2,014 search results for “privacy en bescherming van persoonlijke gegevens” in the Public website
Ewine van Dishoeck appointed Academy Professor
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW) has awarded an Academy Professorship to Ewine van Dishoeck, Professor of Molecular Astrophysics at Leiden University.
VICI for Mario van der Stelt
For his ground-breaking chemical biological research, a VICI-grant has been awarded to Mario van der Stelt, professor of Molecular physiology at Leiden University. In a new research line, he aims to discover binding sites for new medicines against inflammations in the brain.
Tazuko van Berkel receives Ammodo Science Award
University lecturer Tazuko van Berkel is one of this year's laureates of the Ammodo Science Award. The award includes a sum of 350,000 euros that she can use as she wishes to explore new avenues in basic scientific research.
Working Paper Series
The Working Paper Series reflects the yet-to-be published work of eLaw researchers and the unedited versions of manuscripts that have been accepted for publication by journals and books.
Workshops, Demos & Presentations
On this page you can find more information about the various workshops, demos, and presentations that will be taking place in the afternoon.
Inaugural Lecture Professor Herman van Vlijmen
Prof.Dr. Herman van Vlijmen was appointed as Professor of Computational Drug Discovery at the Division of Medicinal Chemistry in Leiden on April 15th, 2008. He will give his Inaugural Lecture on May 18th, 2009.
Van Boom at World Tort Law Society
Recently, Willem van Boom attended the Annual Conference of the World Tort Law Society (WTLS), which was held at Wake Forest Law School (NC, USA; Nov. 15-18, 2017).
Stop disregarding safety, says Pieter van Vollenhoven
He’s sometimes called Your Safeness. Leiden law alumnus Pieter van Vollenhoven, husband of Princess Margriet and the driving force behind the Dutch Safety Board, returned to the University yesterday for the symposium ‘A critical safety watchdog?’ to mark his 80th birthday. With a host of dignitaries…
Introducing Ed van den Berg
Ed van den Berg started his role as the new interim Director of Operations in September. He will hold the fort until a permanent successor to Dirkje Schinkelshoek has been found. What will Ed be doing exactly, and who is he? We’ll leave that to Ed to tell you...
Nathanja van den Heuvel on television
On Friday the 8th of January 2016, our PdD student Nathanja van den Heuvel made a public appearance on national television.
Archaeologist Roos van Oosten in Quest Historie
Roos van Oosten's research on medieval cesspits stood on the basis of an article on this subject in Quest Historie, a Dutch magazine about history.
Thijs van Kolfschoten President Quaternary Research union
This summer, the International Union For Quaternary Research (INQUA) 2019 Congress took place in Dublin (Ireland), with 2305 delegates from 75 countries the largest INQUA Congress so far. During the Congress, the International Council elected for the coming 4 years a new Executive Committee and Emeritus…
Farewell Professor Jan van den Berg (ISGA)
A farewell seminar was held on 22 November 2018 in honour of the departure of Prof. dr. Jan van den Berg, Professor in Cyber Security and Scientific Director of the Cyber Security Academy foundation (CSA).
Henk van Steenbergen: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Henk van Steenbergen.
Valedictory Oration Wim van Anrooij (Universiteit Leiden)
On Friday, November 1, at 16:15, Wim van Anrooij (University of Leiden) will hold his valedictory oration at the Groot Auditorium (Rapenburg 73) in Leiden. More information will follow
Terra study association wins Van Bergen Prize
Bringing Dutch and international students together. One way to do that is by playing Archery Attack, archaeology student Timothy Stikkelorum suggested. On 13 November, he and his team, a committee from the Terra study association, won the Van Bergen Prize with their idea.
Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies
Simona Demková, Assistant professor at the Europa Institute of Leiden University, publishes her book ‘Automated Decision-Making and Effective Remedies: The New Dynamics in the Protection of EU Fundamental Rights in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice’.
About LLInC
We are committed to empowering the continuous development of higher education. With a team of multidisciplinary experts, LLInC supports innovative and high-quality education, within Leiden University and in partnership with academic and social organisations.
Minister Beljaarts wil 300 miljoen investeren in kunstmatige intelligentie
Nederland en Europa liggen ver achter op de VS in de AI-markt. Beljaarts doet de oproep dat Nederland een supercomputer moet bouwen, om zich stevig te kunnen positioneren. Reijer Passchier, universitair docent Staatsrecht en hoogleraar Digitalisering aan de OU, waarschuwt in EenVandaag voor de dominantie…
- About this minor
Peter van Bodegom on sustainable horticulture
Dutch greenhouse horticulture is a world leader when it comes to innovative capacity and sustainability, but ‘the challenges are great in terms of energy, water, environment and biodiversity,’ says Peter van Bodegom, coordinator of AgriFood at the Centre for Sustainability of the Leiden, Delft, Erasmus…
Wilco van Dijk NIAS-KNAW fellow
Wilco van Dijk has been awarded a NIAS Individual Fellowship, which allow researchers to work on a project of their own choosing for a 5- or 10-month period. As a NIBUD professor of psychological determinants of economic decision-making, Van Dijk will work on the impact of financial scarcity on dec…
The Van Vollenhoven Institute has temporarily moved
Due to the renovation of the Law School building, the VVI has moved to another building until the beginning of 2019.
In Memoriam - Joan van der Waals
On 21 June, our beloved colleague Joan van der Waals passed away after a long and rewarding life.
Alex Reuneker awarded Frans van Eemeren prize
University lecturer Alex Reuneker has won the Frans van Eemeren Prize for his paper 'Assessing classification reliability of conditionals in discourse'.
Yamila Miguel on Universiteit van Nederland
In a new video lecture (in English) on Universiteit van Nederland, astrophycisist Yamila Miguel tells us about the discovery of the most bizarre planets outside of our solar system.
Wim Voermans in Brazil
Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative law, travelled to São Paolo, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro from 14 to 18 March with a delegation from Leiden University with the aim of strengthening ties with Brazil. During the visit agreements were made on future academic collaboration and…
Maghiel van Crevel elected KNAW member
Maghiel van Crevel has been elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The professor of Chinese Language and Literature will be installed on Monday 12 September 2022.
Een driesnijdend zwaard: bureaucratie, ambtenaren en vrijheid
Valedictory lecture
Geerten Boogaard not concerned about conflict of interests at BBB
The fact that a significant number of seats in the Dutch provincial councils are now occupied by members of the Dutch Farmer-Citizen Movement (BoerBurgerBeweging, BBB) who have an agricultural background need not lead to conflicts of interest when voting on, for example, nitrogen emissions. This is…
Arno Knobbe in NWO publication 'Experiment NL' on intensive data analysis
Speed skating coach and human movement scientist Jac Orie has been capturing all details about the performance of 'his' skaters for fifteen years. Thanks to data scientist Arno Knobbe, who calculates the collected data in new ways, Orie can train his team even smarter in the run-up to the Olympic Winter…
Jelle van Buuren Explains American Boogaloo Boys
A particular group of counter protesters have been sighted at numerous Black Lives Matter protests that were held in the United States. An extreme right movement known for its characteristic Hawaii Shirts and heavy weaponry that calls itself the Boogaloo Boys. Which is cause for concern among the American…
Dr. Gerard van Westen receives VENI grant
Gerard van Westen (LACDR/division of medicinal chemistry) has been awarded with a VENI grant from NWO, the Dutch Research Council.
Floris Bonnet wins Van Bergen award
Biology student Floris Bonnet is one of the winners of the Van Bergen Award for organising an International Ball. The award aims to promote contact between Dutch and international students at Leiden University in order to foster a better understanding of each other's cultures.
Transitie tussen de Romeinse periode en de vroege middeleeuwen in een perifeer gelegen microregio van Noord-Francia
PhD defence
Rechtsverwerking en klachtplichten in het verbintenissenrecht
PhD defence
Joodse muziek en joods muzikaal denken
PhD defence
Wisselwerking tussen commuun en bijzonder materieel strafrecht
PhD defence
Interview with PhD student: Doris van Bergeijk
Leiden University is partner of the Netherlands Centre for One Health (NCOH). This initiative brings together leading academic research institutes in the Netherlands in an open innovation network that responds to the theme: One Health. NCOH interviewed Doris van Bergeijk: PhD student of the project…
Het toestaan van buitenlandse medicijnen is in strijd met de Geneesmiddelenwet
Er is een nijpend tekort aan medicijnen. Volgens onderzoek van NRC is bijna één op de zeven Nederlandse patiënten aangewezen op geneesmiddelen uit het buitenland. Promovendus Koosje van Lessen Kloeke sprak over dit tekort met Mr.: ‘De Nederlandse geneesmiddelenwetgeving rammelt.’
A treasure trove of legal data
Data science offers great opportunities for legal research, according to Simone van der Hof and Bart Custers (eLaw). But at the same time, we have to keep an eye on the unwanted side effects of big data - such as ethnic profiling.
Dagelijks leven in Nederland voor en na het jaar 0
Leiden Law Cast: reverend Ruben Van Zwieten
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Veni grant for Joris van der Voet
Dr Joris van der Voet has been awarded a Veni grant of € 250,000 for his research into the working of savings strategies on innovation with municipalities. Van der Voet (Institute of Public Administration) compares Dutch municipalities with those in Spain and the United Kingdom. He explains by answering…
Hans-Martien ten Napel has book published “Constitutionalism, Democracy and Religious Freedom. To Be Fully Human”
In 2014 Hans-Martien ten Napel received a Research Fellowship in Legal Studies at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ. The book he wrote as a result of this fellowship was published last week by Routledge Law.
Welfare receipt, labor participation and crime
Recent welfare reforms in the Netherlands show a trend of reducing welfare accessibility and increasing obligations. Although the effects thereof on directly-targeted economic outcomes, such as welfare dependency and labor participation, are often assessed, potential spillovers to other economic and…
Het succes van de Scriptiewerkplaats slotbijeenkomsten
The final meeting which took place on Wednesday 6 September marked the end of the third cohort of master students’ time participating in the The Hague Southwest Thesis Workshop. During this last meeting, master students presented their research results to residents and stakeholders from The Hague So…
Ideología y clivajes partidarios en la conformación del socialismo como expresión política en Chile (1891-1938)
PhD defence
"Enfin, die werkt zal eten, en daarom maar vol ijver door" Brouwers Fabriek van Aarden Vaatwerk 1901-1905
PhD defence
JEDI Fund: ‘We’re now showing clearly that the community is diverse’
If you have a plan that could improve the education or the learning environment of the Faculty of Humanities in terms of diversity or inclusion, you can apply for a grant from the faculty’s JEDI Fund. This year, Nasreen has been helping to develop a new syllabus for the first-year Ancient History co…