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Lokale democratische innovatie
On 14 January 2021, Joost Westerweel defended his thesis 'Lokale democratische innovatie'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. G. Boogaard and Prof. M.J. Cohen.
Postdoctoral Research
It is essential for researchers to be able to obtain independent research funding to advance in their careers.
Een algemene normtheorie toegepast op open normen in het belastingrecht
On 14 May 2020, Pieter Rustenburg defended his thesis 'Een algemene normtheorie toegepast op open normen in het belastingrecht'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. A.O. Lubbers and Prof. J.L.M. Gribnau.
Acknowledgements and contributors
Rembrandt & Leiden University: The Bigger Picture commemorates the 444th anniversary of Leiden University and the 2019 Rembrandt Year. Our special thanks go to Germanisches Nationalmuseum (Nuremberg), The Leiden Collection (New York), Museum De Lakenhal (Leiden), Mauritshuis (The Hague), Rijksmuseum/Musée…
Postdoctoral Research
It is essential for researchers to be able to obtain independent research funding in order to advance in their career.
Shifting Identities - The Musician as Theatrical Performer
The focus of the research lies in the approach of reducing, denying, or taking away essential elements of music making in order to let the musician become theatrical.
Leiden Center for the Study of Ancient Arabia
State Secrecy and Democracy A Philosophical Inquiry
In the wake of controversial disclosures of classified government information by WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, questions about the democratic status of secret uses of political power are rarely far from the headlines. Despite an increase in initiatives aimed at enhancing government transparency – such…
Computational aspects of class group actions and applications to post-quantum cryptography
Most of current public-key cryptography is considered insecure against attacks from sufficiently powerful quantum computers. Post-quantum cryptography studies methods to secure information resistant against such attacks. One proposal is isogeny-based cryptography, which bases its security on computational…
Research assessment
As part of the process of safeguarding the quality of our research, our institutes are audited regularly by a committee of external experts.
Pre- and perinatal risk factors
Effects of maternal smoking, premature birth, intra-uterine growth retardation and asphyxia on child development.
University Council
The University Council is the central co-participation body of the University.
University Elections
This year, there are elections for the student and staff sections of the University Council and the student section of all faculty councils. You decide who represents you to university management. What topics and viewpoints are important to you? By voting, you ultimately have a say in university policy.…
Green Paper
What role should the university play in the climate crisis?
Field Research Education Centre
Fieldwork is a crucial part of the learning process for students in the Faculty of Archaeology. This includes both fieldwork aimed at collecting archaeological data and materials as well as fieldwork for heritage studies. The Faculty has established a specific centre of expertise to further shape these…
Spring Lecture Series: Technology and the Violence Nexus: AI, Social Media, and Online Hate Speech
Keuzegids consumer guide: six top programmes at Leiden University
Leiden University has six top bachelor’s programmes, according to Keuzegids universiteiten 2024 consumer guide to universities published on 30 November 2023. This once again puts the university in third place among broad universities ranked according to top programmes.
Jasper Knoester new Dean of the Faculty of Science
Professor Jasper Knoester has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University. He will take up the role on 1 January 2022. Knoester is currently Dean of the Faculty of Science & Engineering at the University of Groningen. He succeeds Paul Wouters (Dean of the Faculty of Social and…
Opening of the Academic Year: ‘Take care of each other’
After a turbulent Covid year, the well-being of our students and staff has the highest priority. How can we prevent physical and mental health problems? This was the key question at the Opening of the Academic Year in Pieterskerk in Leiden on 6 September.
Who are the winners of the Psychology awards of 2017?
Several prizes have been awarded to students and staff or the Institute of Psychology. Congratulations to all of them.
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) hosts two research journals and publishes the ISGA Reports series. Besides its own publications, researchers at ISGA also publish books or journal articles elsewhere. You can find all these external publications under Research output on the right.
One Among Zeroes |0100| Towards an Anthropology of Everyday AI in Islam
The |0100| Project studies the discourses, practices and imaginaries of Islamic information society’s most debated component- Artificial Intelligence- using multimodal and mixed methods and comparing and contrasting narratives and imagery of AI-religious-futures in Muslim Southeast Asia.
Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 40
Between foraging and farming: an extended broad spectrum of papers presented to Leendert Louwe Kooijmans.
Our people
Some examples of AI-research done at Leiden.
About us
The Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law provides academic education and performs research in the field of financial law.
Formative feedback and interaction in larger lectures through web-based voting.
To what extent can contingent, formative feedback in lectures, facilitated by web-based ICT, increase students’ self-efficacy and (academic, behavioral, and cognitive) engagement? And how are self-efficacy and engagement influencing students’ performance and course evaluations?
INFORM (Introduction of the data protection reform to the judicial system) is a project granted by the Directorate-General Justice and Consumers of the European Commission.
Asia Research Cluster
The CADS Asia Research Cluster extends the legacy of the Institute’s Asia focus into the future, as an important hub in international networks on the study of Asia and through active engagement with colleagues in Asia. Within the Institute the Asia Research Cluster offers a platform for anthropologists…
PhD Theses
A full overview of MCBIM PhD theses.
Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy
The Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy (LCCP) is a research community based at the Institute for Philosophy at Leiden University. LCCP is envisaged as an open space for stimulating discussion, critical debate and inventive co-operation in the local and international philosophical community. We…
Study success: academic achievement and critical thinking competence in undergraduate education
What is the impact of research-based learning on critical thinking competence and academic achievement in undergraduate education? What are underlying factors of research-based learning in the learning environment?
Within the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, research is organised in seven main research groups:
What we have done, how, and why
The Food citizens? team has included two post-docs, three Ph.D. candidates and two research assistants working with the Principal Investigator. The Winter School involved nine Masters and Ph.D. candidates from the universities of Bologna, Gothenburg, Kaunas, Leiden, Louvain, Tromsø, Turin and Utrech…
A real professor in the classroom
A school lesson by a professor, for instance about the history of Africa, the climate or research and healthcare. A hundred Leiden professors told primary school children about their work in the Meet the Professor project.
Canadian grant for research on terrorism
The ‘Community Resilience Fund’, a programme of the Canadian federal government, approved a research grant for Dr. Bart Schuurman of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs.
Dies natalis: ‘Collaboration requires firm grounding in the individual disciplines’
‘Collaboration is increasingly important,’ Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker said at the 445th Dies Natalis of Leiden University on 7 February. But, as he heard from a number of Leiden researchers, this is contingent upon a firm disciplinary basis. A novelty of this year’s celebration was a joint dies…
Why our faculty is the place to be
Since the beginning of September, it is a fact: our faculty has a new strategic plan. The plan outlines what we will collectively commit to in the coming years. Is that important? For sure, say our directors Suzanne van der Pluijm (Operations) and Bart de Smit (Education). ‘The purpose of a strategic…
The whole world knows the way to the Leiden institute in Morocco
A delegation from Leiden University visited the Netherlands Institute Morocco (NIMAR) in Rabat at the end of February.
Alumni meet in Brussels: ‘We’re at a crossroads in European history’
Alumni who live and work in Brussels met on 18 February at the annual Leiden Alumni in Brussels Event. As well as celebrating Leiden University’s 450th anniversary, they also looked at the challenges Europe faces.
Opening of the Academic Year: ‘Our university world knows no borders’
The theme of the opening of this year’s academic year was peace and justice. With the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine, these are turbulent times. During the ceremony those present reflected on what the academic community and universities can mean in times of crisis and conflict.
More inclusive communication is more complex than it seems
How can we adapt the Dutch we use at the University so that everyone feels comfortable and included? This was the subject of debate during a panel discussion on 28 June at Leiden University.
Terrorism Researchers about the Attack in New Zealand
On 15 March, the 28-year-old Australian right-wing extremist Brenton Tarrant committed a terrorist attack on two mosques in Christchurch in New Zealand. Jelle van Buuren, Bart Schuurman, Daan Weggemans and Tahir Abbas all working at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) have been approached…
First SAILS Professor appointed
Bart Custers was appointed Professor of Law and Data Science on the first of July. This makes him the first professor to be appointed for the SAILS program. SAILS is a university-wide initiative that focuses on broadening and deepening research into artificial intelligence. In addition, SAILS will focus…
'AIVD loopt risico's door het gebruik van Israëlische hacksoftware'
De AIVD gebruikt omstreden hacksoftware van de Israëlische leverancier NSO Group, meldde de Volkskrant. In 2019 zou de telefoon van topcriminineel Ridouan Taghi er mee gehackt zijn.
Furthering Public Leadership
In the research project ‘Furthering public leadership’ the Leiden Leadership Centre collaborates with several public organisations in order to obtain academic insights on public leadership and to develop leadership in practice. This allows for evidence-based development of public leadership and direct…
Manipulating uncertainty: cybersecurity politics in Egypt
This new article by Bassant Hassib and James Shires is part of a special issue for Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions from THe Hague Program for Cyber Norms' 2019 Conference.
Discovery of novel Antibiotics from Actinomycetes by Integrated Metabolomics & Genomics Approaches
Promotor: G.P. van Wezel, Co-promotor: Y.H. Choi
LUGO’s position within Leiden University
The LUGO team is part of the Administration and Central Services department of the university, with it falling under the Strategy and Academic Affairs department. Naturally, it falls into the sustainability team of the University, which consists of two full-time employees alongside the LUGO Team. The…
Regulating a Revolution: Small Satellites and the Law of Outer Space
On 18 June 2019, Neta Palkovitz Menashy defended her thesis 'Regulating a Revolution: Small Satellites and the Law of Outer Space'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. P.M.J. Mendes de Leon and Prof. dr. G. Molier.
Research in the group Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences is focused on understanding and influencing developmental mechanisms in children and adolescents.