2,355 search results for “journalism” in the Public website
Career prospects
With an ever-increasing amount of data generated worldwide, industry, governments and academia highly welcome professionals with specific knowledge and skills to handle big data.
- Arts, Media and Society
History of the Humanities: Stories, Sources, and Challenges
What is the history of the humanities? What does this new field look like? How does it relate to the history of science or to the history of individual disciplines (linguistics, history, media studies)? And how can you participate?
Career prospects
The broad scope of the Astronomy and Instrumentation specialisation provides you with an MSc level training highly sought after by employers, not only in astronomical instrumentation, but also in other areas of high-tech instrumentation development.
A large-scale crop protection bioassay data set
ChEMBL is a large-scale drug discovery database containing bioactivity information primarily extracted from scientific literature.
English language check
Publishing about your research is a key aspect of your career as a researcher; the majority of research publications are written in English. When applying for research funding, too, it is very important to ensure that your application is written in clear, accessible English. Maria Sherwood-Smith, Academic…
Business Against Markets: Employer Resistance to Collective Bargaining Liberalization During the Eurozone Crisis
Employer organizations have been presented as strong promoters of the liberalization of industrial relations in Europe. This article, in contrast, argues that the preferences of employers vis-à-vis liberalization are heterogeneous and documents how employer organizations in Spain, Italy, and Portugal…
The Leiden Risk & Regulation Lab serves as hub for excellent research at the forefront of regulation and risk governance and acts a platform for engagement with the practice of, and education in, regulation and risk governance.
- Publications
Positionierungen. Kritische Antworten auf die ‚Flüchtlingskrise‘ in Kunst und Literatur // Taking Positions on the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Critical
The recent rise in global migration movements and the simultaneous attempts to prevent migrations to the Global North in general and Europe in particular have produced numerous images and narratives that try to record and convey these events and their actors.
Migrants, welfare and social citizenship in postcolonial Europe
This paper explores how citizenship is enacted and experienced in welfare encounters for Egyptian migrant parents in Paris, Amsterdam, and Milan, highlighting the importance of social citizenship and personal interactions in shaping belonging.
Debunking Myths about China: The Determinants of China’s Official Financing to the Pacific
Bob van Grieken and Jaroslaw Kantorowicz published an article in the journal Geopolitics which explores the determinants of China's official financing of Pacific Island states.
European Lone Actor Terrorists Versus “Common” Homicide Offenders: An Empirical Analysis
The term “Lone Actor” has been applied to a variety of violent individuals who are thought to act out of ideological motivations using terrorist tactics.
Media Freedom as a Fundamental Right
Recently Cambridge University Press published dr. Jan Osters monograph “Media Freedom as a Fundamental Right”.
After your PhD
PhD Candidates are encouraged to start thinking about job prospects well before the defence of their thesis. This page contains information about how to prepare yourself.
- Blog Posts
Language Ideologies: Old Questions, New Perspectives'
The Special Issue of the European Journal of Applied Linguistics on ‘Language Ideologies: Old Questions, New Perspectives’ aims to offer diverse insights on language ideologies with a focus on methodological and theoretical questions.
textnets: A Python package for text analysis with networks
With textnets it is possible to visualize and analyze textual data in novel ways.
The Archaeology of Syria – From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early Urban Societies (ca. 16,000 -300 BC)
This book is the first comprehensive presentation of the archaeology of Syria from the end of the Paleolithic period to 300 BC.
Relating to the end of life through advance care planning: Expectations and experiences of people with dementia and their family caregivers
Dementia is widely considered a progressive condition associated with changes in cognitive capacities, which promotes the idea that people with dementia need to anticipate end-of-life care preferences. There is a growing body of interventions meant to support advance care planning (ACP) for people with…
Voices in stone: Studies in Luwian historical phonology
On the 12th of November, Xander Vertegaal successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Xander on this achievement!
The Hague Diplomacy Podcast aims at bringing the themes of the journal's research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience within their practice of or research on diplomacy.
Participation, Engagement and Collaboration in Newsmaking
This book brings together new research on the practices of newsmaking.
Global Governance beyond Covid-19: Recovery and Institutional Revitalisation
In this journal article, Dr. Joris Larik and Dr. Richard Ponzio put forward a broad-based pandemic recovery agenda that goes hand in hand with institutional reforms at the global level.
Digiuseppe & Poast, ‘Arms versus Democratic Allies’
In theory, states can gain security by acquiring internal arms or external allies. Yet the empirical literature offers mixed findings: some studies find arms and allies to be substitutes, while others find them to be complements. Political scientists Matthew Digiuseppe (Leiden University) and Paul Poast…
Cost-utility of a guided Internet-based intervention in comparison with attention only for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: A randomized
We found that, next to the effectiveness of the intervention, it’s also very likely that the intervention is cost-effective compared to attention only.
Career prospects
After graduation you have a lot of opportunities: academics are highly sought after in Dutch secondary education or mbo teaching. You can also aim for a management position or work as a researcher within the field of Astronomy.
Embodied narratives of disaster: the expression of bodily experience in Aceh, Indonesia
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute published Annemarie Samuels' article on the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean. It's a detailed ethnographic account of the experiences of three Indonesian survivors.
Restraint under conditions of uncertainty: Why the United States tolerates cyberattacks
This new article by Monica Kaminska is part of a special issue for Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions from THe Hague Program for Cyber Norms' 2019 Conference.
Linearbandkeramik aus Elsloo und Stein
Mit Beiträgen von R.R. Newell, E.J. Brinkman und Corrie C. Bakels
- English Language and Culture
About the programme
The master in Media Studies is a one-year programme with four specialisations. Each specialisation explores connections between the various media and examines both present-day and historical material.
Workshops Spring 2025
Check out our varied programme!
- OSCoffee: Rethinking Publishing: Alternative Outputs and Platforms
Save the Date | Symposium: Japan’s Diplomacy between the East and the West
Friday 25 April 2025 | Leiden University Institute of Security and Global Affairs – The Hague
EJLS symposium editorial : is fairness in digital governance a trap?
In this article, Barrie Sander together with his colleagues explore whether fairness in digital governance inadvertently entrenches structural inequalities
Programme structure
The MSc program Evolutionary Biology focuses on important factors for the evolution of organisms. It prepares you for a research careers at universities, research institutes, or biotechnology sector. It’s also possible to combine training in biological research with training in communication, education…
This page features an overview of relevant lectures, publications and conference papers.
The Cyber Security lecturers are scholars and lecturers of Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and The Hague University of Applied Sciences.
Fall of Misinformation Series: Suzan Verberne
Misinformation spreads easily and fast. It gets presented as news, whereas actual news gets dismissed as fake. Conflicting streams of information allows all sides to cherry-pick whatever is most comfortable, boosting degrees of confidence and confusing the deliberation of both politicians and voters.…
Biotransformation of plant metabolites in microorganisms
- How to deconvolute metabolic mixture of precursors and products by biontransformation? - How to optimize the reaction conditions to produce bioactive compounds in biotransformation? - What is the effect of co-treating fungi or bacteria for biotransformations?
Relevant publications of the CIGR participants.
Spycraft: Tricks and Tools of the Dangerous Trade from Elizabeth I to the Restoration
Shining a light on the nefarious netherworlds of espionage, this is the first book to concentrate on the actual techniques and technologies used by early modern spies —from ciphers to counterfeiting, invisible inks to assassination
Manipulating uncertainty: cybersecurity politics in Egypt
This new article by Bassant Hassib and James Shires is part of a special issue for Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions from THe Hague Program for Cyber Norms' 2019 Conference.
Counteracting subliminal cues that threaten national identity
A new paper written by Jolien van Breen, Soledad de Lemus, Russell Spears & Toon Kuppens in the British Journal of Social Pscychology examines the impact of the 2008-2012 financial crisis on national identity in Spain.
A Tale of Two Mosuls, The resurrection of the Iraqi armed forces and the military defeat of ISIS
A story of Two Mosuls, The Resurrection of the Iraqi Armed Forces and the military defeat of ISIS. In this article, published in the Journal of Strategic Studies, the authors Maarten Broekhof, Martijn Kitzen and Frans Osinga discuss the military adaptation by the Iraqi armed forces and their role in…
Covering the Ocean. Newspapers and Information Management in the Atlantic World, 1580-1820
This project investigates how early print media covered distant but urgent geopolitical conflicts, using newspapers from the Low Countries, north and south.
Career prospects
After graduation you have a lot of opportunities: the field of science communication is very broad. You can also aim for a career in industry or research.
The Practice of Memory. Narrating the Revolt
This project asks how individuals and society dealt with personal memories of the Dutch Revolt: narrating, writing, explaining, understanding, and coming to terms with what happened by first and following generations.
Key publications
Key publications of the Barz Lab