10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Home Ecologics – Dutch multispecies homes
How do humans, non-humans and their interactions and relations shape the home as ecological and social space?
Target Discovery
The goal of target discovery is to identify and validate proteins and biological pathways that are involved in the disease process. Modulating these target proteins and pathways with small molecules, therapeutic proteins or other biomolecules (e.g. mRNA) could deliver an effective and safe drug or v…
Media Freedom as a Fundamental Right
Recently Cambridge University Press published dr. Jan Osters monograph “Media Freedom as a Fundamental Right”.
PhD Committee
The PhD Committee is a bottom-up initiative that aims to create an open, active, and fun environment for all PhD candidates at Leiden University’s Faculty of Archaeology.
The library of the Papyrological Institute is the most complete facility for papyrological studies in the Netherlands.
Credible sets in nonparametric regression
Promotor: Prof.dr. A.W. van der Vaart
The Complete Archaeology of Greece
This book covers the story of Greece and its central role in our understanding of European civilization, from the Palaeolithic era (400,000 BP) to the early modern period (1950 AD).
Customary law in state governance and the judiciary
State utilization of 'hukum adat' and its implication for the Indonesian rule of law
Latency, Energy, and Schedulability of Real-Time Embedded Systems
Systems are called real-time systems, if the correctness of the system does not only depend on the correctness of the system output but also on whether the output is delivered on time.
Distinctive user groups
What legislative and regulatory questions arise when children, adolescents or elderly people use the Internet?
Hermeneutics and the Humanities
Hermeneutics and the Humanities: Dialogues with Hans-Georg Gadamer / Hermeneutik und die Geisteswissenschaften: Im Dialog mit Hans-Georg Gadamer
Xenophon: Anabasis Book III no. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics
This is the first comprehensive commentary on a section of Xenophon's Anabasis in English for almost a century.
Social exclusion
What is the relation between the experience and the act of exclusion?
Prehistoric loanwords in Armenian: Hurro-Urartian, Kartvelian, and the unclassified substrate
On the 7th of November, Rasmus Thorsø Nielsen successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Rasmus on this achievement!
The Violence and Violence Prevention research group at Leiden University focuses on understanding and preventing violence in modern societies. The group offers two key educational programmes: the Minor Violence Studies and the Governance of Violence specialisation within the Master’s in Crisis and Security…
Fluorescence Polarization Activity-Based Protein Profiling on Retaining Glycosidases
Glycosidases are important enzymes in the turnover of polysaccharides and glycoconjugates, and are involved in a range of human pathologies including genetic disorders such as Gaucher and Pompe disease, but also in various cancers.
Neurofibromatosis Type I
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of the Faculty of Science with Sichuan University in Chengdu.
Hellenistic economic thought
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' analyzes Greek economic thinking of the Hellenistic period.
Humanities Hub in Huizinga
The Humanities Hub is a central location in Huizinga designed to strengthen the collaboration, connection and exchange of ideas in teaching and research on humanities in the digital world.
A country of immigrants no more? The securitization of immigration in the National Security Strategies of the United States of America
This article studies the securitization of immigration in the United States of America (U.S.), through the analysis of the National Security Strategies (NSS) published between 2002 and 2017, using a two-layered analytical framework that combines securitization theory and agenda setting theory.
Update your information
Leiden University would like to stay in contact with its alumni. That is why we try to keep contact info up to date, but we would also like to stay informed about where you are working after graduation and how your career is progressing.
- Testimonials: Bachelor Honours Class
Studies in Global Slavery / Series
This series provides a venue for scholarly work—research monographs and edited volumes—that advances our understanding of the history of slavery and post-slavery in any period and any geographical region. It fills an important gap in academic publishing and builds upon two relatively recent developments…
Machine learning and computer vision for urban drainage inspections
Sewer pipes are an essential infrastructure in modern society and their proper operation is important for public health. To keep sewer pipes operational as much as possible, periodical inspections for defects are performed.
Cellular Forces: Adhering, Shaping, Sensing and Dividing
Promotor: Prof.dr. T. Schmidt
Casting light on the ƞ Carinae puzzle
Promotor: Prof.dr. V. Icke, Co-Promotor: T.I. Madura
Insights into microtubule catastrophes: the effect of end-binding proteins and force
For each living organism health is ensured by correct functioning of its cells. Cells therefore have elaborate methods for regulation of their proteins.
Language courses
The Academic Language Centre organises language courses for companies, government agencies, private clients, and students and staff members of Leiden University.
Computational linguistics
Computational linguistics uses computational methods to help answer linguistics questions across a variety of topics.
Leiden Law Methods Portal
Leiden Law School has a methods portal that offers an overview of the various phases of empirical legal research.
Meaning and R/S (religion and spirituality) in medical healthcare
The project focuses on communication processes regarding spirituality and existential issues in the medical health care in the Netherlands
Quality assurance at the Academic Language Centre
The high standards set by the Academic Language Centre are attested by the following quality labels and memberships.
Jose G. Vallarino
PhD at Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Department, University of Malaga - Spain
Global Governance beyond Covid-19: Recovery and Institutional Revitalisation
In this journal article, Dr. Joris Larik and Dr. Richard Ponzio put forward a broad-based pandemic recovery agenda that goes hand in hand with institutional reforms at the global level.
Novel formulations and delivery strategies for inactivated polio vaccines: new routes with benefits
This thesis describes the development of improved formulations and alternative delivery strategies for polio vaccination.
Error bounds for discrete tomography
Promotores: K.J. Batenburg, B. Koren
Tackling COVID-19 Disinformation: Internal and External Challenges for the European Union
The corona crisis is also a disinformation crisis for the global community in general, and for the European Union (EU) in particular. What is less clear is how adequate the EU’s response to the ‘infodemic’ has been. This essay exposes the dangers of disinformation for the EU, which have intensified…
The Hirado Project
The correspondence of the Dutch factory in Hirado, Japan, 1609-1633
Onderzoek naar vervuiling in de natuur
Leidse milieuwetenschappers doen onderzoek naar microplastics, bestrijdingsmiddelen en bemesting. En binnenkort naar lichtvervuiling en nieuwe materialen uit de nanotechnologie.
A history of East Baltic through language contact
On the 6th of July, Anthony Jakob successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Anthony on this achievement!
Studying in Leiden and The Hague comes with a number of facilities. These include use of the university library, login details for Brightspace and the possibility of study guidance. On this page you can read all about it and find useful links.
Historians' Virtues: From Antiquity to the Twenty-First Century
Why do historians so often talk about objectivity, empathy, and fair-mindedness? What roles do such personal qualities play in historical studies? And why does it make sense to call them virtues rather than skills or habits?
European programmes
Leiden University takes part in several European research and education projects.
In developing cooperation with Indonesia, Leiden University focuses on projects that benefit culture, nature, society and economy, in Indonesia as well as in the Netherlands.
Required documents
Along with your application, you will have to submit a variety of documents. This information only applies to students who need to submit an application for admission. Only if you have (or will obtain) a Dutch vwo diploma with the required subjects included in your diploma an application for admission…
Duke-Leiden Institute in Global and Transnational Law
The Duke-Leiden Institute in Global and Transnational Law is a one-month programme providing a strong foundation for those interested in international and comparative law as well as for those planning to study law in the United States. The programme will focus on subjects such as trade agreements, human…
The Role and Effectiveness of the G20
The Role and Effectiveness of the G20. In this article, published in The Changing Global Order part of the United Nations University Series on Regionalism book series, author Jaroslaw Kantorowicz discusses the evolution of the G20.
Economie & Samenleving (BSc)
Op zoek naar een bacheloropleiding economie met een sterke focus op publiek beleid? Bij de bacheloropleiding Economie & Samenleving leer je in tegenstelling tot traditionele economieopleidingen om slim en strategisch te navigeren binnen de huidige complexe, juridische en politieke context.
Living Botany research group
Besides the Hortus being a beautiful place where visitors can relax and learn more about plants, we also facilitate botanical research. At the botanic garden, our ‘Living Botany’ research group investigates (plant) biodiversity and the relationship between plants and people.