1,177 search results for “dual or head hearing” in the Staff website
Combatting violence against children: what are the lessons learnt?
In the context of the 2021 Day of General Discussion of the UN Committee on Rights of the Child, this time dedicated to alternative care, Defence for Children in collaboration with Leiden University has contributed with a paper on the 2019 Dutch Inquiry Committee on Historical Child Abuse in Alternative…
Meet the new student Programme Committee members of Cultural Anthropology
Emily Gdula, Liselotta Jahnke, Jason Irwin and Josephine Hercules are the newly appointed student representatives on the Programme Committee (OLC). This committee provides advice to the Executive Board and the Faculty Board of CADS on various educational issues, including the development of Course and…
Tackle debt with healthcare funds: researchers on a healthier society for all
Technology, medical knowledge, social measures and the design of the living environment: all these needed to achieve a healthier society. In a series of interviews, 14 researchers from Zuid-Holland, including from Leiden University, argue for an integrated care approach.
A call with Nienke Jongejan about student well-being and Queen Máxima
Queen Máxima visited University of Applied Sciences Leiden last week. She spoke to students, managers and policymakers about initiatives and opportunities in the field of student well-being. We called student assistant Nienke Jongejan, who got to join one of the discussions with the Queen.
GDPR error? Report it! ‘We’re not here to rap people on the knuckles’
Starting four years ago, the same privacy laws apply throughout the European Union: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The law also affects our work at the university. As a refresher, we spoke with Privacy Officer Max van Arnhem about privacy in the workplace and what to do if something…
Jasper's day
Jasper Knoester started on 1 January as our new dean. How is he finding it, what kinds of things is he doing and what does his day look like? In every newsletter Jasper gives us a peek into his life as dean.
National Student Survey shows Leiden students satisfied
The first results of the National Student Survey (NSE) show that Leiden students are still satisfied with their degree programmes. On average they are slightly more satisfied than in 2021. Satisfaction with their lecturers and study guidance has also increased compared with 2021.
Second overarching COI PhD Lab
On 22 June 2022, the research group on Institutions for Conflict Resolution organised its second annual overarching PhD lab. During this meeting, the PhD researchers connected to COI presented the current status of their research projects.
Jasper’s Day
On January 1st Jasper Knoester started as our new dean. How is he finding it? What kinds of things is he doing and what does his day look like? In each newsletter Jasper gives a peek into his life as dean.
A call about: the ventilation of our teaching rooms
Our lecturers are back on campus sooner than the rest of the staff. Away from their screens and in live contact with students: many lecturers are relieved, but some are concerned. Have sufficient steps been taken at our teaching locations? What about ventilation? We spoke to Michel Leenders who, as…
Masterclass Rechtbank Den Haag: a look behind the scenes
A few law students were given the opportunity to conduct an eight-week internship at the Rechtbank Den Haag. They took part in hearings as clerks, in discussions about cases in the judges’ chambers, and contributed to the formation of decisions. They held a presentation about their experiences during…
A quick call with the education coaches: ‘Teachers could learn so much from each other’
In September, university lecturers Olga van Marion and Astrid Van Weyenberg started working as education coaches. How did their first semester of activities go and what is next on the horizon?
The Old Observatory Leiden in LEGO? You can make it happen!
Every week, Uwe Hensch walks past the Old Observatory in Leiden. In corona times, he decided to make a LEGO design of the historic building. His design is now finished and might go into production. You can help to make it happen.
Introducing: Shiru Lim
Shiru Lim has been working at the Institute of History as an assistant professor since August 1, 2023. Below she introduces herself.
President of the European Parliament in The Hague: ‘Your friends don’t want to vote? Let me call them’
‘We have to have accountability.’ That was Roberta Metsola’ for her audience on Thursday evening. The President of the European Parliament had come to the Wijnhaven building to speak with students.
In Remembrance: Kavien Suleiman
It is with great sadness that we inform you that Kavien Begikhani, former student at Leiden University College, passed away on 27 November at the young age of 27. The college community remembers Kavien’s kindness and his commitment to peace and justice for people who suffer from oppression.
Separating AI fact from fiction at the AI & Society Conference
Researchers and policymakers are welcome to attend the AI & Society Conference in The Hague on Friday 23 June. The SAILS interdisciplinary research programme will be taking a nuanced look at the state of the art of AI technology. And offering fresh perspectives.
'Making an impact in the neighbourhood depends entirely on the students themselves'
During the kick-off meeting, master students taking part in the Thesis Workshop The Hague Southwest presented their thesis ideas to stakeholders from the neighbourhood.
Educating the youth of today to solve the challenges of tomorrow
In collaboration with the Honours Academy at Leiden University, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Hadassah Drukarch from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, coordinated a Pre-University Class on Robot Law.
Michelle Spierings aims for Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs with musicality animals
Tapping to a rhythm, recognizing sound patterns and enjoying music: For people, it is common sense. But is this also the case for animals? It is the research topic of Michelle Spierings, a researcher at the Institute of Biology Leiden, and it is nominated for the Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs.
Leiden's Austria Centre traveled to Berkeley, California for the Annual Convention of Austria Centers
The fifteenth Annual Convention of Austria Centers took place in Berkeley, California, USA in May 2023.
Turning senses into media: can we teach artificial intelligence to perceive?
Humans perceive the world through different senses: we see, feel, hear, taste and smell. The different senses with which we perceive are multiple channels of information, also known as multimodal. Does this mean that what we perceive can be seen as multimedia?
Debate on painting of cigar-smoking white men
The brief removal of Rein Dool’s ‘cigar-smoking white men’ painting generated a storm of reactions last November. Students, staff and alumni reflected on this at a symposium on Friday 26 May.
Dr. Jonathan Singerton talks about Central Europe and the 19th century World
In December 2024, Dr. Jonathan Singerton (University of Amsterdam) was the featured guest speaker at the last lunch talk of the Fall 2025 semester. A full house assembled to hear Dr. Singerton take us on a journey across the Habsburg Empire and to spots far-flung from Vienna. Dr. Singerton told us a…
Symposium report: get out of your silo and become a better scientist
How do you set up a successful collaboration between science and practice? That was the main theme of the final meeting of a triptych of symposia on how Leiden University can improve inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration.
In memoriam Jan Zaanen 1957-2024: The universe in a speck of rusting copper
This Thursday, January 18th 2024, our esteemed colleague Jan Zaanen passed away. Jan was one of our star scientists, larger than life, with an unabashed, boisterous drive for the best of physics at the Institute Lorentz, at the Leiden Institute of Physics and in the full international scientific community.…
Seven projects receive funding from JEDI Fund
More focus on diversity in Antiquity, workshops for students with disabilities, and a card game to share stories about diversity: these and other projects will receive funding from the JEDI Fund in 2023.
Voice of the ocean
There are many tributaries to Rosalin Kuiper’s story and they all lead to the sea. The 28-year-old sailor was one of the five-person Team Malizia in the world’s most prestigious sailing competition: the Ocean Race.
How Brexit is bringing policymakers and researchers closer together
Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker will retire on 8 February. If there’s one theme running through his career, it’s the links between the University and society. In this series of pre-retirement discussions, Stolker will talk one last time to people from within and without the University. This time he…
The annual interview is changing: from scores and numbers to more human dimensions
Speaking with your manager more often, focusing explicitly on well-being and giving more recognition and rewards for teamwork and team performance: the annual Performance & Development (P&D) interview will have a new format and also a new name. With the acronym GROW (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling…
In pictures: animal mummies in a scanner
The story of Tutankhamun, the Egyptian pharaoh, is world famous. But did you know that the Ancient Egyptians mummified not only people but animals too? The National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden recently put a bunch of animal mummies through a CT scanner. This was in collaboration with Canon Netherlands…
What makes our university strong and distinctive? Let your voice be heard!
What sets Leiden University apart from other universities? And what research themes would you like us to showcase to the outside world? Share your ideas in our online consultation over the next two weeks.
Academia in Motion Festival: ‘We’re in a changing world of academia’
How can we continue to work on an open university culture where everyone’s contribution is recognised and rewarded? Over 120 university staff spoke about breaking academic barriers at the first Academia in Motion Festival in PLNT.
From working from home to hybrid working: slowly towards the new normal
Overnight, working from home became the ‘new normal’ for most Leiden University’s employees. And now, just as abruptly, we are heading back to the office. ‘But it will be different than before, we expect that most of the employees will continue to work from home for one or more days a week.’ Niels Laurens,…
HR team stelt zich voor
Even voorstellen het HR team stelt zich voor
Standing up for science workshop
Do societal promises influence patent value? An analysis of inventions in artificial intelligence
CWTS Seminar
Eurocentrism and Marxist Geopolitics: The Case of Iran in the Neoliberal Era
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
ICCT Live Webinar on Report Launch: 'A Comparative Study of Non-State Violent Drone Use in the Middle East'
Racial Capitalism, Sexuality and Labour: Experience of Young Northeast Women in the Spa Industry in Hyderabad, India
Changes in the Funding Landscape
Information briefing
Changes in the Funding Landscape
Information briefing
ASCL Seminar: Seeing Development Approaches and Narratives from the African Periphery, 1979-2023
Gig economy and digital labour in Iran: what space for workers’ rights between public discourses and legal practices?
Lecture, Research Seminar
Online Coach Café for young alumni
Alumni event
- NWO Vidi information briefing (webinar)
Child Friendly Justice European Network and Leiden's Child Law department signs MOU
Memorandum of Understanding Signed Between the Child Friendly Justice European Network and Leiden Law School - Child Law Department
A real professor in the classroom
It’s starting to become a real Dies Natalis tradition: on 8 February professors from Leiden University teach a class at primary schools in the region. This introduces children to academia and teaches them more about conducting research. ‘Had you expected me to be a woman?’
Can humans observe a single particle of light? (And what does that say about our brain?)
Hoping to learn something about the human brain, Leiden researchers are creating a setup to shoot single photons, particles of light, into someone’s eye. ‘The eye is a passageway to the brain.’
Art Academy students design 450th anniversary logo
Students from the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK) designed the 450 lustrum logo.