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Universiteit Leiden twaalfde in wereldwijde duurzaamheidsranking
De Universiteit Leiden staat op de twaalfde plek in de UI Green Metric, een wereldwijde duurzaamheidsranglijst voor universiteiten.
Colonial without realising it
The nineteenth-century writer Nicolaas Beets and his son Dirk were thoroughly colonial, Nicholas without ever having been to the Dutch Indies, or any other colony for that matter. But they didn’t realise it. The new Scaliger Professor, Rick Honings, shows that writers’ archives are a treasure trove…
Corona policy at the University: a continuous puzzle
With the new academic year just around the corner, many more students and lecturers will soon be coming to the University. What are we doing to keep our campus safe? We spoke to Martijn Ridderbos, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board, about the new Campus Protocol, which enters into force on 31 August.…
While doing research on victimhood, Criminology student Sara suffered a serious injury and became a victim herself
In the middle of doing research for her master’s thesis, Sara Kalf (24) was hit by a car and got seriously injured. After a long period of rehabilitation and hard work, this week she can finally add her signature to the wall of the Academy Building’s ‘Sweat Room’.
Top international students receive LExS scholarship
International students who have been awarded a LExS scholarship from Leiden University were welcomed in the Academy Building on 5 September. The 50 students were presented with a certificate symbolising their scholarship.
Dr Graça Machel in Leiden: human rights, the crucial role of academia and the importance of intergenerational dialogue
Almost three years after receiving her honorary doctorate, Dr Graça Machel returned to Leiden University. Over the course of two days she spoke with students, researchers, and other interested persons, about human rights – particularly those of women and children – in a world in which these are continually…
How two metal detectorists discovered a complete Roman treasure
In 2017, in an ordinary field, two brothers from Brabant discovered more than 100 ancient coins. The Leiden historian who examined the coins concluded that they constituted a genuine Roman treasure. Here follows a reconstruction in three acts.
Blogging about the Middle Ages: love magic, face masks and video games
Three years ago, on 13 October 2017, the Leiden Medievalists Blog was established. In their blogs, Leiden researchers from all disciplines talk about the Middle Ages in a fun and interesting way. Editors Jip Barreveld, Marlisa den Hartog and Thijs Porck talk about the blog and why the Middle Ages are…
Successful start of e-learning skills platform in Brightspace
For the first time, students were able to develop their skills using a digital platform in Brightspace. It turned out to be a success: on average students who actively used the platform on achieved higher grades than students who used it less. But above all, the students themselves were pleased with…
Archaeology should have local use and lead to more sustainability
Leiden heritage expert Sjoerd van der Linde is carrying out research on the heritage of the Caribbean region. This research forms part of the international Nexus 1492 project on the consequences of colonisation for the Americas. ‘We first have to find out what the local population wants.'
‘Data science has crept into the faculties’ DNA’
From 14 to 29 PhD candidates, seven actively involved faculties and, above all, lots of innovative interdisciplinary research, all with data science as the common denominator. The university’s Data Science Research Programme (DSO) has proven so successful that after five years on a start-up grant it…
Leiden University launches Data Science research programme
Leiden University is investing 4 million euros in a new Data Science research programme. This is a joint initiative of all the faculties, headed by Dean Geert de Snoo at the Faculty of Science. The programme will focus on Leiden scientific data.
Sanneke Kuipers appointed professor of Crisis Governance: 'Crises arise from very mundane causes'
The Executive Board appointed Sanneke Kuipers as full professor effective January 1, 2022. Her chair is Crisis Governance. She combines this chair with her position as education director of ISGA, the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. A conversation about working 24/7 in crisis management, her…
Personal Professional Skills Lab: a certificate for the development of FSW bachelor students
In line with the university and faculty ambition: ‘Future-oriented development of students’, from now on all FSW bachelor students can follow a three-year elective, faculty programme with certificate for personal-professional development, the programme starts with current first-year students; they are…
Sugoi! Start of Leiden Asia Year
Throughout the coming year, all attention in Leiden will be on Asia. This special year, featuring numerous Asian events, conferences, exhibitions and concerts, celebrates the new Asian Library at Leiden University. Come and read, watch, listen, taste or dance Bollywood style.
Student in war time
Jacques Waisvisz (98) is one of our oldest living alumni. As a Jewish student in the Second World War, he was forbidden from completing his studies. How does he look back at that time, and what was life like afterwards? ‘No one thought that the situation here would become so bad.’
Is a cancer pill a matter of time?
A cancer pill, preferably without severe side effects, is something we’d all welcome. Is it a matter of time before such a pill is a reality? We put this question to three Leiden researchers and asked how they themselves are contributing to new cancer treatments.
Leiden Science rings in 2025 with inspiring speeches and happy winners
An impressive speech by Dean Jasper Knoester, a lecture by top researcher Mario van der Stelt about brain messengers, and the presentation of the faculty awards. 2025 begins on a hopeful and festive note, with a toast to a year of fruitful collaboration within and beyond the faculty.
Staying healthy with big data
By analysing the metabolism using big data techniques, we can identify health risks at an earlier stage. Thomas Hankemeier, professor of Analytical Biosciences at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, explains how that works.
How Oncode-PACT is bringing new cancer medicines closer with 325 million in Growth Fund money
How can you ensure that more experimental drugs reach the finish line? At the moment, only one in twenty cancer drugs that are tested on humans makes it to the market. This is an enormous loss for patients and society. With a grant from the National Growth Fund, Oncode-PACT aims to efficiently select…
Step by Step to the Future: A Conversation Between Two Deans
As one prepares for the final sprint, the other stands ready at the starting blocks: in just a few weeks, Dean Mark Rutgers will pass the baton to his successor, Henk te Velde. In the meantime, both are working hard to ensure a smooth transition to a new faculty leadership. Henk is already regularly…
Caribbean archaeology in times of corona: ‘Instead of fieldwork, our students worked on an online exhibition’
Recently, in the midst of coronavirus situation, Professor Corinne Hofman and her team became part of the NWO project Island(er)s at the Helm. Both the application process as well as the start of the project were challenged by the limitations set by Covid-19. ‘As a preparation we travelled through the…
Mike Field’s Leiden Experience: ‘I try to make research teaching and teaching research.’
Mike Field has been at the Faculty of Archaeology since 2008. As a driven archaeobotanist, he is consistantly contributing to the study of plant fossils encountered in many faculty as well as external projects. ‘Flexibility, spontaneity, creativity, these are all parts of being an academic.’
Michiel and Jort: best friends, political rivals
With the Dutch general elections just around the corner, it’s not always easy when political differences exist within your circle of friends. How do you not lose sight of each other in political discussions? We asked best friends Jort Schaafsma and Michiel van der Velde, both students at Leiden Law…
Computer science research in Leiden of major relevance to society
An international committee has assessed computer science research at all Dutch universities in the period 2009-2014. For its computer science research, Leiden was awarded the ‘highest’ mark (1) for relevance to society.
How Euclid will reveal the dark side of the Universe
ESA’s Euclid mission is to reveal the dark side of the Universe. But how? Professor of Observational cosmology Henk Hoekstra explains it in his interview with Space Team Europe and Horizon Magazine. He uses enlightening examples such as… a swimming pool! Listen to Henk Hoekstra to understand how Euclid…
Almost twenty new MOOCs have started
Nineteen new Leiden University MOOCs have started this January. Anyone can take part in these online courses varying from combatting terrorism to kidney transplantation.
Judith Pollmann elected to KNAW
Judith Pollmann, Professor of Early Modern Dutch History and Academic Director of the Institute for History, has been elected to the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). She will be inaugurated as a member on Monday 17 September.
Gerrard Boot and Yvonne Erkens attend annual EALCJ conference
From 8 to 10 September 2022, Yvonne Erkens and Gerrard Boot attended a conference of the European Association of Labour Court Judges (EALCJ). At the invitation of the Greek representative, the conference was held on Hydra. The EALCJ is an association of judges from all Member States of the European…
Michael Klos speaker at World Forum for Democracy 2019
Early November 2019 lecturer Michael Klos spoke about the freedom of speech on social media at the World Forum for Democracy 2019 in Strasbourg.
More students and jobs for the security sector
The number of students and in the field of security has increased over the past few years, according to a new report by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs offers a number of study programmes that are a good basis for entry into professions that have security a…
Beach workshop: ‘So you have a degree in Science. Now what?’
On July 13, over seventy PhD students from Leiden and Delft came together at Katwijk beach for a workshop organized by the Casimir Research School: ‘So you have a degree in Science. Now what?’
Elastic Leidenfrost Effect on cover of Nature Physics
First author Scott Waitukaitis and principal investigator Martin van Hecke have made the cover of Nature Physics with their publication on a newly discovered effect. The Elastic Leidenfrost effect explains why hydrogel balls jump around on a hot plate making high pitched sounds.
'European Commission still to find its role in corona crisis'
Europe in lockdown: Member States acted on their own initiative to into lockdown, and all back to normal at the same time? It’s not that simple, and it doesn’t have to be.
Leiden University is currently experiencing network problems due to ongoing attacks on the SURF network used by Leiden University. As a result, certain systems may be poorly accessible or unavailable. The ISSC is working hard to resolve the issues as soon as possible however, in doing so, the ISSC is…
Join the Student Sustainability Network on LinkedIn
Join the LUGO Student Sustainability Network! The SSN is a platform made to encourage all Leiden University students to come together to share sustainability-related tips, ideas, research or interesting events. We're here to support each other's sustainability journey and we hope to build a #community…
Sign up as a speaker at the ILS Lunch Seminars!
ILS organizes a new lunch seminar series where all researchers from Leiden Law School can present their research. The idea is to hear in a simple and nice way what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. During a seminar two or three speakers will present their research.…
Summer camp, but behind a laptop.
From Monday 19 July onwards, eighteen children between the ages of 10 and 12 are learning the programming language Hedy. In the Snellius building of Leiden University they will be taught the first principles of programming this week.
Get Started campaign kicks off: Make students aware of the importance of the library
Assignments, work groups, deadlines and the first exams in sight! The Get Started campaign of Leiden University Libraries aims to help new students to find their way in the library. We can use the help of teachers for this campaign.
Video on EU Insolvency Regulation (Recast)
Professor Bob Wessels recorded early this year a video on the (draft) EU Insolvency Regulation (recast). Although the text was not final in all its details at that time (February 2015), the video presents a short analysis of the recast’s key topics. It is accessible for free, available via the European…
Did your family also study in Leiden?
Did your grandfather or grandmother also study in Leiden? And your parents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters...?
2020 Hall of fame
In 2020, many of our staff and students have again won prestigious prizes and been awarded important research subsidies.
A lunch with Frank Baumgartner
A lunch presentation was given on 21 September in Wijnhaven by Professor Frank Baumgartner, Richard J. Richardson Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
LUC student wins Next Generation Womens Leaders Award
LUC student Imane el Morabit is one of the winning students of the Next Generation Women Leaders Award 2017, presented by the consultancy firm McKinsey & Company.
Olaf van Vliet dubbel benoemd in Leiden-Delft-Erasmus verband
Olaf van Vliet behoort tot de vier hoogleraren gespecialiseerd in migratie die worden benoemd tot Leiden-Delft-Erasmus-hoogleraar.
New Staff Member: Christine Kamel
NVIC is pleased to welcome Christine Kamel as our new receptionist. Christine will briefly introduce herself: "My name is Christine Kamel. I live in Cairo, Egypt. I studied Pharmacy at an Egyptian University (Ain Shams), class 2010. I worked as a Research & Development Pharmacist in a Pharmaceutical…
Last PhD doctorates of 2016
The last two months of 2016 were a very productive time for the ACPA. We had no less than 6 promotions!
Prof. dr. W. Jiskoot listed in Thomson Reuters 2015 Highly Cited Researchers
The list of highly Cited Researchers identifies the world’s most influential contemporary researchers across 21 scientific fields. Prof. dr. W. Jiskoot is cited one out of three in the field of Pharmacology & Toxicology in the Netherlands, and as one of four of all categories in Leiden.
History, Classics, Russian Studies and Dutch Studies rank high in Keuzegids Masters
Master studies History, Classics, Russian Studies and Dutch Studies have received the label ‘top programme’ in the Keuzegids Masters of March 2018. The study guide bases its results on the opinion of students (through the National Student Survey) and experts (NVAO).
Journal established at LIACS reaches world top
An impact factor of 3.2 in the Web of Science journal index. And in the first 10% of Elsevier's Scopus index. The International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (IJMIR), founded at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), has become one of the most important multimedia j…