1,103 search results for “behavioural economics” in the Public website
National WO-Day during Economics Education Week
Cool little kids
Effectiveness of an early intervention program for anxiety-prone toddlers in the Netherlands
Michelle Achterberg receives Award for PhD Thesis on brain development in children
On June 10, Michelle Achterberg received the prize for best dissertation from the Dutch Neurofederation, the network of Dutch neuroscientists, for her thesis 'Like me, ore else...'. Achterberg obtained her doctorate cum laude from the Gravitation Program 'Samen Uniek' of the Leiden Consortium on Individual…
Lobbying for Brazil and Taiwan – lobby groups to the Companies and the States General
How did free agents cooperate with the VOC and the WIC, through lobbying for private interests within the Companies as well as at the highest political levels?
Sebastian Diessner for Le Figaro about quantitative easing
Sebastian Diessner, associate professor at the FGGA, recently appeared in an article called 'Inflation: a spring remontée des taux se dessine' (Inflation: a slow rise in rates is emerging) in the newspaper Le Figaro.
Poor countries recycle far more of our plastic than we thought. But it's not enough.
Countries that import plastic waste recycle an average of at least 63 percent of it. This is surprising, as we previously believed that the vast majority was incinerated or ended up as litter. This was discovered by PhD candidate Kai Li and his colleagues from the Institute of Environmental Sciences in…
Beth Lloyd
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Radical Spotlights: Economics of Political Chaos
Inaugural lecture
Minder agressie in gevangenis door soepeler regime
Agressief gedrag van gedetineerden is sterk te verlagen met een aantal aanpassingen in het dagelijkse regime in penitentiaire inrichtingen. Dit blijkt uit de evaluatie van een experiment met een alternatief detentieregime, uitgevoerd door Tilburg University en de Universiteit Leiden.
Alistair Kefford on French television on the future of European cities
What does the retail crisis mean for the future of Europe's urban centres? Assistant professor Alistair Kefford answers this very question in the French television programme 27.
Tidal Behaviour
Roos Schutte
Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken
Inspiring and scientifically proven health advice at 'Healthy University' days
Leiden University is the first Dutch university to join the Healthy Universities international network. Lifestyle workshops, rewards for good behaviour and the latest interventions encourage students and staff to live more healthily. The experiences gained through this network will be used in scientific…
Developing your own self-image and choosing the right study programme
How you think about yourself is important for the choices you make. Adolescents are faced with choosing a study programme that will determine their future, while their self-image is still under development. Tough choice? Research by psychologist Laura van der Aar has shown that taking a training course…
Philip Spinhoven
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Willem van der Does
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Anna van Duijvenvoorde receives Heineken Young Scientists Award
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has awarded the Heineken Young Scientist Award 2020 in the Social Sciences to developmental psychologist Anna van Duijvenvoorde for her research on the development of the brain and behaviour in adolescents.
Eveline Crone new ERC Vice-President
Eveline Crone, Professor of Neurocognitive Development Psychology at Leiden University, has been elected as the new Vice President of the European Research Council (ERC). She will be in charge of ERC activities in the domain of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Giacomo Boffi
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Linda Verhaar
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Jeff Fynn-Paul named co-recipient of Spanish government research grant
In August it was announced that Jeff Fynn-Paul was named co-recipient of a 15,000 EUR grant given by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO).
From Free Trade to Economic Security, a Paradigm Shift?
Carel ten Cate budgerigar study in various media
If male budgerigars can successfully open a puzzle box with food, they become more attractive to females. Biologist Carel ten Cate and Chinese colleagues published experimental evidence for this in a paper in Science on 11 January. Various Dutch and international media wrote about the paper.
Leiden Healthy Society Center: making Leiden the healthiest city in the Netherlands
How can the people of Leiden age as well as possible? And what is needed to reduce health disparities? That is the mission of Leiden Healthy Society Center, a new partnership between the Municipality of Leiden, Leiden University and many other partners in the city.
Radical Spotlight: The Economics (and Politics too) of Care
Lecture, Radical Spotlight seminar
Introducing: Tiffany Bousard
Tiffany Bousard is a PhD-candidate at Leiden University Institute for History and examines Atlantic news which circulated in the Habsburg or Southern Netherlands during the period 1580-1680.
How polluting buildings and machinery make rich countries ever richer
Rich countries are getting richer because of environmentally polluting (construction) investments from the past, largely at the expense of poor countries. This was shown by long-term economic and environmental data. 'The gap between poor and rich countries is widening.' Scientists from the Leiden Institute…
- The Economic, Social and Political Effects of Migration
Consensus and ideology in expert communities: The case of economics
Pim Koopmans
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Plastic nanoparticles make larval zebrafish hyperactive
Nanoplastics influence the behaviour of larval zebrafish, says new research by the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML). The researchers observed that a certain type of nanoparticles leads to stress reactions in the sugar balance, resulting in hyperactivity…
shelter sheds light into Middle and Later Stone Age modern human behaviour
In the eighties the Umhlatuzana rock shelter in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, was excavated. Results from this excavation led to an understanding when the Later Stone Age started in this area. This archaeological period is often associated with the structural presence of modern human behavior. Now a…
Getting students to perform better with innovative teaching
There is certainly some variation in terms of pupils’ performance and motivation. This is evident from the GUTS teaching innovation project conducted by education specialist Lindy Wijsman in the first three classes at a secondary school in Rotterdam. In the first three years, the level of pupils’ performance…
Student for a Day - Economic and Consumer Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Student for a Day - Economic and Consumer Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Alexandros Ntaflos
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Kiara Thais Castaman Diaz
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Sarah Stevens
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Esra Nartok-van der Kist
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Dutch contribution to the development of African countries in the global value chain
Economies worldwide are increasingly interconnected; trade in raw materials and semi-finished products is increasing. Many products we use in the Netherlands originate abroad, and many products we make in the Netherlands are destined for other countries. Almost all countries around us participate in…
Anna van Duijvenvoorde spends Heineken Young Scientist Award on science vlogs
She considers herself lucky. She talks about the research projects she has ended up in and a network like the Young Academy Leiden (YAL). Van Duijvenvoorde talks about her recent incentive prize for young scientific talent, the Heineken Young Scientist Award. 'A lot of people I work with deserve the…
Students discover chimpanzees make rhythmic sounds (despite limited sense of rhythm)
How can chimpanzees, so closely related to humans, have almost no sense of rhythm? ‘The best students ever’ and behavioural biologist Michelle Spierings demonstrated that chimps can actually drum and move rhythmically—each following their own unique beat.
Overview of the links between Linguistics, Economics, and Education
Lecture, Applied African Linguistics
If your friends jump in the river…
Young people influence one another to take greater risks, although it's not quite that cut and dried. This is what development psychologist Jorien van Hoorn discovered. Peers also have a positive influence on one another, an aspect that has so far been under-researched. PhD defence 12 January.
New interactive book helps motivate young people and tackle bullying
How do you deal with bullying? How can you motivate young people? At the NeurolabNL symposium a multidisciplinary research team launched an interactive book for teachers and youth workers. This digital book offers the latest insights and plenty of useful tips and advice. Children’s Ombudsman Margrite…
The biologist who wants to sound a different note in his field
Hans Slabbekoorn researches animal sounds and the effect of the noise we humans make on these animals. He is also committed to making his discipline more diverse.
Fact or fiction: people with autism are not social
Half the world's population is introverted and comes home drained after an evening of drinks. Their social battery is empty. 'People with autism have a similar experience, but much more intense,' says Boya Li, who researches emotional regulation in children with autism and hearing impairment. Does this…
Students advanced LL.M. programme International Children’s Rights visit Dutch juvenile detention center De Hunnerberg
On 25 October 2017, the current class of students of the advanced LL.M. programme International Children’s Rights visited juvenile detention center ‘De Hunnerberg’ in Nijmegen (the Netherlands).
Leiden Leadership Lunch – Do male or female leaders score better with employees?
How does gender of public leaders relate to employees’ satisfaction with the leadership of their direct supervisor? In the online Leiden Leadership Lunch on Friday September 24, Dr. Max van Lent (Assistant Professor of Economics) presented the results of his recent research on the differences between…