10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Living (World) Heritage Cities
Opportunities, challenges, and future perspectives of people-centered approaches in dynamic historic urban landscapes
Historical Perspectives on Democracies and their Adversaries
This book, edited by Joost Augusteijn, Constant Hijzen and Mark Leon de Vries, explores how democratic regimes have dealt with anti-democratic forces in society, from the late nineteenth to the early twenty-first century.
Archaeology in Contemporary Europe (ACE)
The ACE-network consists of heritage and research organizations from 10 countries which aim to promote contemporary archaeology at a European wide level, by emphasizing its cultural, scientific, and economic dimensions, including its manifold interest for the wider public.
Challenging monopolies, building global empires in the early modern period
How did free agents in the Dutch Republic react to the creation of colonial monopolies (VOC and WIC) by the States-General? This project answers this question by looking at the role individuals played in the construction of an informal global empire parallel to the institutional empire devised by the…
LUCDH Affiliated Researchers
LUCDH is creating a community of LU scholars researching in Digital Humanities. A selection of their DH Projects are listed on this page. If you are an Affiliated member and would like your project listed here or would like to be an Affiliated member, please email us at lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl
The impact of Rome on cult places and religious practices in ancient Italy, BICS Supplement 132, London 2015
This publication of the School of Advanced Study of the University of London is one of the outcomes of the Landscapes of Early Roman Colonization project and the Colonial Rural Networks project (NWO, Dr. T.D. Stek). The volume, edited by Tesse Stek and prof. Gert-Jan Burgers of the Free University Amsterdam,…
Object-based learning in science museums
How do museum visitors interpret the authenticity of museum objects? How can we support visitors' meaningful interactions with real objects?
Research question
Knowledge of DNA repair in the fight against tumour cells
What is the most effective way to eliminate tumour cells? The DNA repair mechanism could play an important role in increasing the effectiveness of chemotherapy in the fight against cancerous cells. If we are to influence this mechanism, we need fundamental knowledge about how the mechanism works.
Two temperate Earth-mass planet candidates around Teegarden’s Star
Leiden University has participated in an international study carried out by the CARMENES consortium, which has discovered two small, terrestrial planets around Teegarden’s Star. The planets have masses similar to Earth and their temperatures could be mild enough to sustain liquid water on their surf…
South American population history revisited: multidisciplinary perspectives on the Upper Amazon
This project, South American population history revisited: multidisciplinary perspectives on the Upper Amazon (SAPPHIRE), investigates population dynamics in western South America on the basis of traces in the geographical, genetic, archaeological, ethnological, and linguistic record.
Uniform infinite and Gibbs causal triangulations
Promotor: Richard D. Gill
Constraints on large-scale implementation of BioSolarCells, Early stage assessment of environmental value propositions
What performance criteria does a new technology have to fulfill in order to be added to the list of future energy options and what constraints exist in terms of broad market penetration?
Towards Biosolar cells
BioSolar Cells is a five-year research project in which ten knowledge institutions and 45 private industries work together.
Statistical Science
The research programme Statistical Science is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of masses of data, the quantification of uncertainty using probability models, and the development and benchmarking of algorithms and methods with these aims.
The research profile area Interaction between Legal Systems has a multidisciplinary approach and aims to inspire innovative research. Out of all the proposals put forward, three winning projects have been selected for the forthcoming research period 2016-2020.
Academic Staff
Leiden academics research the world around us and pass on their knowledge to future generations. Each with his or her individual expertise and personal fascination for a particular discipline, they are the public face of the University.
Sustainable Societies
How do you engage society to stop biodiversity loss? How do you create political and social involvement around climate change? And how do you balance the economic needs of the industry with the negative effects of pollution? If you find these kinds of questions interesting, then this Pre-University…
Alumni Magazine Leidraad
Three times a year, Leiden University publishes the alumni magazine Leidraad. Leidraad is a publication of the Alumni Office of Leiden University and is sent to all Dutch speaking alumni of the university, free of charge.
A document classifier for medicinal chemistry publications trained on the ChEMBL corpus
Source: J Cheminform, Volume 6, Issue 1 (2014)
Student for a Day Psychology
Study information
Toward Democratic Schools: The prediction of democratic interaction of stakeholders in Vietnamese secondary schools
Although many studies have addressed democracy in education around the world, so far research on democratic education in the context of communist society has been scarce. In the current study, we aim to clarify the concept of democratic value and its manifestation in Vietnam’s schools. In addition,…
Hans Franken Lecture
The Hans Franken Lecture honors the legacy of Prof. Dr. Mr. Hans Franken, a founding figure of eLaw in 1985.
Managing our past into the future: Archaeological heritage management in the Dutch Caribbean
Caribbean archaeological heritage is threatened by natural impacts but also increasingly by economic developments, often resulting from the tourist industry. The continuous construction of specific projects for tourists, accompanied by illegal practices such as looting and sand mining, have major impacts…
Archaeology of the Americas
North, Middle and South America together constitute the single largest area in World Archaeology that is taught as a single focus. It is also the only major world area that saw societies develop from hunter-gatherers to early empires entirely independent from developments in Eurasia & Africa. It is,…
Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Crisis Management
This research cluster is a part of the Institute of Political Science’s research programme ‘Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour’. Its members investigate the drivers of political conflict and various types of crises. They study how citizens, political institutions and international organizations…
Call for contributions
We as Young Academy Leiden are continuously educating ourselves and are listening to the voices coming from our own university, especially voices of young academics. In order to amplify those voices, we have set up a new blog called ‘Voices of Young Academics’. It features contributions from early career…
Child Law and Health Law
The Department of Child Law and Health Law is a knowledge centre dedicated to academic research and education for both students and professionals in the field of child law and children's rights.
ILS Seed Money
Twelve researchers of our Law School have been awarded an ILS seed money grant. This grant enables researchers to create space for preparing a grant proposal for NWO, ERC or otherwise.
Non-textual evidence in international criminal prosecutions
On 9 November, Jonathan Hak defended the thesis 'Non-textual evidence in international criminal prosecutions: discovering the best practices for audiovisual materials in a digital age'. The doctoral research was supervised by Carsten Stahn and Jens Iverson.
Current PhD candidates
You have chosen to do a PhD track at Leiden University. What do you need to know when you start conducting your PhD research?
This project aims to systematically investigate the influence of information structure on nominal licensing in a subset of Bantu languages.
- Facilities and services
The Perfect Spectator: The Experience of the Artwork and the Topicality of Reception Aesthetics
The key questions posed in this dissertation centre on the interaction between spectator and artwork. What happens between a spectator and an artwork? How do we experience ‘meaning’ in an artwork? How may the process of interpretation be understood and articulated?
Versatile SNP genotyping
The SNP genotyping line offers flexible genotyping for small and large projects at affordable price and high quality. The use as SNPs as molecular markers is very versatile and can be used for a wide variety of scientific questions ranging from paternity analysis, conservatuion genetis towards QTL…
Building blocks of success
A research into for whom, when and why the Cool Little Kids intervention works.
Metabolomics and Analytics Centre
The ambition of the Metabolomics and Analytics Centre led by Thomas Hankemeier is to develop innovative analytical strategies for metabolomics-driven health monitoring and systems biology studies. Understanding the intricate balance between health, disease and adaptation to challenges relies on the…
Young Faculty and Interfaculty Lunches
YAL organises young faculty lunches at all Leiden University faculties. Additionally, we organise young interfaculty lunches to bring together young academics from across the university.
Buddhism and social justice: doctrine, ideology and discrimination in tension
In Sri Lanka, a prominent Singhalese Buddhist monk publicly proclaims that it is not a sin to kill Tamils. In Japan, the family register kept in a Buddhist temple and specifying the outcaste status of a lineage is provided to private detectives investigating the marriageability of a young woman. Throughout…
Support your alma mater
In dozens of study rooms, libraries and laboratories, passionate scientists – with the support of the donors of the Leiden University Fund – are working on a fundamental understanding of the world and the people around us. They make the unknown known and push the boundaries of existing fields of sci…
Langegracht 70, Leiden
Johan Huizinga
Doelensteeg 16, Leiden
Arsenaalstraat 1, Leiden
Winged Words
The prehistory of communication metaphors
Research Handbook on Cross-Border Bank Resolution
This week has seen the publication of the Research Handbook on Cross-border Bank Resolution.
The material semantics of the ‘palace of Mithridates’ in Samosata
Innovating objects in a Eurasian center of the Late Hellenistic period.
Overcoming the Debye screening length with radiofrequency-operated graphene biosensors
Can a proposed new radiofrequency approach to graphene biosensors lead to groundbreaking changes in genome mapping?
Centre for Interdisciplinary Genome Research
The CIGR brings together a diverse range of unique expertise in genome research rooted in biology, chemistry and physics. Members of the CIGR investigate genome folding and genome transactions. An important aspect is direct as well as long term relevance for medicine.
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
The centre stimulates discussion and debate on the EU , European integration and the EU’s impact on European citizens. Special attention is given to the Netherlands, were support for EU integration seems to be in decline as evidenced by the rejection of the Constitution in Europe in 2005 and the forthcoming…
Dynamic hydrogels as synthetic extracellular matrices for three- dimensional cell culture
Synthetic hydrogels that mimic the natural extracellular matrix in the biophysical and biochemical cues it provides to cells are in high demand, however the cell phenotypes as they are observed in vivo in numerous cases have yet to be attained.