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16 mei colleges en evenementen Wijnhaven afgelast
New minor Sustainability, Climate Change and Food ‘A full spectrum analysis of global society’
In September 2023 the new minor Sustainability, Climate Change and Food starts. This minor critically examines the complexities of food sustainability through ecological, socio-economic, political, and cultural systems.
Health Campus The Hague: working together for better health and care
Better health for all the residents of The Hague region. This is the mission of Health Campus The Hague – formerly LUMC Campus The Hague. Eight partners – the LUMC, Leiden University, the municipality of The Hague and five healthcare institutions (see box) – are collaborating intensively in healthcare…
‘Securing systems is something you do together’
Leiden University wants to increase the security of its systems. That is why since 1 May the ‘sneakers team’ has been making many miles through our buildings. This team with various specialists will map all measuring and research systems. Today Roland van Dam introduces himself, he is the project manager…
From tax law talent to expert beer brewer: Benjamin Wegman's unique career path
People often say you should ‘do something that makes you happy’. Alumnus Benjamin Wegman certainly took that advice to heart. After graduating with a degree in tax law, he switched to brewing beer at a local brewery in Leiden.
ICT conference Our Digital Future: ‘This touches on everything we do here’
What are the digital challenges facing us now and in the near future? This was the question discussed by over 250 ICT experts, functional application management staff and information managers during the Our Digital Future conference on 26 January. We asked some of them how they found the day and what…
Leiden’s student portal: tailor-made for students
Leiden University’s digital study environment is being expanded to include the Leiden student portal: a single place where students can find all the information they need to organise their studies.
EUniWell discovery project in full swing
The ‘Discovery of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of EUniWell’s Consortium’s Members’ project has received a EUniWell seed grant. Sjoerd Louwaars, the representative from Leiden University, talks about the project and the first results.
The FSW POPcorner on caring student communities in difficult times
New education director for LST: 'I want to guard the quality of this unique programme'
Marco van Eijk is the new Educational Director of the Bachelor's Life Science and Technology (LST). Since 1 September he has been responsible for ensuring the quality of the programme. ‘LST is a unique programme and everyone has to keep working hard for that. That is my main task.’
Shadowing council boss for a week: 'I saw him mostly putting out a lot of fires'
After a week of shadowing for her master's degree in Public Sector Management, it has become very clear to student Loes what a manager's day looks like. 'He was putting out fires all day.'
Graduation ceremony of the Cyber Security master: A digital party
With a trip through the Netherlands, the preparations for the graduation of the Master Cyber Security had already started weeks ago. The apotheosis took place on Thursday, the 11th of February. A report of a digital graduation ceremony.
History student wins thesis prize: ‘Look for the stories that didn’t make the history books’
Envoys jumping out of windows, fights, and illegal diplomacy: history student Tessa de Boer encountered them all while writing her master's thesis on Amsterdam as a diplomatic city during the 17th and 18th centuries. For her thesis, she was awarded the Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt thesis prize…
Attention to education and culture at lowest point in 20 years
After an extensive content analysis of the coalition agreement, a sharp fall can be seen in the focus on education & culture, science & technology and defence. This is the conclusion of university public administration professors Gerard Breeman and Arco Timmermans. They compared the content with all…
A call with Annie de Jong about the National Student Survey
It’s time once again to take the National Student Survey (NSE), the annual student satisfaction survey for all students at research universities and universities of applied sciences. Annie de Jong is a Policy Officer for Quality Assurance at Strategy and Academic Affairs and the central contact person…
Student Support reflects on 2023: student life is the most important, meaningful time of your life
A Student Living Room, free period products and a wide variety of events. Over the past year, the Student Support Team at Leiden Law School has taken measures to turn the faculty into a safe, accessible social space for all students. They’ve been reflecting on the past year.
A call about: support for lecturers with hybrid teaching
In the coming academic year things will hopefully gradually return to normal, so that teaching can again take place as far as possible on campus. Even so, hybrid teaching is here to stay. We talk to Niels van de Ven, former lecturer at Leiden Law School and now Education Manager at the Centre for Innovation…
Reopening Pieter de la Court and Willem Einthoven buildings
What Leiden University is doing about gender inclusion
Leiden University wants to be a safe and inclusive learning and working environment for all its students and staff. In an interview with XperHR HR knowledge platform, Diversity Officer and lecturer Aya Ezawa and HR director Esther van Opstal explain why all-gender toilets are an important part of our…
Call for citizen science project at primary schools
Visit our new faculty webpage Diversity & Inclusion
The webpage Diversity & Inclusion for the Faculty of Law is live. On this page, you will find everything about the faculty activities and plans in the field of diversity and inclusion.
Saturday 21 October: Scheduled maintenance educational systems
Scheduled maintenance educational systems: Friday 10 November - Monday 13 November
Education, ICT
Friday 8 September: Scheduled maintenance educational systems
Education, ICT
- sit in KOG demonstraties
Two new Directors of Education at the Institute of Biology Leiden
From 1 October, two new Directors of Education will start at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL). Dennis Claessen as the new director for the master's programme of Biology and Marcel Schaaf as director for the Biology bachelor's programme. Claessen and Schaaf have been appointed for a period of four…
Opening new photo exhibition Carin Riel 15 May
The internal moving operation successfully finalised
Discover our training for professionals at Leiden University Academy Week
Scheduled maintenance educational systems from May 12th until May 13th, 2023
Scheduled maintenance educational systems
Save the date: Winter drinks 2024 - FSW
Important changes to the PhD Regulations
- Coffee machines out of order in KOG Building
Afronding decanaat Joanne van der Leun
Afronding decanaat Joanne van der Leun
Lights out, stars on: Daan Roosegaarde on Seeing Stars Leiden
‘What if we switch off all the lights one evening? That idea crossed my mind from time to time. And when I mentioned it to a taxi driver one day, he said: “Oh, you mean: lights out, stars on!” That’s not completely true, of course, because the stars are always on, but his phrase summed up the idea n…
Leiden Law School receives praise during research evaluation
Every six years, the research conducted at all law schools in the Netherlands is evaluated during a research evaluation. On 6 and 7 October, it was Leiden University’s turn to be evaluated. The aim of this ‘site visit’ is to allow the committee to get an idea of the faculty research climate, the research…
Onderwijsparade onderwijsvernieuwing LTC
Onderwijsparade onderwijsvernieuwing Kernvisie
Digital Winter School: Time to brush up on those digital skills!
The 2023 Digital Humanities Pilot Project Symposium and Digital Winter School took place, 30 Jan – 2 Feb 2023.
Symposium Diversity & Inclusion: an open and honest discussion about inclusive teaching
A Diversity & Inclusion symposium for academic staff was held at the end of last month. The focus of the internal debate was 'Let's speak about Inclusive Curriculum and Teaching'. All aspects of these topics were emphasized, ideas were developed, and tips & tricks, sensitivities, and best practices…
Faculty Board Column: Looking Ahead Together in Challenging Times
To underline the urgency: Our faculty faces a significant financial challenge. With a structural reduction of €5 to €6 million in annual income, dark clouds are gathering on the horizon. Added to this are the uncertain consequences of budget cuts from The Hague, including the Balanced Internationalisation…
Management Assistant Jacqueline Wessel’s coronavirus year: ‘Keep an eye on each other’
In mid-March 2020, the global coronavirus outbreak changed everything in the Netherlands. Staying at home as much as possible and the 1.5 metre rule became the standard. One year on, we reflect on the past year with four Leiden Law School ‘insiders’. What kind of year did they have? And what are their…
European subsidy for Ellen de Bruijn: ‘Hormonal fluctuations in women have been ignored for too long in brain research’
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn studies the effects of hormonal fluctuations on behaviour and on the brain over a woman's life course. With an ERC Consolidator grant, she and 3 PhDs and a postdoc will further her EEG research on the different stages at which girls and women experience strong hormonal f…
Online access to medieval manuscripts improved
Do you frequently search the catalogue of Leiden University Libraries (UBL) for western medieval manuscripts? Then you must have noticed important changes lately. Some 1800 summary catalogue records in Dutch were replaced by more elaborate descriptions in English. Furthermore, the catalogue interface…
Afraid of the dark? Anke Klein: 'Let your child have a say in finding a solution'
On Sunday night 25 September, all the lights in Leiden will switch off and we will see the starry sky above us twinkling in all its glory. A unique opportunity for all residents of Leiden to experience the vastness of the cosmos and view the impressive artwork that hangs over our heads every night.…
President of the Executive Board Annetje Ottow launches new strategic plan at the Dies Natalis
‘It truly is a plan by and for us all,’ said Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, at the Dies Natalis celebration on 8 February. Leiden Law School was also actively involved developing in the strategic plan.
CADS Alumna Eva Schouten in Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100)
The Duurzame Jonge 100 (Sustainable Young 100) is an annual election for young entrepreneurs, young professionals and students who show that a sustainable future is possible. The 100 most inspiring people in the field of sustainability are chosen from all participants and appear on the list. This year,…
'How is the faculty more than the sum of its parts?'
As Head of Academic Affairs, Pieter Schipper is the dean's right-hand man. It was therefore Jasper Knoester who asked Pieter to join the core group: a group of colleagues from all parts of the faculty that shapes the strategy process. 'I really enjoy playing a role in this,' says Schipper. 'It's a great…