2,220 search results for “den have” in the Public website
Over lokalisme, liefdewerk en lonkend perspectief: Verkenning naar participatie en burgerinitiatief in de Nederlandse archeologie.
Dit rapport maakt deel uit van het project Receptenboek burgerparticipatie in opdracht van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) en met steun van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.
Rethinking Javanese Religion: The Prospect of New Descriptions of Javanese Traditions
This study describes religion in Java.
Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome in zebrafish: molecular mechanisms and cardiac development
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. den Hertog
Europa Institute
The Europa Institute of Leiden University is one of the oldest academic institutes specialised in the law of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights; it was established in 1957, the same year as the European Economic Community itself.
Latin America and Caribbean Security and Intelligence Network
The Latin America and Caribbean Security and Intelligence Network (LACSIN) brings together scholars, practitioners, government agencies and the diplomatic community to develop novel and interdisciplinary approaches to addressing key areas of security and intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbe…
New interim dean Henk te Velde: ‘I don't have to do it alone’
Professor Henk te Velde started as interim dean of the Faculty of Humanities on 1 March. Mark Rutgers' successor is faced with the task of getting the faculty back to financial health.
Do you have any questions about the Industrial Ecology master’s programme? Please contact us! It is also possible to schedule a Skype-Call with our study advisors or one of our students. Moreover, we have online Walk-In hours every third Friday of the month.
Ymre Schuurmans Academic Director Institute of Public Law
The Faculty Board has appointed Professor Ymre Schuurmans as Academic Director of the Institute of Public Law. Schuurmans is Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law and was Head of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law for the past six years.
Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts submitted to Inter-Section need to adhere to these guidelines. Since 01-08-2022 Inter-Section uses APA7 as a reference system. Inter-Section therefore now follows the new Faculty of Archaeology guidelines concerning referencing and bibliography.
End of the Lone Wolf: The Typology that Should Not Have Been
This research note argues that the “lone wolf” typology should be fundamentally reconsidered.
Stephan Raaijmakers: 'Humans and systems have to learn to understand each other better'
You can ask virtual assistant Siri about the weather, but you can’t have a real conversation with it yet. You can’t refer to anything that’s been said before, or ask the system why it says what it says. Stephan Raaijmakers, Professor by Special Appointment from TNO, hopes to change this.
Leids onderzoek naar bestraffing komt tot stand uit verschillende disciplines. Het onderzoeksproject kent een juridische, criminologische, sociaalwetenschappelijke en filosofische invalshoek.
How sustainable does the University want to be by 2030?
Leiden University has become more sustainable in the past few years, but it could do better, particularly in the area of teaching and research. A student and staff workgroup is preparing a new Sustainability Vision 2030. Programme Manager Daphne van den Berg explains how this is taking shape and where…
Quality Management in Archaeology
The project entails research by international comparison into the effects of commercialisation in heritage management on the academic relevance and quality of the results of work that is essentially applied research. The research is carried out by Prof. dr. W.J.H. Willems and dr. M.H. van den Dries…
Two captains on a single ship
Caspar van den Berg was asked by Dutch news programme EditieNL for a reaction to the new coalition agreement and the ministerial team. Some ministries are set to have two ministers. Can that go well? View the excerpt.
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mance, Justice of UK Supreme Court, delivered Europa Lecture
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mance, Judge at the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom delivered the Europa Lecture on 29th September 2016 in the Grand Auditorium of the Academy Building at Leiden University. The lecture was entitled: “Jurisdiction, judgments and proper law relating to states outside the Brussels…
An introduction to Performance art (live art)
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Applications for arrest warrants submitted to the ICC
Prosecutor Karim Khan has asked the Pre-Trial Chamber at the International Criminal Court in The Hague to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Larissa van den Herik, Professor of Public International Law, discusses the case on Dutch radio programme ‘Nieuws en Co’.
Student associations
If The Hague is completely new to you, perhaps you should consider joining a student association? It’ll be a great way to quickly get to know people and build up a network that will prove invaluable long after you’ve finished your master’s.
Inverse Agonism and Constitutive Activity
Online library
Immerse yourself: read books, listen to podcasts and watch films about racism, discrimination and the colonial past.
Spaces for Active Teaching and Learning (SALT)
Here you will find an overview of the Spaces for Active Teaching and Learning already implemented at Leiden University and LUMC. These rooms vary in size, location, material affordances, and technological affordances, and thus vary in the forms of pedagogy they best support. You can use this site as…
The activities of the Europa Institute (also known as the Department of European Law) are supported by ‘Stichting Europees Instituut’. This foundation was the first of its kind in both the Netherlands and Europe as a whole. Established in 1957, its aim was to ‘support and advance the study of scientific…
Student associations
Becoming a member of a student association is the best way to quickly feel at home in The Hague. You’ll soon get to know people and you’ll make new friends for life.
The Secular Outlook
The Secular Outlook describes what moral and political secularism means. It paints the image of a world view in which state and religion are kept well separated.
Mutable Audible – An Operative Ontology of the Sound Image
In his dissertation Gabriel Paiuk explores the variable ways in which what is heard is formed. To address this, he postulates a novel concept of sound image in a post-anthropocentric context in which both mind and material artefacts are instances across which the image occurs, rather than hosts on which…
Block 4
In the overview below you can find the LUC Newsletters that were send out during block 4 in semester 2 of academic year 2019 - 2020.
European Markets, Trade and Digitization
Research on this theme concerns Europe’s position in global markets, its response to the emergence of new international trade and financial actors that challenge institutions where Europe has long had considerable influence.
In the Making #11: Whose creativity? Explorations of interspecies being and making
Arts and culture
- Women and their own objects
Awards and Grants 2017
An overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2017, as well as special appointments and royal distinctions.
Farewell event for Mark Rutgers on a unique day in the university’s history
With the red flag flying proudly on the Academy Building (Leiden University was on strike for the first time in its history!), the farewell event for former dean Mark Rutgers was held in the Telders Auditorium. After eight years, he has passed the baton to the interim dean, Henk te Velde.
Ranking the towns: Medieval demography examined in spatial dimensions
This project incorporates spatiality into the discussion of medieval demography, allowing for a more nuanced view on medieval town populations. It establishes a maximum population count for towns for periods prior to 1400 and provides a means to compare the ranking of towns using size and density instead…
‘Mayors are often pragmatic administrators’
The role of mayors is changing from one where they are typically ‘security bosses’ within their own municipalities, to ‘super networkers’ who are increasingly engaged at regional and national levels. This is the opinion of Ruth Prins, programme director of the bachelor’s progamme in Security Studies…
EU presidency in times of crisis
The Netherlands holds the presidency of the European Union for the coming six months. There are too many urgent issues for the country to spend time on Dutch political hobby horses, says Stefaan Van den Bogaert, Director of the Europa Institute.
King’s Speech by an outgoing cabinet: political swansong?
The King’s Speech delivered by King Willem-Alexander on the third Tuesday of September in 2017 will be written by an outgoing cabinet. What effect will this have on its content? Professor Arco Timmermans (Public Affairs) and public administration expert Gerard Breeman analysed other King’s Speeches…
framework for postmortems of European foreign policy: should decision-makers have been surprised?
This paper develops a novel theoretical framework for the conduct of postmortems after major foreign policy surprises for the European Union and its member states.
Distracted consumption and compensatory mechanisms
A research into the consumption experience and consumption behaviour.
Temple culture in Ptolemaic Egypt alive and kicking
Egyptian temple culture was thought to be declining in the Ptolemaic era, after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. Nothing could be further from the truth, says Egyptologist Carina van den Hoven. Temple culture was very much alive and kicking. PhD defence 16 February.
‘Research on slave ships too moralistic’
‘In recent publications about the slave trade the same rhetorical weapons are used as two centuries ago in the battle for the abolition of the British slave trade. It is a topic fraught with emotions, but that should not prevent historians from being as careful and impartial as possible in their research,’…
‘Cyberspace is more than just technology’
How can a society protect itself from cyber threats? Sixty talented young researchers and professionals are learning more about this at the International Cyber Security Summer School in The Hague.
Child abuse from generation to generation: what role does the brain play?
‘We didn’t find any mechanisms in the brain for transmitting child abuse from generation to generation. What we did find is that experiences of neglect and abuse affect the brain differently,’ concludes Lisa van den Berg (Clinical Psychology). PhD defence 30 June.
For a full overview of the publications of the Translational Immuno-Pharmacology group, visit the Google Scholar page.
The Metabolic syndrome affects over 5 million people in the Netherlands. The HealthBox is an initiative from LUMC and NeLL to provide an innovative solution to help prevent and manage this chronic condition.
Archaeology of the Lower Maroni River
The application of compliance archaeology techniques such as mechanical large scale excavations where large quantities of data are gathered in relatively little time (and relatively inexpensively) and a firm post-excavation research phase yielded a whole new body of archaeological evidence.
The Implications of ISIS (the “Islamic State”) for Islamic Movements and the Middle East
Political Islam is not new to the Middle East, but the appearance of ISIS has stretched the phenomenon to the extreme.
Corporate responsibility in global supply chains?
For many years, human rights have been considered a playing field in which states were the most important actors. In the present day society, this has changed as a consequence of globalization and the rise of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Protection of fundamental labor rights in global supply chains…
Archaeology of the Americas
North, Middle and South America together constitute the single largest area in World Archaeology that is taught as a single focus. It is also the only major world area that saw societies develop from hunter-gatherers to early empires entirely independent from developments in Eurasia & Africa. It is,…
Academic Staff
Leiden academics research the world around us and pass on their knowledge to future generations. Each with his or her individual expertise and personal fascination for a particular discipline, they are the public face of the University.
The faculty’s scientific research is organised around a number of centres and institutes in The Hague, city of peace, security and justice.