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Education, ICT
Well-being Week also at FGGA
Within FGGA, student well-being is considered to be very important. That is why, at the beginning of this academic year, the Student Support Navigator and the introductory booklet were distributed to students. During the central Well-being Week (11-15 November) in The Hague, attention will be given…
Now also in Indonesia: The butterflies of Boven-Digoel
Three years ago, associate professor Alicia Schrikker published De vlinders van Boven-Digoel, in which she chronicled several stories about colonial life in present-day Indonesia. Now there is a translation, by Rianti Manullang, who is also an assistant professor at Universitas Indonesia and doing her…
The future is queer and technological. Also human.
The history of the LGTBI+ collective, deeply marked by episodes of violence, repression, and discrimination, is also the history of the struggle for social change and the conquest of civil rights, advances without which contemporary Western democracies could not be explained. More recently, the implementation…
Learning about measurement errors now also possible online
Making learning material come alive and convey it in the best possible way: that is the aim of education developer Wybrigje de Vries of the Science Teacher Support Desk. Together with university lecturer Edgar Blokhuis, she developed the online module ‘Error Assessment’ for first-year LST bachelor students.…
‘Recognition and appreciation are also for non-academic staff’
Better recognition and rewarding for support staff. Organisations tend to overlook this, despite the crucial role this group plays. A new initiative is set to change this for our faculty. Paul de Hoog explains how FWN support staff will soon have even better opportunities for growth.
Nadine Akkerman appointed professor: 'Interdisciplinarity also strengthens the humanities'
Leiden University has a new professor. On 1 June Nadine Akkerman became Professor of Early Modern Literature and Culture, a position she feels is designed to help her help others.
Last chance to have your laptop upgraded / The lecture theatres will also be upgraded
Cleveringa Lecture by Gert Oostindie: Leiden University should also reflect on its colonial history
It is crucial that Leiden University reflects on its colonial history. These were the words of Cleveringa Professor Gert Oostindie in his inaugural lecture on 24 November. ‘As a university community, we must dare to hold up a mirror to ourselves and, where possible and necessary, also take concrete…
Leiden University’s intake numbers are stable, also for international students
The number of students enrolled at Leiden University remained stable this year. As at other Dutch universities, the growth in recent years seems to have levelled off. Leiden University is also following the national trend in terms of intake at the bachelor’s and master’s levels. The number of international…
‘The questions and ideas from students also make me a better researcher’
‘Yamila Miguel brings along immense enthusiasm that sparks over to the students in the lectures,’ her students say about her. ‘She inspires us as scientists-to-be.’ The astronomer teaches master’s students with great passion and interactivity about exoplanets. She has been nominated for the faculty…
Psychology Connected on inequality: 'More diversity in research? Then also recruit participants differently'
In our collective journey to bridge social, economic, and cultural inequality in society, we must al play a part, says Wilco van Dijk. Unfortunately, notes Carolien Rieffe, minority groups are often not included in this 'we.' This became a focal point of discussion during the fifth Psychology Connected…
New professor Alwin Kloekhorst: 'The origin of your language also says something about you'
Where does Dutch come from? Newly appointed Professor Alwin Kloekhorst looks for an answer to that question in millennia-old languages from Anatolia, the Asian part of present-day Turkey. 'A new interpretation in one of the Anatolian languages can have consequences for dozens of other languages.'
Violations of law during armed conflicts should be investigated – also by Russia
The chance that it will do so is about zero, but Russia is legally obliged to investigate violations of law during the war in Ukraine. States that enter into an armed conflict often deny liability, but under international humanitarian law and human rights they are obliged to investigate their military…
Nanotechnology promises to help farmers cut pesticide use – but could also make chemicals more toxic
Nanotechnology has pervaded numerous industrial sectors over the past decades. Although many of us may not be aware of it, nanomaterials are now embedded within many of the the products we use in our daily lives. The agricultural sector might be next in line. Leiden environmental scientists Tom Nederstigt…
Save time: create RfAs, CDAs, MTAs and now also Consultancy agreements with the Luris Contract Tool
Are you already using the Luris Contract Tool? It is a handy program that allows you to easily draft your own research-related contracts, like Confidentiality Agreements (CDA), certain Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) and newly added per November 17th: Consultancy Agreements. In addition to these…
‘American’ Black Power movement was also active in the Kingdom of the Netherlands
In the 60s and 70s, Black Power groups were also active in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This is what PhD candidate Debby Esmeé de Vlugt has discovered.
Not wrapping but folding: Bacteria also organise their DNA (but they do it a bit differently)
Some bacteria, it turns out, have proteins much like ours that organise the DNA in their cells. They just do it a bit differently. This is revealed by new research from biochemists at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry and the Max Planck Institute for Biology. The discovery helps us better understand…
A government that works with citizens brings hope, but also many dilemmas
Anthropologist Anouk de Koning about the tottering welfare state and the dilemmas of a government operating as a nearby, friendly partner.
Opening of the Herta Mohr Building: brand new and also recycled location for Humanities
Light, open and green: a description that fits the new, renovated location of the Faculty of Humanities. The official opening of the Herta Mohr Building took place on 8 October, and it has many remarkable features: for example, recycled ‘mushroom columns’, a pedestrian bridge to the University Library…
‘The Netherlands should also consider the possibility of direct confrontation with Russia’
There is a real chance of war closer to home, political and military leaders in Europe have warned. What does Frans Osinga, Professor of War Studies, think about the threat and what we should do?
'When a deaf child suddenly hears and learns to talk, this also has a huge impact.'
Professor Johan Frijns treats people with hearing loss, conducts research on hearing implants, and gladly shares his knowledge about electrical stimulation of the nervous system.
X-ray mirrors: useful in space, but also for radiation therapy
A special type of mirror to reflect X-rays has more possible applications than space research. Targeted radiation therapy for cancer, for example. Next to his full-time job, physicist David Girou mapped out the possibilities. He will receive his PhD on 14 June.
Come to the last AI in Education meetup @ FSW, also open to colleagues from other faculties!
'Legislation to reveal identity internet troll also conceivable in the Netherlands'
Australia wants to introduce a law that makes it possible to demand the identity of anonymous internet trolls. Is this be conceivable in the Netherlands?
Exposure therapy also helps patients with childhood trauma process the past
Childhood trauma can have a lifelong effect. Many therapists do not dare to confront these vulnerable patients with their past because they are concerned that the patients will be unable to cope. Research has now shown that exposure therapy can be helpful for this group of people.
Bijl on education in times of corona: ‘We have high hopes, but we are also realistic.'
The Dutch universities as a whole are lobbying for a 'normal' academic year from the end of August, where on-campus teaching will be possible. It's a view that Leiden University shares. Rector Hester Bijl talks about what teaching will be like then. She also looks back on a year of lockdown.
Manon Schouten: ‘I’m the kind of teacher who also works on her profession during the weekend.’
After a detour via the ANWB in Munich, alumna Manon Schouten works as a history teacher at two schools. ‘It's so rewarding to see the material resonate with students.’
Why you as a parent also need a time-out sometimes (and more useful parenting advice)
Your toddler refuses to eat vegetables, your child is being bullied at school, or you’re simply overwhelmed by everything on your plate. How can parents manage these situations effectively? During this Week of Parenting, our researchers and lecturers share practical advice for parents.
Michela Piccin
Faculty of Humanities
- Vision and strategy plan
An introduction to Performance art (live art)
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
ICT in computer rooms
All faculties offer computer rooms for teaching and/or independent study purposes. The University Library also provides study stations with (or without) computer and a group instruction room.
Tests and theses
See your Faculty’s tab for more information on what we expect of you as a lecturer, before, during and after tests and examinations, and when supervising students in writing their thesis.
The Faculty Club is most easily accessible on foot or by bicycle. However, if you come by car, parking is available at the Haagweg car park, or in the parking garages at Morspoort or Hoogvliet.
Our vision on teacher development
Teachers at Leiden University are experts in their field and passionate about educating students in their discipline. It is also important that they can work effectively as a member of a team, together with colleagues and students, and that they feel committed to our organisation. We will therefore…
GROW toolkit
The GROW toolkit provides you with all kinds of tools that make it easier to participate in the GROW interviews. In addition to useful documents for preparing the start interview and annual interview, it also contains a wide range of training courses and workshops that help you with participating in…
GROW interviews
The Performance & Development interview is changing to GROW: Conversations on Performance, Development and Well-being (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling en Welzijn). The new GROW interviews offer an opportunity to speak openly with each other about your work, development and well-being.
Assessment formats
The most common assessment formats and points to consider when making your choice.
Departing vice-dean Mirjam de Baar: ‘Straight away I found Leiden's Faculty of Humanities a fantastic environment to work in'
After nine years, Mirjam de Baar is leaving as vice-dean of the Faculty of Humanities. ‘It will take some getting used to letting go of this vice-deanship because the education portfolio is very close to my heart and I’ve worked hard for it in recent years in close cooperation with many colleagues.’
Printed materials and templates
Do you need business cards, letter paper or other materials printed? Or do you need flyers, posters, roll-up banners or theses? Please contact the Graphic Centre of the University Services Department. They can also be hired to do layout or DTP work. The Graphic Centre can also produce displays, advertising…
Fixed telephony
A fixed telephone is part of the standard equipment of your university workplace. A fixed telephone allows you to make phone calls to internal lines, mobile numbers and fixed numbers within the Netherlands. But it also offers other options. If you have any questions or if you wish to extend your telephone…
Constructive alignment
Constructive alignment is a core principle of educational design. It ensures that you design courses, materials, activities and curricula with which your students can achieve the learning objectives you set out for them.
Formative assessments
The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student’s learning process. It is used to assess how much your students have learned so far and to diagnose which topics or parts need to be addressed more fully. Most importantly, formative assessment helps your students to focus on what’s going well,…
Sickness and work disability
Have you been ill for a long time? The procedure for illness and reintegration describes what to expect in case of long-term illness and work disability. The procedure also lists potential financial consequences.
Leiden University is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for staff members in their work and for students during their studies here. Visitors must also be able to rely on the best possible assurance of their safety and security. We are all responsible for this.
The reorganization of the library makes space to create several teaching rooms on the ground floor.
At some faculties, postdocs are required to take on teaching duties straight away; at other faculties, this isn’t always the case. If you would like to teach and you have time to do so, please contact your institute’s programme director. Leiden University also offers opportunities for you to follow…
A safe workplace
Regardless of whether you work at a desk or in a lab, all workplaces have their risks. As your employer, the University aims to create a healthy workplace and to limit possible health risks. Here you will find the main risks and measures that we take to reduce them.
‘Als onderzoeker leer je veel van projecten die verder reiken dan je eigen expertisegebied’
Als nieuwe hoogleraar Ontwikkelingspsychologie pleit Anna van Duijvenvoorde voor meer samenwerking in de wetenschap. Daarom moedigt ze jonge onderzoekers zich aan te melden bij een netwerk. ‘Het biedt je een bredere blik op de wetenschappelijke wereld.’