2,278 search results for “cognitive and language” in the Public website
Marco Spruit wants to develop a language model to improve healthcare
By making smart use of available data, the health and care of people can be substantially improved. Marco Spruit wants to use language and machine learning in the coming years to identify and solve the biggest care issues in the region of The Hague. He has been appointed Professor of Advanced Data Science…
A Grammar of Konso
This dissertation provides a description of Konso, a Cushitic language spoken by about 250,000 speakers in the South-West Ethiopia.
Carmen van den Bergh
Faculty of Humanities
Ronny Boogaart
Faculty of Humanities
Alex Reuneker
Faculty of Humanities
Speaking a foreign language: Is fluency ‘a must’?
Nivja de Jong, researcher at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) and the Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON), has won the 2018 Best Article Award from the International Language Testing Association (ILTA) for her paper on language fluency. The award committee writes…
Bakola documentation project
The aim of this project is the linguistic documentation of Bakola, a Narrow Bantu language.
New agreements on language use at Leiden University
Leiden University is an internationally oriented Dutch university, where we communicate with one another in both Dutch and English. To ensure that we handle this bilingual convention with due care, the Executive Board has established a set of guidelines on language policy. These guidelines set out the…
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Bilingualism in the Hispanic and Lusophone World
This volume offers a multidisciplinary view of cutting-edge research on bilingualism in Spanish and Portuguese-speaking regions, with the aim of building a bridge between sub-fields and approaches that often find themselves isolated from one another.
The Non-Verbal Clause in Qumran Hebrew
The present study comprises a classification and analysis of the syntax of the non-verbal clause in Qumran Hebrew, i.e. the linguistic variety (or varieties) found in the so-called Dead Sea Scrolls. The corpus consists of the non-biblical texts written in Hebrew; biblical texts and texts written in…
Topic: Spatial thinking
Our everyday life consists of all sorts of spatial processes: we find our way to work, remember where we left our keys, and are able to pick up our cup of coffee. We study how the human brain processes such spatial processes. From a clinical perspective, we are interested in how acquired brain damage…
The Tocharian Trek
A linguistic reconstruction of the migration of the Tocharians from Europe to China
Learning African sign languages via a video app
For many deaf Ghanaians, Ghanaian Sign Language is their first language. But for more deaf signers to be able to fully participate in society, more sign language interpreters, deaf school teachers and family members need to be trained. What better way to facilitate this by means of a Ghanaian Sign Language…
Programme structure
The research master's specialisation Cognitive Neuroscience consists of five main parts: the general courses, the specialisation-specific courses, the elective courses, a research internship and a thesis.
Programme structure
The master's specialisation Applied Cognitive Psychology consists of three main parts: the mandatory and elective courses, a thesis and an internship.
Language during war: the changing position of Russian in Ukraine
The impact of war extends beyond destroyed buildings and torn families. In bilingual Ukraine, the ongoing war with Russia is a major driver for increasingly discarding the Russian language. What does this mean for the position of Russian in Ukraine?
50 years of the Academic Language Centre: plus ça change?
That's just learning parrot-fashion. This was the argument with which the proposal to establish a language lab at Leiden University was rejected in 1962. But six years later, the language lab was launched. And now the Academic Language Lab is celebrating its 50-year anniversary.
NWO Grant for Research into the History of Languages: ‘It tells us something about our past as humans’
A collaboration between linguists, geographers and anthropologists aims to uncover how languages spread across South America over thousands of years. Associate Professor Rik van Gijn is responsible for the linguistic side of this NWO project.
Forensic linguistics and speech evidence
Investigating specific language and speech behaviour of people.
The Sociolinguistics of Rhotacization in the Beijing Speech Community
On 21 September 2022 H. Hu successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Neurogenomics of vocal learning
How does FoxP1 affect auditory perception on a behavioural and genomic level?
‘Different languages of instruction could help African education move forward’
The high number of students that we are used to in the West would never have been possible if Latin were still the language of instruction in our universities. In his PhD defence on 16 September, Bert van Pinxteren will argue that Africa could gain a lot from a similar language switch in secondary e…
Free online linguistics course: Miracles of Human Language
Language is a little bit like owning a mobile phone. We use it all the time, but we don’t really understand how it works. Where is language located in our brain? Do all humans have language? These and many other questions will be answered by professor Marc van Oostendorp in the MOOC Miracles of Human…
Sign up for the Academic Language Centre Newsletter!
Stay informed with the Academic Language Centre Leiden's new bi-monthly newsletter, featuring updates on upcoming language courses and curriculum changes—sign up now!
A grammar of Papuan Malay
This grammar presents an in-depth linguistic description of one Papuan Malay variety, based on fifteen hours of recordings of spontaneous narratives and conversations between Papuan Malay speakers.
Three questions about delayed language development in children
Around seven per cent of children have difficulty learning their mother tongue because they have some form of developmental language disorder (DLD). World DLD Day on 15 October called attention to this disorder. Development psychologist Neeltje van den Bedem explains why this is important.
Spaces and Support for Active Learning & Teaching
Within the Vision on Teaching and Learning, one of the 8 ambitions is Activating Teaching and Learning. With the support of the Vice-Deans and Vice-Rector, Hester Bijl, the Saltswat project is working on accelerating this ambition. What is the purpose of this site? Being effective…
Entry requirements
We make a distinction between the following types of previous education.
Why is that word there? Research on language structure completed
Communication is the transmission of information. All day long we are busy explaining and making things clear to each other, but exactly how we do that varies from language to language. Associate Professor Jenneke van der Wal delved into African Bantu languages for a Vidi project.
Why do multilingual children mix their languages?
Lecture, LUCL Colloquium 2023-2024
Franz Wurm
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
The programme group Educational Sciences is one of the six programme groups within the Institute of Child and Education Studies at Leiden University.
Evidence for Pervasive Sound Symbolism Across Thousands of Languages
A century ago, the French linguist Ferdinand de Saussure proposed that the relationship between the sound of a word and its meaning is fundamentally arbitrary. In a new study, a team of researchers from European and American research institutions, including Søren Wichmann from Leiden University Centre…
English as a Lingua Franca: Mutual Intelligibility of Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of English
The presents thesis investigates the extent to which Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of English are mutually intelligible. Intelligibility of vowels, simplex consonants and consonant clusters was tested in meaningless sound sequences, as well as in words in meaningless and meaningful short sent…
Chuang Liu
Faculty of Humanities
The journey of our language in prehistoric times
For decades, scholars have wondered about the development and dissemination of languages around the world. What are the odds that peoples living thousands of miles apart speak varieties of Indo-European languages that are closely related? This riddle has now partly been solved thanks to an international…
Student Aline-Priscillia: ‘I am an odd academic, I’m not very attached to outcomes’
In the new video series 'The World of Linguistics', alumni and academics talk about their passion for their field. Student Aline-Priscillia is particularly curious about how language is processed in the brain.
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
In the Spotlight: Summer School in Languages and Linguistics
After having been cancelled in 2020, this year the Summer School in Languages and Linguistics is going online. From 12 – 23 July, language and linguistics enthusiasts from all over the world can once again learn about a variety of rare languages and linguistics topics. Director Sasha Lubotsky tells…
Développement phonético-phonologique en fulfulde et bambara d’enfants monolingues et bilingues : étude du babillage et des premiers mots
Cette étude montre que le développement phonético-phonologique en fulfulde et bambara est à la foiscomparable au développement langagier dans d’autres langues du monde et influencé par les caractéristiques phonétiques et phonologiques de ces deux langues notamment au niveau de la phonotaxe.
HANDS! Festival 2021 on African Sign Languages and Deaf Studies
Now available on YouTube!
Celebrating 50 years of African Languages and Linguistics in Leiden
Maarten Mous, Professor of African Linguistics at Leiden University, looks back on the 50th edition of the Colloquium of African Languages and Linguistics (CALL) and explains why this birthday was a celebration like no other.
Topic: Psychopharmacology in Health and Medical Psychology
In this research line, the role pharmacological agents and neurochemcial processes play in behavior and cognition is examined with a particular focus on pain, placebo and nocebo effects and intensive care treatments.
The scientists at Babylab Leiden ensure that important knowledge is gathered about how babies learn to understand the world around them. Meet our Babylab Team and get to know our researchers!
Johanneke Caspers
Faculty of Humanities
Adriaan van der Weel
Faculty of Humanities
Maria van der Schaar
Faculty of Humanities
Tina Cambier-Langeveld
Faculty of Humanities
Gabe van Beijeren Bergen en Henegouwen
Faculty of Humanities
Alisa van de Haar
Faculty of Humanities