics and oral history
On the 16th of February, Yunus Sulistyono successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Yunus on this achievement!
Addressing Industrial Pollution in Indonesia. The Nexus between Regulation and Redress seeking
On 17 October 2019, Laure d'Hondt defended her thesis 'Addressing Industrial Pollution in Indonesia. The Nexus between Regulation and Redress seeking'. The doctoral research was supervised by prof. A.W. Bedner and dr. J.A.C. Vel.
LUGO’s position within Leiden University
The LUGO team is part of the Administration and Central Services department of the university, with it falling under the Strategy and Academic Affairs department. Naturally, it falls into the sustainability team of the University, which consists of two full-time employees alongside the LUGO Team. The…
Inner Aspect and Telecity: The Decompositional and the Quantificational Nature of Eventualities at the Syntax-Semantics Interface
The main topic of the book is the nature of inner aspect of the Verb Phrase, and the relation between the decompositional and the quantificational approaches to this problem.
In Search of the Japanese Family: Modernity, Social Change, and Women's Lives in Contemporary Japan
This book project explores the changing dynamics of marriage and family life in postwar Japan based on an examination of the life histories of single mothers.
The National-Socialist Movement in the Netherlands - the NSB - remained the only legal party in the Netherlands during most of the Second World War.
The interplay between stars, gas and dust in faint star-forming galaxies
When observing star-forming galaxies, we are not only seeing stellar light, but we also see how this interacts with galactic gas and dust. This thesis contains studies of the stellar, nebular and dust properties of low mass star-forming galaxies.
Archeology Green Team
LUGO is launching Green Teams throughout the University, with Green Teams existing in the Law and Archeology faculties, and also a Green Team for Campus the Hague.
A Disobedient Diaspora: Living Hinduism in Osdorp, Amsterdam
This project explores the religious lives of a Surinamese Hindu community practicing in Amsterdam at the Sri Radha Krishna Mandir from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Concepts and applications for evidence-based dosing in morbidly obese patients before and after weight loss surgery
Promotor: C.A.J. Knibbe, Co-promotores: H.P.A. van Dongen, B. van Ramshorst
Case studies
The research that is united in the Liveable Planet programme, touches upon a wide range of aspects of human life. The goal is to deepen and expand the scope and to connect more researchers. The following case studies are examples of current research projects.
Systems & infrastructure
Here are some systems and infrastructures that are useful to students.
On the external relations of Purepecha
On April 26th, Kate Bellamy succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Kate on this great result.
After your graduation, Leiden University would love to stay in touch with you. Alumni are an important part of the university; with your experience we can improve the education, and you can be part of a valuable network full of knowledge and experience. Find out what options you have to stay in touch…
Information for prospective, current and international students
Laborinth II: Thinking as experiment- 472 meditations on the necessity of creative thinking and experimenting in the performance practice of
The thesis wishes to examine the pathways of thought underlying the creative act of music making and the performance practice of complex music from the late twentieth and early twenty-first century.
Guidelines for reviewing
The refereeing process is anonymous. It is important, therefore, that all submissions conform to the above guidelines. The referees’ comments will, at the Editor’s discretion, be passed on to the corresponding author.
Morphodynamic equilibria in tidal inlet systems: sensitivity to geometrical variations
A tidal basin is an inland sea which is almost entirely enclosed by land and connected to the open sea by a tidal inlet. Through the tidal inlets interaction takes place between the tidal basin and the open sea.
Why are governments sharing intelligence on the Ukraine war with the public and what are the risks?
In this article, Thomas Maguire, assistant professor at the Institute of Governance and Global Affairs, examines the intelligence of the US, British and Ukrainian governments and NATO partners concerning Russia and its war against Ukraine. This article discusses how and why governments communicate intelligence…
Novel role of the AT-HOOK MOTIF NUCLEAR LOCALIZED 15 gene in Arabidopsis meristem activity and longevity
Plant architecture has distinct forms in different plant species, but also within a species the finalarchitecture of a plant is determined by its gradual development and changes therein induced by environmental conditions during the plant’s life cycle.
Crossed product algebras associated with topological dynamical systems
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotoren: M.F.E. de Jeu, S.D. Silvestrov
Dynastic Juniors in Europe and Asia
Subproject of
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Career prospects
What is your preferred career path? Would you like to teach? Do you enjoy doing research? Would you like to work in policy development, or are you interested in a job that involves writing and editing? You will find that your African Studies degree is a good preparation for the career of your choice…
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Information activities
Get to know us through our online and in-person events for prospective students!
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.
Prepare for your studies
Prepare yourself as best as possible for the programme International Civil and Commercial Law at Leiden University and you will get a heat start!
Prepare for your studies
You’ve been accepted! Leiden University looks forward to welcoming you as a new student. Your next step is to prepare for your studies. Below you can find some tips to help you get a head start as you embark on your studies at Leiden University.