48 search results for “immigration law” in the Public website
Integration measures, integration exams, and immigration control: P and S and K and A
Intensive public debates have erupted about integration of immigrants in Europe. The influx of refugees from the middle east during the summer and autumn of 2015, the increasing visibility of immigrants throughout European societies, but also the widely publicized occurrences on New Year’s eve in Cologne…
Farewell lecture Peter Rodrigues, Professor of Immigration Law
On Friday 6 October 2023, Peter Rodrigues delivered his farewell lecture ‘Ongelijkheidscompensatie in het vreemdelingenrecht’ (inequality compensation in immigration law).
Call for papers 'Safeguarding children’s rights in immigration law'
On Friday 23 November 2018 the Institute of Immigration Law and the Department of Child Law (both Leiden University) will organize an international conference on ‘Safeguarding children’s rights in immigration law’ at Leiden Law School.
Guest lecture on children’s rights and immigration law
On Friday 8 February 2019, we were honored by a visit of Ms. Anna Batalla, Human Rights Officer at the Petitions and Inquiries Section of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - United Nations, who gave a lecture on bringing a case to the Committee on the Rights of the Child and on the…
Evaluation Modern Migration Policy Act awarded to Institute of Immigration Law
The Scientific Research and Documentation Centre (WODC) has commissioned the Institute of Immigration Law to evaluate the Modern Migration Policy Act. The purpose of this law was to develop a modern, selective and innovative admission policy for legal migration, which is welcoming for economically desirable…
international conference on Safeguarding children’s rights in immigration law
On 22 and 23 November 2018, the international conference ‘Safeguarding Children’s Rights in Immigration Law’ organized by the Institute of Immigration Law and the Department of Child Law took place at Leiden University. Currently, there exists tension between the idea that children deserve specific…
Peter Rodrigues
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Research Klaassen and Rodrigues on immigration detention procedure
On behalf of the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Mark Klaassen and Peter Rodrigues, both from the Europa Institute, conducted research on the procedure of imposing immigration detention on foreign nationals who have to return to their country of origin.
New periodical on Crimmigration and Law
This month the first edition of the new periodical Crimmigratie & Recht (Crimmigration & Law) has appeared. Peter Rodrigues is a member of the board of editors of this journal.
Mark Klaassen appointed in the Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs
Mark Klaassen, assistant professor at the Institute of Immigration Law, has been appointed as a committee member in the Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs.
Call for papers on unaccompanied minors
We are seeking papers to be presented at the DAMR Fall Conference on the topic of unaccompanied minors in the European Union. The conference will take place on Wednesday 23 November 2022 at Leiden University.
Peter Rodrigues advocates statelessness determination procedure
Since August 2020, Vasco has been living in a shelter for the homeless in Leiden, because he has no job and receives no social security benefits. He has no idea how long this will go on for. ‘I’m stuck in a vacuum. Because I don’t have a passport, I can’t register in Leiden, so I can’t get health insurance…
Dutch nationals abroad can lose Dutch nationality when passport expires
Around 23,500 Dutch nationals have been affected by this rule This was revealed by government figures on the number of Dutch nationals who submit an application to an embassy after their nationality has expired. A change in the law is now proposed, but interest group Stichting Goed, which promotes the…
Mariana Gkliati co-authors paper on Frontex accountability
Mariana Gkliati recently published a paper on the accountability of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, co-authored with Herbert Rosenfeldt.
Mark Klaassen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Moritz Jesse Speaker at European Constitutionalism And the Virus of Distrust Conference in Prague
Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor at the Europa Institute Leiden, was a speaker at the International Conference European Constitutionalism And the Virus of Distrust Conference, which took place on 27 and 28 April in Prague. The Conference brought together academics from all over the European Union to…
De Minister kan Mikael wél een verblijfsvergunning geven, maar wil dat niet
Fractievoorzitters van linkse partijen roepen minister Faber op Mikael niet uit te zetten. Faber zegt niet bevoegd te zijn en verwijst naar het besluit van de Raad van State dat Mikael en zijn moeder definitief geen verblijfsvergunning krijgen. Mark Klaassen, universitair docent immigratierecht en lid…
Two status system in asylum policy is a divisive issue
Dutch coalition parties VVD and CDA want to tighten asylum policy and have launched a plan to grant two types of statuses to refugees. They also intend to partially restrict the right to family reunification. However, this plan is facing strong opposition. With the proposal, the government can expect…
Leiden Law School hosts LDE workshop on migration justice in the Americas
Leiden Law School will host the LDE-Majority World Workshop titled ‘Contemporary Migrations in the Americas: Cross-Atlantic Dialogue for Socio-Spatial Justice’, taking place from 24 to 28 March 2025. This workshop will address critical challenges around migration governance and human rights.
Europa Institute participates in Odysseus Summer School
Europa Institute staff members Jorrit Rijpma, Melanie Fink and Kristof Gombeer participated last week in the Odysseus Network’s Summer School on EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy (Brussels, 2-13 July).
Mark Klaassen on the Dublin claim on Voice of America News
The Dublin claim determines which country of the European Union is responsible for processing the asylum application of a particular asylum seeker. In general, the first country in Europe where the asylum seeker arrives or transits is responsible for processing the asylum application. It is also possible…
Master thesis candidates nominated for prizes
Yvonne ten Cate (supervisor: Peter Rodrigues, and Marije Meijer (supervisor: Mark Klaassen) were both nominated for the Jaap Doek Scriptieprijs – an award for the best master thesis in the field of children’s rights – and the Hanneke Steenbergen Scriptieprijs – an award for the best master thesis in…
Limiting influx of asylum seekers is difficult
VVD party members last week voted in favour of the new distribution law, which could oblige municipalities to accommodate asylum seekers. This happened after Prime Minister Rutte pledged to work on curbing the influx of asylum seekers. To what extent can he deliver on that promise?
Asylum seekers from safe countries influence negative opinion
The asylum seekers’ centres in Hengelo, Almelo and Schalkhaar caused little or no nuisance in recent years. There have been hardly any incidents, according to information received by Dutch regional TV channel RTV Oost. However, Maarten Offinga, Mayor of Hardenberg, sounded the alarm with the state secretary…
Peter Rodrigues in NRC on treatment of Ukrainian and other refugees
Ukrainian refugees are being allowed to work in the Netherlands straight away. So Why do other refugees sometimes have to wait years before they can work?
Mariana Gkliati organises PhD Masterclass with UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions
Mariana Gkliati co-organised and chaired on 14 September a PhD Masterclass with the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Agnès Callamard.
Marianne Gkliati interviewed by the New Humanitarian
Mariana was recently interviewed by the New Humanitarian about data protection issues regarding the involvement of Frontex in Niger.
‘Limit migrants’ responsibility for voluntary return to their country of origin’
The EU Return Directive gives migrants residing unlawfully in the European Union the option to leave voluntarily. This is to avoid detention and forced expulsion. But the directive is too vague and can lead to unfair procedures and even human rights violations, PhD candidate Christian Mommers conclu…
Age determination in young asylum seekers under discussion
The way age is determined by the IND is being questioned as a result of several court rulings. The problem is that it is difficult to determine whether a young asylum seeker is just over or under the age of 18. So far there is no suitable way to determine exactly how old someone is, Mark Klaassen, associate…
Fierce criticism for BBB's call to return Ukrainian refugees
A controversial comment made by Mona Keijzer of the Dutch BBB party (Farmer-Citizen Movement) calling for the return of Ukrainian refugees and Ukrainian conscription-age men to safe areas of Ukraine has sparked fierce criticism. Mark Klaassen, Associate Professor of Immigration Law and a member of the…
Meloni’s migration plan contrary to international law
Italy recently struck a deal with Albania to accommodate thousands of boat migrants in two reception centres in Albania. Is this not contrary to asylum law? Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor in immigration law comments in a Dutch RTL news article.
Guest lecture asylum lawyer Bart Toemen
As a lawyer, how can you contribute to ensuring that the best interests of the child play a greater role in immigration law? That question was the topic of asylum lawyer Bart Toemen's guest lecture in the course ‘Kind en migratie’ (child and migration), given in the master’s programme ‘Jeugdrecht’ (Child…
Successful Law and Society Conference in Mexico City for Moritz Jesse
Dr. Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor at the Europa Institute, presented his paper ‘Building Bridges or Erecting Walls? – The Application of Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination in Europe ‘ at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association.
International media: 'Collapse of Dutch Government Highlights Europe’s New Migration Politics’
The numbers of asylum seekers and the direct family members hoping to join them were not the problem, says Mark Klaassen. The stumbling block was the housing market. He says the asylum crisis is being used for electoral gain.
Peter Rodrigues speaker at national student congres on the refugee crises
During the four-day meeting (25-28 February) organised by AEGEE-Leiden Peter Rodrigues - Professor of Immigration Law -was invited to speak about the refugee crisis for 300 international students.
How feasible are the asylum measures announced by the new Dutch cabinet?
The new Dutch cabinet aims to reduce the number of asylum seeks coming to the Netherlands by introducing a number of asylum policy measures. Dr Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor of Immigration Law, discusses this in Dutch daily newspaper 'de Telegraaf'.
Migration policy in the spotlights
From 11 to 21 June 2019 eleven students took part on the Honours summer course Dilemma’s in het migratierecht (Dilemmas in migration law).
Peter Rodrigues ‘The boundaries for discrimination have shifted’
The judicial authorities are looking into the possibilities for prosecution for the slogans that were projected on the Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam on New Year’s Eve. Not an easy task, according to legal experts. When do we consider something to be ‘discrimination’?
Peter Rodrigues about the demands of municipalities when it comes to housing asylum seekers
Municipalities are becoming more and more selective when it comes to the nationality, age and sex of the asylum seekers they are willing to take in. This is the outcome of an investigation by Dutch newspaper NRC. And the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) agrees with the results.…
Mark Klaassen advocates for Effective Family Reunification Rights at Red Cross Event
Mark Klaassen presenter at the Reuniting Families: From Access to Integration event organized by the EU office of the Red Cross in Brussels.
The Dutch government wants to declare an asylum crisis, but what does that mean?
More people seeking asylum, overcrowded asylum accommodation and asylum procedures that take years because of a lack of capacity. The current government wants to declare an asylum crisis but what is that exactly and can they just do that?
Room to tighten legislation on family reunification?
In order to reduce the great flow of asylum seekers the Netherlands – and also other European countries – is faced with, the review of the entitlement to family reunification could be tightened. Under current legislation, refugees with a residence permit are – under certain conditions – eligible for…
Terugkeervergoeding Syrische vluchtelingen niet realistisch
The return payment of 900 euros for Syrian asylum seekers is a striking part of the Dutch policy to promote voluntary return. Mark Klaassen, university lecturer in immigration law, told RTL News he considers the scheme premature and points to the uncertainty about how safe Syria currently is.
Peter Rodrigues on reception of asylum seekers outside EU
Rodrigues was asked to comment on the intention of certain Dutch political parties to examine whether the Netherlands, together with Denmark, could accommodate asylum seekers outside the EU, possibly in Rwanda.
Back again: border controls in the Schengen area
Jorrit Rijpma responds in Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant to attention surrounding the reintroduction of border controls in the Schengen area.
Opvanglocaties voor asielzoekers in Albanië al maanden nagenoeg leeg
Meloni’s plan om asielzoekers in Albanië op te vangen blijkt door juridische complicaties niet haalbaar. Mark Klaassen, universitair docent migratierecht, bespreekt de kwestie in RTL nieuws.
Waar staat het Nederlandse asielbeleid nu en straks?
Landen proberen steeds strengere maatregelen te nemen om minder aantrekkelijk te worden voor asielzoekers. Mark Klaassen, universitair docent vreemdelingenrecht, noemt het Europese asielbeleid in de Volkskrant ‘een race naar beneden.’
Plan for which VVD is prepared to let Dutch government collapse, caused overburdening of judicial system and violation of children's rights in
The Dutch conservative VVD party plans to make the right to family reunification more difficult for people with temporary residence permits. In Germany, this restriction led to several lawsuits which were won by status holders. Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor in Migration Law, believes this is a…