10,000 search results for “also” in the Public website
Cultural framing of rights and subjectivities
Urban sketching
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
The Active Learning Network & Saltswat Pilot Program
2 joint initiatives began in 2019 which attempt to connect the various efforts around active learning at Leiden University: the active learning network, and the Saltswat project.
Leiden University has signed a substantial number of Memoranda of Understanding with institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean Region.
Submission process
Inter-Section is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. This means that the submission process involves a number of steps to assess the quality of the published material. The process, from the submission of a proposal until the final publication of the manuscript, takes on average six months. This does…
Direct and non‐linear innovation effects of demographic shifts
Kohei Suzuki, Assistant Professor at Institute of Public Administration, and two other authors researched the topic of innovation by governments in response to expected population decline.
The Italian 'Mobile Diphthongs': A Test Case for Experimental Phonetics and Phonological Theory
This thesis investigates durational aspects of the Italian mobile diphthongs with respect to other rising diphthongs and monophthongs and it shows to what extent the monophthong/diphthong alternation still occurs in contemporary Italian.
MAPHSA - Mapping the Archaeological Pre-Columbian Heritage in South America
The archaeological heritage of South America is facing increasing threats due to the expansion of agricultural activities, infrastructure expansion, illegal wood harvesting, and the current fire emergency plaguing the Amazon and other biomes of the continent.
The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic: origin and accentuation
This dissertation provides a thorough review of the words belonging to the oldest layer of Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic and answers the question of how these words were adapted to the Proto-Slavic accentual system.
The Caribbean before Columbus
The Caribbean before Columbus is a new synthesis of the region’s insular history. It combines the results of the authors’ 55 years of archaeological research on almost every island in the three archipelagoes with that of their numerous colleagues and collaborators.
New Book: Counterterrorism in Belgium: Key challenges and policy options
Following the terrorist attacks in Paris (November 2015) and Brussels (March 2016), Belgium’s counterterrorism policy has been heavily criticized – domestically and worldwide.
Our research programme collaborates with all kinds of partners to achieve our goal: bringing scientific discoveries to the clinic as soon as possible.
UN, EU, and NATO Approaches to the Protection of Civilians: Policies, Implementation, and Comparative Advantages
The protection of civilians (POC) in armed conflict has become a core strategic objective for the United Nations system and for UN peace operations in particular. The UN, however, is not the sole actor engaged in POC.
Bioclock: Light therapy for depression
Optimization, mechanisms of action and predictors of the outcome of light therapy in depression: A multicenter randomized trial
Cultural evolutionary modeling of patterns in language change. Exercises in evolutionary linguistics
This thesis describes the use of the evolutionary approach in the study of language change, aiming to provide a better insight in the mechanisms that play a role in language change and to validate this approach in the field of language change.
"If I deserve it, it should be paid to me": A social history of labour in the Iranian oil industry 1951-1973
Maral Jefroudi defended her thesis on 11 October 2017
As part of your assignment you are required to contribute to teaching in the Bachelor and the Master programs in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences of Leiden University. You will supervise Bachelor and Master students during the research projects of the students in the laboratory.
Networks and community
The D&I Expertise Office is in close contact with various student and staff networks regarding diversity and inclusion.
Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the Principate.
Moving Romans offers an analysis of Roman migration by applying general insights, models and theories from the field of migration history.
The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Golden Horde
Did the Jochids leave their mark on the Grand Duchy, taking into account that the Lithuanian state was one of the main successor states of the Great Horde in the 16thCentury?
School non-attendance in students with intellectual disability
Are the types of school non-attendance which have been evidenced in typically developing youth also found among children and adolescents with an intellectual disability (ID)? If so, which types are most prevalent and thus in greatest need of attention, and what factors (child, family, school/environmental)…
History of Leiden University
Read on these pages all about the history of Leiden University, the oldest university in the Netherlands. The Academia Lugduna Batava was founded in 1575 and its motto is: Libertatis Praesidium ('Bastion of Freedom').
Unveiling the invisible conformational landscape of cytochrome P450
Seascape Corridors
There is little evidence of the routes connecting Amerindian communities in the Caribbean prior to and just after 1492. Uncovering possible canoe routes between these communities can help to explain the structure, capabilities, and limitations of the physical links in their social and material networks.…
Meaning and Materiality
Researchers within the cluster are committed to the close and expert analysis of the materiality and content of the arts, literature and media they study. Different types of media bring various aspects of this core interest to the fore.
The (un)willingness to reward cooperators and punish non-cooperators
What are the determinants of the willingness to administer rewards for cooperation and punishments for non-cooperation, and how do they influence people’s sanctioning behavior?
China’s industrial carbon emissions: Historical drivers at the regional and sectoral levels and projections in light of policy targets
Has the industrial sector in China effectively been decarbonizing in recent years, across different regions and subsectors, and is it plausible that it will reduce its CO2 emissions in conformity with national and internationally pledged emission goals?
MSc. Specialisation
Do you have a question about the Business Studies Specialisation? Please find our FAQ's here. If you cannot find the answer, feel free to contact us at info@sbb.leidenuniv.nl.
The Forgotten Front: Dutch Fighters in Ukraine
From 2012 onwards the primary scholarly and media focus in regard to foreign fighters has been on the large number of Westerners joining jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq. Yet, much less attention has been paid to another conflict in the ring around Europe that attracted foreign fighters: the Russo-Ukrainian…
CML-IA Characterisation Factors
CML-IA is a database that contains characterisation factors for life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and is easily read by the CMLCA software program.
- Contact
Scanning mutagenesis in a yeast system delineates the role of the NPxxY(x)(5,6)F motif and helix 8 of the adenosine A(2B) receptor in G protein
Source: Biochem Pharmacol, Volume 95, Issue 4, pp. 290-300 (2015)
The Minor Centres Project
This five year research project aimed to investigate the role of minor central places in the economy of Roman Central Italy.
Hidden treasures:
Uncovering task solving processes in dynamic testing
The research project SOG Pro (Structure of Government project) studies the changes in the structure and organization of central government in four parliamentary democracies: France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and aims to explain the changes within and across each country. Why are…
Receptor Residence Time
Research question
Economic value of non-timber forest products among Paser Indigenous People of East Kalimantan
Promotor: G.A. Persoon, Co-promotor: H.H. de Iongh
Adrift on an ocean of rules
Gerrie Lodder has published an article in the Dutch legal periodical Nederlands Juristenblad on the exploitation of labour migrants from the perspective of human rights.
Hearing Status Affects Children's Emotion Understanding in Dynamic Social Situations: An Eye-Tracking Study
Understanding others’ emotional behavior is essential for navigating daily social life. But how is such an understanding achieved? The eye-tracking study by Yung-Ting Tsou and colleagues shows that children with hearing loss adopt a unique visual strategy that makes uses of explicit visual information…
Straightjacket: Same-Sex Orientation under Chinese Family Law
‘Visibility and secrecy are both valuable tactics and should not be antagonized in LGBT movements, ’ says Jingshu Zhu. Zhu defended her dissertation on Wednesday 21 February.
Course Evaluation
Enhancing education through course evaluations at Leiden University.
Women in International Security - NL
Women in International Security -Netherlands (WIIS-NL) is an affiliate of WIIS Global. WIIS-NL Members include: professionals, civil servants, academics, NGOs, employees of international bodies and organizations, embassy staff, politicians, students, and interested members of the general public. The…
Article by Ana Dragojlovic and Annemarie Samuels in the Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Foreign Minorities in Babylonia in the 7th–5th Centuries BCE
This PhD project studies immigrant groups in ancient Babylonia and aims at investigating their identities, socioeconomic status, and integration into an ancient multicultural society.
Student for a Day Psychology
Study information
Thrips resistance in strawberry: more fruits with less pesticides
Can thrips resistance in strawberry be explained based on secondary metabolite profiles and plant morphological traits?
Software development by abstract behavioural specification
The development process of any software has become extremely important not just in the IT industry, but in almost every business or domain of research.
The power of positive peers for socially anxious youth
Can positive peer feedback break the cycle of negative self-relevant cognitive processes and reduce self-reported anxiety in early adolescents?
At Leiden University you can study Islam and Muslim societies within two Dutch-language BA and various MA programmes and specializations.
Political discourses and the securitization of democracy in post-1991 Ethiopia
This thesis attempts to interrogate post-1991-2015 political development in Ethiopia, focusing on the political discourses espoused by the government and opposition, using the discourse analysis method and securitization theory.